Syuhrah's Blog

That reads, "We are all in the Gutter, But Some of Us are Looking At the STARS" a quote from the famous author Oscar Wilde.
Think about it.

//about me
The Pessimistic way:
This cant last Forever
The Opimistic Way:
Let makes this Last Forever

Taurus Clan .WOOOOOOOO.
Loves Friends and Family
Loves Smiling like this =D
Loves, Loves, Loves.
too much to LOVE
p.s: I DO LOVE MCR too!

Add me on MSN: syuhrah_49@hotmail.com

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Atikah Syarah
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Disco by Metro station Performed LIVE in Union Square subway

I think they a pretty good LIVE

brush image hostphotobucket designer !rock@blogskins

0732A Oceanus With missing people. Ohwells, too bad for them.
Sheryl, XT and Syuhh having their Um-brel-la Moment
School Makes you CRAZY!
Malay Classes are sooooo much FUNNN with Cikgu Hani!
Lydia and I got the "stars" shining for us!
Notice the Screen with our pictures too! =D
London pictures, EXCLUSIVE, YO!

Dinner At BeefEater. Fish And Chips. P.S: Amin's and Darren BDAY! Modern Version of Romeo and Juliet, extremely intriguing.
Khairul, Amin, Zhai and Syuhh. Guy Friends i Made. <3 Cool Telephone booths, check, cool mobile statue, check!
How did Cambridge get its name, Well, you had to go over the Cam River. Yes, and they are romantic "canoe" rides under it! The friend i grew closer to, Pei Bao and the good comical friend i made, Vanitha! Travelling is tiring stuff, we need YOGA to chill. At the Haworth YHA. The view from Haworth YHA of the valley of Haworth Streets of Haworth, plaace where the Brontes grew Skipton Kitchen with Joey, Afiqah and Syuhh Modern day inetrpretation of the Beatles The girls i made friends with! from the left, Pei bao, Vani, joey, Afiqah, Wen jia, Afiqah, syuhh, Rekha! The peaks we saw from the aeroplane. Lovely isnt it? The London eye, you could see Heathrow airport fromt he top, and it take one hour to go a revolution. How Romantic! that's suppose to our impersonation of Sherlock Holmes! HAHA Waiting For the bus in the freezong cold, btw, the place we were sitting on were wet, we were jsut too lazy to care! and too cold! LONDON YHA. one of our worst hostels... 12 ppl per room and we were stacked that way! A river in London, dont think its The Thames, but it could be! Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Spore should have red telephone booths, easily spotted, and very chic!
I think this was at stratford?
The Rotal Albert Hall, famously known! In London on Albert street. He was very popular King. The guard that never moved, except to march a little. but we were taking forever to take pics! HAHA. He jsut stood there. RAIN OR SHINE!
The famous 9 and 3/4! The platform in the movie Harry Potter!!! YES. I was happy to be here! The streets of Oxford are bustling with Life! Oxford would be my favourite city! That is the natural hot spring water in the Roman Bath behind us. Having latte at Costa Coffee~
Monday, June 30, 2008
If you let go, i'll let go tonight.

You want my mixtape to survive this horrendous period?

Control - Metro Station
Now that we're done - Metro Station
Making the band 4 - I want you exclusive (this will be tough to get)
Warwick avenue (Safa's tip) - Duffy
Oh! Gravity - Switchfoot
That's not my name - The Ting Tings
All we are - One Republic

I was just saying during our freedom (in advance) lunch with the girls, namely, Siew En, Melissa Maniam, Safarina, Nicole Tan and Myself, that i wasnt looking forward to the MTV Asia awards, but i just found something to be eggggcited about regarding the show! Jared Leto (Mr 30 secs to Mars) is hosting! A breath of fresh air i must say! But the nomination list is still disappointing. Where's Taufik Batisah? Im no big fan but credits due where credits are due, people!

Other news, Singfest's line-up is uberrrrr impressive. Im dying at the thought i cant go. There's Simple Plan, Jamie Scott and the Town, Alicia Keys, FOB oh my! I hope metro stations not coming. OR ELSEEEE.... self-explanatory isnt it?

Met Raji in the GO today. Talked about A-divs. I really hope IJ GIRLS/BOYS get to go to semis. AT LEAST. Then we can have a bus of INNOVIANS down! =D That'll be my secret wish though, now its not so secret but who reads this thing anyway? Trainings back on Wednesday.

I was trying to put econs paper out of my mind but since i have the luxury of time (ERR.. not exactly), I shall make it a quikie. It was OH-KAYYY. =S

Also, it my mum's birthday! the big 41! HAPPY BIRTHDAY. My bro and I got her this mango set with lotion and shower gel and perfume called delirium. SE-XAYYYY. HAHA. It has a really nice smell and i must say, the packaging just helped me make up my mind almost instantly. You guessed it! PINKKKKKK. thanks Safa and the girls for tagging along! Oh, love.

I found this qoute. I found it AMUSING. TREMENDOUSLY.
All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his. ~Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest, 1895

Besides that Spain won. Lemme post some pics, Lets go yahoo-ing shall we? I cant even find a single vid. Maybe its too soon? SIGH. Anyhow, all you need to know, liverpool's rookie and my favourite (and loveeee) Fernando Torres scored the one and only goal of the match. Quality player, always. okay, got it. =)

I saw a clip with the Euro song Can you hear me by Enrique Iglesias. I think i could add that to my mixtape too. Kinda fits the majestic event after all. Congratulations Xavi for being player of Euro 2008. And SPAIN, after 44 year, youve broken the duck! And you did it without me watching the game! AWESOME! Still, i wont miss a match come World cup at South Africa, promise. LOL. I just wish i could spend more time watching the Euro games. =(

hanna, till forever friends.
Sincerely yours, never again.

<3 Theres jsut something about that trace cyrus that makes you go hmmmm~

Friday, June 27, 2008
She dying on the dance floor

Its been so loooonnngg since i last blogged.

Prelims have been a wreck. I dunno what to make of it? I dont think there is even one paper that i can get a D. I jsut feel so bummed out that i didnt comeplete my essays fro history, econs case study 2 was tough, math was URGHHHH and that paper 2 was double URGHHHH and lit has its fiar share of doubts.

Other than that metro station has been a great comfort. Sometimes i feel sad when i listen to them and other times, i feel delighted. Ive still not found song of the year for me. HAHAH. I was thinking about Apologise from One Republic cos thats the song my beloved brother dances too and he looks so cute and i enjoy listening to the strings in that song too. But im thinking of giving it to Metro station for their song shake it. Oh whats the rush, its just closing into july! *whispers: A-levels! rolls eyes* Check out this song by metro station. I think its lyrics really made me think.

After the fall
We skipped class and I
I guess our heads needed a break
But our bodies stayed busy
I know that you still miss me

I give and you take it
Two summers spent wasted
Should we give up or save it
Will this make sense at all
After the fall
After the fall
We faded, I'm freezin
After the fall
We had it all
Now I'm barely breathin

Did you have to turn your back
When forever didn't last
Two years and six months
Have you even looked back once
Your body felt like summer
But we spent the fall apart
And we'd know by December
If the cold could remember

I give and you take it
Two summers spent wasted
Should we give up or save it
Will this make sense at all
After the fall
After the fall
We faded, I'm freezin
After the fall
We had it all
Now I'm barely breathin

I miss you
Is it still okay to say it
I miss you
I know that it's too late but
We'll all stay in to hide the seasons
Feel the same for different reasons
We lost the road but I prefer it
We're used to bein so discouraged

I give and you take it
Two summers spent wasted
Should we give up or save it
Will this make sense at all
After the fall
After the fall
We faded, I'm freezin
After the fall
We had it all
Now I'm barely breathin

I miss floorball. I cant wait for training to start. And A-divs to drain this awfully tired mind of mine. =(


Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Metro Station Makes Me Go ` i'll be OKAY.

I cant get over this song.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
its you and me, moving at the speed of light towards eternity

I swear im going to do my bloody econs essay after this. OKAYYYY, perhaps after lunch? Im so damn screwed. I was suppose to have consultation today with Ms wang on Q2 and Q5 of Macro tut, but bloody hell, i fogot and only remembered at 11.50+ while Amy macdonald's song was about to play on mteevee. I immediately jumped on the my computer and started looking for my incomeplete essay. And i decided to strat the whole essay again cos i tot the prev essay's intro was bs.

Sorry for my language, im jsut getting really anxious.

Floorball sint going too well for me too. I got into fourth line. Thats the last line. EURGHHHH. What the hell is wrong with me? Everybody i just fighting to get into the squad and i feel like im oing my ebst too, turning up for training and try to get that backhand right but im still not breaking into 2nd line. SO FRUSTRATED. I feel like im even at threat of not making it into the team final list. Coach is stressing me out real bad, and he doesnt even know it.

Other than that, ive been spending time with my fam and i love it. They are the best when it comes to taking of my mind of FB and studies. Tho' my dad keeps asking.

Prom venue and price changed. swisshotel? YUP. Cant wait for the end of the year somehow.

For ome reaosn i cant wait for school to strat and prelim 1 to be over. Cos ir ight now? i jsut wasnt to prepare for prelim 2 as dumb as that sounds.

Im jetting. Oprah's on. AND YESSSSSS, i'll do my bloody essay.

Feels like were on another level (ohh ahh)
Feels like our loves intertwine
We can be two rebels
Breakin the rules
Me and you
You and I
All you gotta do is watch me
Look what I can do with my feet, baby
Feel the beat inside

Chris Brown Forever

Friday, June 13, 2008
So bring on the Rain, and bring on the THUNDER.

dont listening to old songs just make you sentimental. I was in the mood to study yesterday, after returning home and watching hOURSSSS of teevee *smiley face* and studied till one. Did hist on Chine economic development. Im starting to likee this theme.

anyhow, i was jsut studying while plugged into my bro's music file since i used his phone (god knows where my MP3 is) and i found he has a few old rock songs, and i just stopped mapping the mind map for a few minutes to browse thorugh all his songs. And i felt this rush of the past.

I kept trying to remember how i found the band, why i loved it, and who was it most related to now. And i thought about secondary school. And how i wished i could go back and feel how i felt like before. The feelings seem so foreign. Maybe ive changed, not that emo girl anymore, but still, how can i forget the feeling of loving somebody. suddenly, all the crushes ive had seems to amount to nothing cos i never really loved. Okay, maybe once. Stupid khairul. HAH! im kidding. Sidewalks by Story of the year reminded me of OTH. Last train home reminded me of other opportunities. chris Daughtry Over you reminded of the ass. Now now im listening to Evan's Blue The Promises and the threat.

OH WELL. Ive to live in the present dont I? The past has carved me to be who i am, and im much stronger than the person i was. And im not gonna conform to what everyone else thinks cos i realise, all i need to be, is myself. Even if it means, i can look pretty very insane at times. uhhuh.

Oh BABE. GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT GUESS WHAT? My mum said she'll sponsor me for an overseas trip afetr the A's! We better study hard and then, we can go tripping tgt! finally, the great escape! =D

Gotta bath for im meeting ayuni and lela at adm 10.30 for mini comp at valhall. Stupid VJ freindly busted one of my "toe". Its still swollen!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
To spread love like violence

I just got a call from atassha about jerseys. =D I hope jerseys will be nice and fit well this year. PLUS, i got #9 which is the jersey number of my favourite soccer player. SAY FERNANDO TORRES. second is Lionel Messi *swoons* and thrid is David Villa. David Villa just scored the first hat-trick of Euro 08! WOOOOOWWW. Pool should buy him! LOL.

If ya'll are wondering why im not blogging much about Euro 08. The answer is simple: 1) Engalnd my favourite team (2nd is SPAIN), is not even in the competition. I refuse to elaborate. 2) Im not in the thick if the action! STUPID Starhub wanna make us pay to watch. WTHHH, of course wont pay larh. Like as if we're watching the whole thing. What if SPAIN doesnt even make it to quater-finals (touchwood)? GEEZ.

Anyway, NJ Friendly today. We lost by a goal. =( They are still slightly better than us altho we have improved. We still have to improve more if we are to get into Semi =) I for one did poorly (yet again!). Kept on using backhand and actually my backhand is getting stronger but its still OFFtarget. Coach said shit when i blew my shot. And he made growling sounds when i totally flop my free hit. SO DUMB CANNNN.

I was transfered to 3rd line in the 2nd period. And rested in the middle of 2nd period. Boohoo. But actually i didnt really mind cos i was playing too awfully and needed time to reflect. But in 3rd period i got sub-ed into 1st line. And played with Ci' En. Which i thorughly enjoyed cos Ci'En is indeed a talented player and the 1st line is WOW, really good communication. I managed to nab a rebound and put it into goal. so that my first goal in 3 matches since TJ.

anyhow, tmr is VJ and its a whole different ball game. I cant wait. I love floorball, but now, ive got to get down to studying. That means, ECONS ESSAYSSSS. LOL.

Save me!

Secret Crowds/ Angels and Airwaves

(If I had my own world)
(I'd build you an empire)

If I had my own world
I'd fill it with wealth and desire
The glorious past to admire
And voices of kids out walking,
Dogs, birds, planes, cleanest cars

If I had my own world
I'd love it for all that's inside it
There'd be no more wars, death or riots
There'd be no more police, packed-parking lots,
Guns, bombs sounding off,

Bridge: x2
If I had my own world
I'd build you an empire
From here to the far lands
To spread love like violence

Let me feel you, carry you higher
Watch your words spread hope like fire
Secret crowds rise up and gather
Hear your voices sing back louder

If I had my own world
I'd show you the life that's inside it
The way that it glows when you find it
The way it survives with its families,
Friends or its enemies

Let's make this a new world
I swear you can go if you want to
I know that you have that within you
Inventing the first clean and usable,
God's greatest miracle

Bridge: x2

Chorus: x4

Monday, June 9, 2008
Well bless your soul/ Youre a lonely soul

'Cause you wont let go, of anything you hold

Doesnt those lyrics jsut grab at you? Its taken from the new single by One Republic called Say (All I Need).

Im not gonna be here for long. I jsut wanted to blog. It seems this is all ive got to turn to for an escape from the work load, and to remain in denial somehow that im gonna be fine. That Prelim 1 is in 2 weeks, but i still have time.

And somehow, this one republic song says it all. About how your heart seems gone. Your passion for life perhaps? Im just stuck at this routine. Im not bitter about it but, theres got to be mroe to all this studying.

I cant wait for Friendlies to just wear down this feelings and keep me focused again.

"Say all I need, is the air I breathe, and a place, to rest my head
Say all I need, is the air I breathe, and a place, to rest my head"

Cheers people.

Saturday, June 7, 2008
If you believe me, i'll tell you everything

THIS IS SO NOT FAIR!!! It seems like ive been online for only 15 minutes but already im left with 15 minutes to blog?!?!?! That measn ive been here 45 minutes?? THATS JUST NOT FAIR! HOW CAN I BLOG EVERYTHING THATS BEEN HAPPENING FOR THE PAST WEEK IN 15 MINUTES?!?!?! hurrrrrr`

Ive been listening to old songs from old bands albums this lovely sunday morning. Saosin; Penelope, Something Corporate; I want to save you, The Rocket summer; What you hate, you make, Silverstein; My Heroine. I miss the times i could jsut chill out here, put my thoughts tgt and write really long entries for god-knows-who whilst listening to really great songs from really great bands.

So much has happenend and week 2 of the Holidays are over, my love. 2 more weeks till the much dread Prelim 1. I refuse to comment! =X

Anyhow, while everybody has been busy getting boyfriends, and watching movies, and oogling at Prince Caspian (I DONT think he is that GORG!), ive been going for Floorball camp, RJ Friendly, Studying (as much as i can, or so i think!), doing community work and resting this tired body of mine. =D

My week has been jam-packked with acticities, and i LOVE it.

You alr know about TJ Friendly, then it was FB camp on Friday. 9am at Grandstand with the girls and set off to Dance floor that will be our sleeping area that ngiht before jetting to Valhall for RJ Friendly.

Im so proud of IJ girls. We truly stand a chance in A-divs. Erase all doubts, and train hard. We can make it through. At the end of the 2 periods, the score was 4-4. NOT BAD AT ALL. And after substituting the 2 strongest line, the final score at the end of 3rd period 8-5. YEAHHHHHH. We lost, but it was so awesome, seeing even the 3rd and 4th line working damn hard. And i can truly walk out of the floor damn proud of IJ Girls. We worked hard for it and we totally can be satisfied. Next frindly, NJ and VJ on the same day. I really dont know if that a good idea but it doesnt seem too bad, does it?? HAHAHA.

Headed back to school for luch that ayuni's parents prepared. thank you for the food and i hope youre parents will be okay yeah. The girls definitely appreciated it, so no worries. =) We jsut gulped down our food in a matter of minutes larh since we were so hungry. It was 3++ larh, late lunch what did you expect?!

After that had screening of our matches. HAHA. That was a funny experience and yet, it was insightful. We were all jsut lying down and watching the clip. SO FUNNN. Siti and I were laughing tgt like man. HAHA.

then we had training. Well, our camp jsut revolved around training, 2.8k runnin at 6 in the morning and bonding. It was jsut great fun. I love my FB mates, and you know the icing on this (banana chocolate) cake? I made the cut for IJ 16 people team 08! Im so blessed to be part of an amazing team and to experience this with all of the girls. I want to say thank you specifically to Ayuni and Lela for being such a great teammates who never fail to encourage me to be a better payer, advice and still make time to be such great freinds that never fail to stand by my side! To siti, for all the laughs and for understanding how i feel about FB and studdying, cant wait to be in mini comp with YOU. And Aza and Ci'en for coordinating such a FUNNNNNNN camp and being lovely supportive captains. You truly deserve a pat on the back for being leaders of this team. To the rest of the girls i bonded with, thanks for coming down because turning up is already 80% of wiining the whole battle. Thanks for the love and effort.

We were all too tired for team lunch and ended up just eating the leftover banana choc cake from Joelle's mum. Delicioso! =D Also, yesterday, was going to be the last day in which we were going to see Leonart! YUP, he is going back to Hamburg, GEr and im so sad that i wont be able to see him play for our Boys. =( But, i wish him a safe plane ride home and i hope he will remember us somehow, even if its just through a picture on a cup! =D

I made it in time for family lunch, as usual, mum cooks great and we had steamed fish and prawn and sawi (is that lettuce in english??). And then, i just dozed off! OH MY! till 4. HEHHH. I know larh, i have a lot to catch up with. HAHH. =X But after that, i caught up with some work, did Maclaurin and today, gonna do Integration today.

Did i mention i brought home the Goalie helmet? LOL. Look, what my dad did!

The next floorball player in the family, i predict! HAHAH.

also, this week, we did community work at chen Su Lan Methodist's children home. Here are the pictures!

I miss my girls so much, not to mention the literally far LydMak. LOL. She should be back any day now. =) Cant wait for her call. And wow, 10 days of NO M talk! HAHAH. KIDDING, Lyd!


im running late according to my schedule, i should be doing Lit now, and i haven even bathed! OH GOSHH. See ya! For more pics girls, please IM me and i send via Sharing Folder kay. So much easier.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008
If you dont dream big

I have to learn to put the team first and not always my feelings. Im such a booboo sometimes. And i get disappointed easily. I shouldnt put myself down like that. The girls won over TJC yesterday. And yes, im so proud of us. But of course im disappointed with my performance still. Its improving but its still insufficient. I know TJC will train hard now and when it come around to A-divs, they'll be a more prepared team. Anyhow, why wasnt i pleased with my performance? 3 or 4 shots with none going into the goal. HOW SAD. 2 were close but i hit the goalie and was abut to take rebounder when ref blew the whistle. DAMN. And the most horrid part? I was substituted in the third period! I honestly felt like crying. But i didnt want to be sour grapes, after all 22 people turned up for the match so i coach was jsut giving everyone a share. And i deserve it too for not scoring when i could. =(

At least i got into the right positions and helped Farhana score. I badly want to score. RJ match next. Im going to do better. The only way from here is UP. And i mean this for the whole IJ Girls team. We can only improve and get better towards A-divs. SO DONT GIVE UP. Even with a scoreline as bad as 16-0. =X LOL. Dont ask me how that happened. Im shaken up but.... HEY, tmr is a brand new day. Anything can happen, and anything WILL happen.

I need to do 3 chaps of math now. Cos i wasnt doing math for 3 straight day including today. DAMN. Wish me luck! HAHA.

so reach out for something more

Monday, June 2, 2008
Just for tonight; seems like we won this.


Dont you think friends are just such wonderful beings human beings(GOSH, the works of Mr Chow)?. Dont you think that team spirit is just inspirational? Dont you think the night is the best part of the day?

Yesterday, we had training at Valhall. 4-6pm. And training was so good! Then, i wouldnt have thought that perspiring was good but NOW, its like, the more you do perspire, the better! It was so humid and the fans were like moving so slowly, you could barely feel it! WHAT the heck are fans for then? We hardly play a match cos Aza wanted us to play half-court and strict defending attacking and the J1 since they missed a week of training due to Summer Tests, knew nutss about the words "half-court" and how to defend. so there was a lot of explaining and little play. =( I jsut realised that im really bad with half court goals so i need more practice with that. also, my turning around defenders is pretty bad! =X okay, REALLY bad!

Before training, studies with Ilham at the lib, and Raji came along afters. It was an alright study session because i wasnt talking but i starting losing focus about an hour before i head to meet Ayuni because the place was freezing. So i jsut photocopied notes from Ilham.

Next, met ayuni and Lela for lunch at banquet before heading to Valhall. We were late to the busstop so they left w/o us, an we made our own way there. =D

Coach wasnt there but it was still a pretty tiring training. Did suicide and OMG, i feel on my BUMMM! OUCH! Yeah, we had to jog backwards and somehow, i jsut fell! *whispers: KLUTZ*

Then, after training, bathed and went out to eat with Aza, Ayuni and Lela, at City hall Sakura. =) It was a lovely dinner with all of us, eating and talking and jsut chilling us tgt. Then we took the "bounce-back" train back home. While at the LOOOOONNNNGGGG stop, Lela was taking pictures of us and all. MAYBE, i'll get the pics.

These are pics from Seoul Garden after the Friendly we won! We should take more picstures girls!

i'll just do the quiz next time. =D

So much more to say
So much to be done
Don't you trick me now
We shall overcome
So all that's left is praying

Gavin Rossdale-Love Remains The Same