Syuhrah's Blog

That reads, "We are all in the Gutter, But Some of Us are Looking At the STARS" a quote from the famous author Oscar Wilde.
Think about it.

//about me
The Pessimistic way:
This cant last Forever
The Opimistic Way:
Let makes this Last Forever

Taurus Clan .WOOOOOOOO.
Loves Friends and Family
Loves Smiling like this =D
Loves, Loves, Loves.
too much to LOVE
p.s: I DO LOVE MCR too!

Add me on MSN: syuhrah_49@hotmail.com

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Mun Ling <3
James Goh aka Iceman =p
Atikah Syarah
Victoria A. Fernandez
Nurul Syaza*
Sheryl Goh
Yi Ying
Nadiah aka Dhea
Xue Ting <3
Nicole Tay
Zhi Xiang

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Disco by Metro station Performed LIVE in Union Square subway

I think they a pretty good LIVE

brush image hostphotobucket designer !rock@blogskins

0732A Oceanus With missing people. Ohwells, too bad for them.
Sheryl, XT and Syuhh having their Um-brel-la Moment
School Makes you CRAZY!
Malay Classes are sooooo much FUNNN with Cikgu Hani!
Lydia and I got the "stars" shining for us!
Notice the Screen with our pictures too! =D
London pictures, EXCLUSIVE, YO!

Dinner At BeefEater. Fish And Chips. P.S: Amin's and Darren BDAY! Modern Version of Romeo and Juliet, extremely intriguing.
Khairul, Amin, Zhai and Syuhh. Guy Friends i Made. <3 Cool Telephone booths, check, cool mobile statue, check!
How did Cambridge get its name, Well, you had to go over the Cam River. Yes, and they are romantic "canoe" rides under it! The friend i grew closer to, Pei Bao and the good comical friend i made, Vanitha! Travelling is tiring stuff, we need YOGA to chill. At the Haworth YHA. The view from Haworth YHA of the valley of Haworth Streets of Haworth, plaace where the Brontes grew Skipton Kitchen with Joey, Afiqah and Syuhh Modern day inetrpretation of the Beatles The girls i made friends with! from the left, Pei bao, Vani, joey, Afiqah, Wen jia, Afiqah, syuhh, Rekha! The peaks we saw from the aeroplane. Lovely isnt it? The London eye, you could see Heathrow airport fromt he top, and it take one hour to go a revolution. How Romantic! that's suppose to our impersonation of Sherlock Holmes! HAHA Waiting For the bus in the freezong cold, btw, the place we were sitting on were wet, we were jsut too lazy to care! and too cold! LONDON YHA. one of our worst hostels... 12 ppl per room and we were stacked that way! A river in London, dont think its The Thames, but it could be! Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Spore should have red telephone booths, easily spotted, and very chic!
I think this was at stratford?
The Rotal Albert Hall, famously known! In London on Albert street. He was very popular King. The guard that never moved, except to march a little. but we were taking forever to take pics! HAHA. He jsut stood there. RAIN OR SHINE!
The famous 9 and 3/4! The platform in the movie Harry Potter!!! YES. I was happy to be here! The streets of Oxford are bustling with Life! Oxford would be my favourite city! That is the natural hot spring water in the Roman Bath behind us. Having latte at Costa Coffee~
Friday, December 28, 2007
Double standards??

School was good. The literature drama workshop was fun.. im really thankful they didnt make it so boring cos i mean, it is the holidays, so yesterday was spent mainly on going through the different scenes. And ML and I were came in like 9.30? We had grab and go Macs breakfast! HAHA. But our instructor Stanley was really nice and he totally let us off - and its not the last time! HAHA =P

Since we were late, the two of us plus Angie and Nasri had to do role playing. i was a policewoman and ML was thief! HEHEHE. It was "fun" in a kiddish way.

Today, we ate at Kopi alley. EHHH.. quite cool eh the place but the person serving us must be having a bad morning man! HAH. Anyway, we reached school like 9.09. A BIG IMPROVEMENT! we had to put on a drama on he book Duchess of Malfi. i ended up playing Bosola. oh gosh.. with the white hair and bending and evil thing going onnn... LOL. LYDIA... PICS!! it was so funnn... and we made new friends too, though i dont quite know their names! =X

Anywya, after that, ML and I went to CWP to chill. We bought I am Legend tickets (yes, im watching it again) and went to Mac to share a Mcnugget meal. =D And so.. afters we were off to the movies.

Guess what.. My rbother got the electric guitar he justttt asked my mum for. HRURHHHH. dont even ask me what i think.. i jsut feel like a selfish bitch tho i have no right to feel that way!

PS: i want The Used DVD, any kind souls???? PLEASE!

We are his legacy.
He is Legend.
Light up the darkness.

Sunday, December 23, 2007
lack of updates

im sorry for the lack of updates.

I seem to be getting more more frustrated at the thought of school beginning

not to mention this UNbearable pimple on my noce like smacked right in the middle. OH THE HORROR. im turly living a girl's worse nightmare. i refuse to get out of the house! =((((( And my mum is suppose to birng us shopping for school supplies tmr and tues! OMGOSSSSHHHHH. What a disaster.

ANYHOWWWWWW... my cousins jsut spent a day sleeping over and i miss them and my grandma alr. they left this afternn thanks to tuition! =X Anyway, my cousins are all growing up!! =( OHHHH. Well, the girl Airin whos entering pri 4 says no more dolss after thiss year and this year, she even opted for a NO disney character bag? oh how fast your childhood endsss.. well, i guess we all still have our inner kidd. Well, i do! HAHAH. *whispers: Not surprisingly!*

I tried doing some math today, lets just say, i have to try agian tmr. YIKES.

Im so bored, and its 11.56pm. i jsut watched Xmen 2 of Star movies. I love the X-Men trilogy. i practically go GAGA over it!

SIGHHHH. i hope i dont get over paranoid about school. I mean, ive been thorugh it for over 10 years, and im doing fiine, not going retarded... YET. mmm.... time to ponder. LOL.

Friday, December 21, 2007
This is Who We Are

i know this is a little too late, and youre long gone, but remembering shouldnt have to end right?

The guitarist to Hawthorne Heights passed away, weeks ago. I couldnt really think of a proper song to dedicate to him but i know now.

This is Who We Are by his very own band.

I miss Hawthorne Heights, i hope their whole mess with the record label clears up so they can put up an album and we can all hear new material once again.

May you rest in peace, Calvert.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
My Fears are Reality

Im kinda bummed out now.

Listening to: Heartbreaker/Will.I.Am
Oh how i love this song.

Well, i did the brainstorm of one of my 2 essays, screwed to get 5 points to make 1500 words even possible. I still have one more essay then, i need to type it out in proper sentences and send it to Mr Mahmood by tomorrow. Screwed can?! =(

Today is Hari Raya Haji. And yesterday, we had a kekah for my youngest brother Qim at Wak Tanjong Mosque. It was a very -- experience. I dont know how to fill that blank. Well, we got back at 11.30pm and i stayed up till 2am watching teevee and then woke up at 3.50 to watch the POOL game.

WE FREAKIN LOST. i refuse to say anything. its shameful, rediculous.

Well, the morning was lovely. it was raining, i was so tired, i missed prayer. i feel so bad! =( I never missed aidiladha prayer since i started doing it man. It was a like a family thing.

My mum is busy cooking at the kitchen, im hopeless when it comes to kitchen work, so she obviously doesnt need my help there. LOL.

I should get strated on history right? i know. I jsut feel too lazy to strat what with the weather and all. Seriously, man.

Walking thorugh the Singapore Immigration, i knew all these school work is just gonna tumble on me till my back is agianst the work, now, i jsut have to work through it. I guess im scared. But so is everyone right? we have slightly more than a week before school starts. Somehow, i just want it to come so i can jsut adapt to it asap. this whole, waiting for something to happen, it just makes me more restless. 2007 is coming to a end. I have no regrets, as cliche as that sounds. 2008 cant be that bad, now can it? New goals, new bag, new lecture booklets, some new teachers?? A brand new start.

Suddenly, all i want is to be in a corner and think to myself.

im ready, im ready, im ready, im NOT ready.

Wont you walk through this with me?

Maybe we're trying
Trying too hard
Maybe we're torn apart
Maybe the timing
Is beating our hearts
We're empty

Monday, December 17, 2007
The Grass is NOT always Greener on the Other Side

Well, if you still dont know, im back from england =)

If you can infer, then you'll know that i did miss my sunny island Singapore. Well, mostly its the food. THEY FREAKIN DO NOT HAVE CHILLI SAUCE THERE!!! How is that even possible??? they are definately deprived! =( thank goodness some of my fellow trip-ersss, brought chilli sauce, that includes, Zul (Casanova), Vanitha (Mrs Left) and Sue ( =) smile bugger). LOL. So i wasnt totally deprived of all things good and spicy BUT! i totally miss chicken and beef! =( We actually missed an opporunity of eating kebabs at Bath. Having my first bite of chicken on my return flight, was absolutely heavenly! =D All the malays were just like, "I cannot wait to eat Chicken" whilst we were on the last day. HAHAHA.

But england wasnt all that bad.. Let me get into details.

The country once, one of the leading powers in the world, do not seem to have such a stature anymore. Sadly, many of their citizens, seem to not have pride in their country of them. Especially with the EU's pressure to make England just like many other European countries. Fortunately, England is still able to keep some sense of its individuality. For example using Sterling pounds instead of Euros.

But nevertheless, this country gave me an insight to the other side of the world. The different buildings structure, the inspiration poets and dramatists had, their culture, their way of life.

I shall not go into details of how each city was like, but in summary, the people there are indeed very freindly. For example, its a wonder, how our guides could withstand the cold, and yet have a smile upon their face and tell us stories of the places. And oh, how they dress! Particularly in London. They are so use to the cold they can wear tights and minis and maybe a layer of shirt then a jacket (UNBUTTONED!) while we had 3-4 layers to wear and still were feeling the cold! YELPS! LOL.

About the buildings, they are different from Singapore (DUH). Well, back then, they had thatch roofs, like straw room, and these were good cos it kept the warmth in and the roofs were steep because it had to quickly run off the water so it wont sep into the house. However, after the great fire in London, thatch roofs were BANNED. so thats why they have tiled roofs now. But, like Shakespeare's Globe theatre, some buildings were able to keep their thatched roofs.

Speaking about the Globe theatre, its is great i tell you. Can you jsut imagine, once, shakespeare would come and conduct his plays here. Its amazing.

Of course, when i talk about inspiration, i meant, the places the poets grew up in. For Shakespeare, in Stratford. Stratford was nice, and we had a hotel there too, which is a good change! =) Anyhow, all the coach rides,, instead of studying, like what i had planned, i was either sleeping or looking out at the scenaries outside. Their green pastures stretched out just like the sea when youre in the shore. You just cant see the end. And there were sheeps, cows lovely, love meadows. Picture perfect scenes! Sometimes, when it was dark (after 4.30), and i would look up at the sky, i would wonder, if MumDad were looking up at the very same skies. Of course, technically its impossible cos, my MumDad would be asleep cos it would be 0030h in the morning in Singapore! HAH! you can tell i missed my family, but i wasnt really homesick, after all, i do lovee ENGLAND!

Their culture... hmmm.. they put their trays away after eating at the fast food restaurants, they expect their tables to be clean when they want to be seated on it, so the previous user must also ensure that the tables are cleaned. Also, they stand on the right of the elvators while the left is for the poeple who are walking up the elevator. there were a few times i forgot, and PeiBao will be like "err.. syuhrah, you have to stand on the right." MY BADDDD! HAHA.

So, now about the people who i learnt to call my friends. Most of us were pretty new to Europe. So, we were all excited. I met new freinds both J1 and J2. I absolutely admire Cassandra, the then house captain of Sagitarius. Shes always so positive and animated. And she gave tips on how to do revision and the various way she revised. Im so thankful. Then form the J1s, i made freinds, with 2 Afiqah, Wen Jia, Joey, Charles, Kevin, Vanitha, Rekha. OHHHHHH, hostel life rockss man! We'd all be crashing each other rooms. Usually for me, i'd crash Sue's and Esther's room. And, smetimes, PeiBao's room when we got separated. And sometimes, Vani's and Rekha's room and of course the 2 Afiqahs. SOOOO MUCCCCHHHH FUNNNN CANNNNN! =D We'd be eating spicy instant noodles and maybe watchteevee at the lounge rooms, soemtimes, trying to create poems (which were our "homwork") or playing taiti and BLUFF! I learnt to play Taiti with Khairul's help! YEY. And i got to talk to Amin a little too on our flight back. Hmm... Some of them, above 18 were also drinking once the teachers left us be. =X It was a little scary cos, some of them would have red faces after drinking. Pedro seriously looked drunk one night. I was jst afraid of being puked on. Pedro is King of Taiti please! HAHA. He kicks ass all the time! Oh, they played Taiti so much, that they created Taiti Magistrate. LOL. And supposedly, Amin, Zul, Khairul and Charles, Cassandra and i think Pedro were part if it. And since, Esther came in later she had to "pay a sum of money to join!" HAHAH. Damn funny, and they even had an application form. HAHA, just kidding!

But, packing everything into your bag sure isnt easy and lugging it all over the place. And the more places you go, the more souvenirs you get, so, the more difficult it is to pack! HAHA. Not that i got a lot, thanks to how expensive the lfestyle is there. The cost of living there is 3 times it is living here! so, after a while, i just stopped multiplying everything by 3 course, if i did that, i wouldnt have bought ANYTHING. HAHA.

Well, you might be wondering why there are no pics, i brought, 2 memroy cards, and guess what? i lost one of them. Ive not told my dad, hes going to kill me. OMGOSSHHH. Like last night, was so nice and warm with the welcome i got from the family, then i realsied my memory card was missing! =( but i have the pics from Stratford onwards. So, i'll post them up soon.

Oh, the plane touched down, 10 minutes from 8. And by the time i got out to see my family waving at me... HAHA, it was 8.40pm. We got back home, my mum had ordered Pizza and before that, i was unpacking and giving out all the souvenirs. I think they were all pretty happy about it.

then, thanks to my fever, dad said it was form jet lag) i went to bed at 11.04 after popping Panadol, and slept for slightly over 12 hours cos i woke up 15 minutes to 12pm. The horror, but i counted it and realised it was 4 am England time, so maybe it was jsut my circadian rythm?

Well, i had a nice suprise when i woke up, cos my mum was cooking sambal prawn!!!!! oh, looooovvvvveeee. Did i say i missed England? HAHAH. I sms-ed dad and told him how i missed sambal prawn.. and voila, my mum cooked it for me! Oh, how nice. Unfortunately, my stomach was not not doing too good, still had no appetite, but i still ate, jsut not as much as i usually did. It was nice to wake up on my bed again.

Hey, its not always greener on the other side.

this was the poem i wrote on my second assigment. i have no title for it then, and i still dont now. So you can name it anything.

Orange form the street lamps
Red from the car headlights
Accompanied by the silence of the night,
and the never-ending streets.

Entering into the lives of
Shakespeare, the Brontes and the Romans
having an impact to this day
statues, memoirs, buildings, i saw.

For no country has astonished me this way
Every building has a story to tell
Every person has a light-hearted laughter
An opportunity, experiencing the life of
Shakespeare and the Brontes.

As i sit on this bulging luggage of mine
A piece of coal, postcards, gifts galore!
And the moment i step onto home
I'll be counting down the days
till im in England again.

Guess who's back??


Im back from England. Super tiredddd from all the flights. Totally energy-less and after this, im most probably going to sleep all this jet lag off and wake up and start on my long awaited history essays! =X


Well, England was fun. And i learnt more than i expected to =) Bronte sister, shakespeare how all these poets and writers lived.

And of course we visited their ever prestigious universities, like Oxford and York and looked about Cambridge. It cost 20 000 pounds to study in Cambridge, a year. And you have 3-4 years. Look at how prestigios it is?

We managed to meet a fantasy writer from Oxford and Dr John roe who teaches in York and specialises in Shakespeare and Machiavelli. Cool name right?

I think im sick and running a fever. I should rest and continue tmr. SORRY.

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Flying off

i cannot believe im flying off tmr.
Im getting butterflies =(
Lets jsut hope everything falls into place tmr.

You know, jsut when my nervousness about the lack of clothes vanished.. people started reminding me that London is this fab fashion place. URGH. now, i have to look fashionable! HAHA. Im so done for. LOL.

Well, yesterday, my fmaily celebrated my youngest brother's birthday in advanve soce i would be missing it. HE had a barney cake. And i was looong! And i dont like cream cake and all, but this cake was pretty good!

Well, the festivities wasnt all that smooth-sailing. Mum got a little pissed but that mine and dad's fault i guess. I didnt eat much but i enjoyed spending time with my aunties! =D I looove them. Many relatives gave me money and well wishes, wishing me a safe trip there. And it made me feel so scared of flying off. I dont want this is to be last time i see all my loved ones! =( Things happen, i know. Thats why i have to keep God with me at all times, during my journey and if He has greater plans for me, then, i will accept it.

Well, im going to London to learn, so i hope it will be a learning experience both in literature form and culturally.

Well, i feel like starbucks, i shall get a frappucino later. =D

Goodbye world. I'll be back in 17th. I'll miss blogging and Singapore.

Thank you to DadMa,for the time and money spent on this trip. I love my family, and i will miss everyone, and the noise, and the bickers, and the mocking. I will miss you guys so much more than you know. I hope God brings me back to you safely.

To Mun Ling, no last goodbyes, but thats okay. Better off that way maybe? I love you babe. dont miss me too much! HAH. Have fun at tuition!

Tomy aunts, you guys are sooo much fun to talk to. So friendly and nice. Thank you for making me feel so warm and giving me sooo much support.

To all my other relatives, thank you for the well-wishes, the money, the support. Thank you for coming yesterday.

I hope to see all of you again. Take care while im gone. <3

Saturday, December 1, 2007


I cannot believe im sick again! Ive been sick on and off this past month and its really making me miserable! =( i hate being sick cos my nose jsut kills me. Im kinda thinking like whats been making me sick and i think i know! Lack of vegetables! Its been lacking in my diet, seriously!

OH GOSHHHH. I better get well soon! Ive been sneezing a lot. And my dad said my nose is like Rudolph's. ERRRR... NOT GOOD! Ive jsut had one "proper" meal today. Instant noodles, tom Yam! OH GOSHHHH. Not healthy at all! =( My dad jsut called and scolded me for not taking my meds. Understandable since my trip is just 3 freaking days away and i cant afford to fall sick especially in the chilly winter! Wish me well, friends!

Well, lets change the subject. Today was the start of MTV's Top 100 songs of the year. And if im not mistaken, they stopped at #80 today. It was nice to see all the songs, but no rocks songs as of yet except maybe Everything we had by The Academy Is... Love that song!

Did i mention, im going to miss the Liverpool VS Manchester United match, which is on the 16th of Dec and i come home on the 17th! AHHHHHHHHHHH. Seriously! FREAKING OUT. Thats like match of the season, people. Maybe they have cable on Brunei Airlines. OMGOSHHHHH. Who am i kidding? =(

Well, you know me, Liverpool. I would never miss a match purposely right! Im still your 12th for that night. I will be cheering with my heart and soul on the airplane. And you shall win the game.


And anyway, i disagree to Ronaldo being Wolrd player of the year. He jsut won the EPL. KAKA won the UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE. So duhhhhh, KAKA should win! And then comes Ronaldo and the Cute as pink Lionel Messi. Dont you just love that Argentinian! So great with his moves, swift, quick and talented. AHHHHH, you take my breathe away, Lionel Messi! but Torres takes my heart away, so youre still 2nd ( or third, now that ive thought twice). HEHEHEH.

AH! this is an idea, why dont i give a list of my fave footballers! HAHAHAHAHA. Im so excited! Check this footballers out people, especially with Euro Cup coming so soon! Hurrah!

1) Fernando Torres (LIVERPOOL/SPAIN)

2) David Villa (VALENCIA/SPAIN)
Oh please transfer to Liverpool this January!

3) Lionel Messi (AC MILAN/ ARGENTINA)
thought of Anfield as the place to play?? We did beat you once, you know. Maybe thats too much to ask for! HEH.


5) Steven Gerrard (LIVERPOOL/ENGLAND)



8) David Beckham (LA GALAXY/ENGLAND)

9) Inzaghi (AC MILAN/i have no idea!)


As you can see, im biased towards Liverpool and Spain. HAHAH. Too bad now aint it? OKAY. I have a lot of respect for AC Milan players too as they gave Liverpool a great challenge during last year's UCL Finals, which we sadly lost, but do not forget, ISTANBUL night, people. NEVER FORGET THAT NIGHT. for that game is worth a place in soccer history. =D I love Liverpool, what can i say? Well, there are probably other great players, but the players ive choosen have that appeal factor too. Most are fathers already *ahem*. HEY, i like fatherly figures!


Okay guys, enough blogging. the Hills are waiting for me! SEE YOU!