Syuhrah's Blog

That reads, "We are all in the Gutter, But Some of Us are Looking At the STARS" a quote from the famous author Oscar Wilde.
Think about it.

//about me
The Pessimistic way:
This cant last Forever
The Opimistic Way:
Let makes this Last Forever

Taurus Clan .WOOOOOOOO.
Loves Friends and Family
Loves Smiling like this =D
Loves, Loves, Loves.
too much to LOVE
p.s: I DO LOVE MCR too!

Add me on MSN: syuhrah_49@hotmail.com

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Disco by Metro station Performed LIVE in Union Square subway

I think they a pretty good LIVE

brush image hostphotobucket designer !rock@blogskins

0732A Oceanus With missing people. Ohwells, too bad for them.
Sheryl, XT and Syuhh having their Um-brel-la Moment
School Makes you CRAZY!
Malay Classes are sooooo much FUNNN with Cikgu Hani!
Lydia and I got the "stars" shining for us!
Notice the Screen with our pictures too! =D
London pictures, EXCLUSIVE, YO!

Dinner At BeefEater. Fish And Chips. P.S: Amin's and Darren BDAY! Modern Version of Romeo and Juliet, extremely intriguing.
Khairul, Amin, Zhai and Syuhh. Guy Friends i Made. <3 Cool Telephone booths, check, cool mobile statue, check!
How did Cambridge get its name, Well, you had to go over the Cam River. Yes, and they are romantic "canoe" rides under it! The friend i grew closer to, Pei Bao and the good comical friend i made, Vanitha! Travelling is tiring stuff, we need YOGA to chill. At the Haworth YHA. The view from Haworth YHA of the valley of Haworth Streets of Haworth, plaace where the Brontes grew Skipton Kitchen with Joey, Afiqah and Syuhh Modern day inetrpretation of the Beatles The girls i made friends with! from the left, Pei bao, Vani, joey, Afiqah, Wen jia, Afiqah, syuhh, Rekha! The peaks we saw from the aeroplane. Lovely isnt it? The London eye, you could see Heathrow airport fromt he top, and it take one hour to go a revolution. How Romantic! that's suppose to our impersonation of Sherlock Holmes! HAHA Waiting For the bus in the freezong cold, btw, the place we were sitting on were wet, we were jsut too lazy to care! and too cold! LONDON YHA. one of our worst hostels... 12 ppl per room and we were stacked that way! A river in London, dont think its The Thames, but it could be! Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Spore should have red telephone booths, easily spotted, and very chic!
I think this was at stratford?
The Rotal Albert Hall, famously known! In London on Albert street. He was very popular King. The guard that never moved, except to march a little. but we were taking forever to take pics! HAHA. He jsut stood there. RAIN OR SHINE!
The famous 9 and 3/4! The platform in the movie Harry Potter!!! YES. I was happy to be here! The streets of Oxford are bustling with Life! Oxford would be my favourite city! That is the natural hot spring water in the Roman Bath behind us. Having latte at Costa Coffee~
Friday, November 30, 2007
Sleep deprived


Whats up Whats up!!

Today was a very tiring day. but satisfying, nonetheless.

It started with a 6.45am wake up call for trainng at 8am. I practically had to drag myself uot of bed. And "lucky" me, it was soccer night the night before so i still hadnt clocked my 8 hours of sleep per day. so i was really dead beat.

The weather was chilly with the wind and thankfully my dad sent me to school so it svaed me 45cents and time. I was among the two (beisdes Ayuni) to come early. everyone else came afters. What a pity, only 6 people came and coach wasnt present too.

Well, training atrted with 5 rounds aorund the track! And im proud to say ive not lost my ability to run too much. is till managed to clock 14 mins which is not bad i guess. Then we had the stations, which was a killer. At the end of it, my legs were a little bit jittery and i was hevaing a little.

then, Mis Lin came by and we started our drills in the Futsal. And ended off with a match. ayuni scarppedmy thumb's skin during the match, but thats okay! No pain No gain! =D I thught, ive improved quite a bit so, im quite satisfied with my form.

Howveer, i am still intimidated about challenges so i still have yet to build up my confidence.

Well, i'll be misisng out on the testi match this tues, which is a relieve cos well, im ot a big fan of matches as seen in the above paragraphs. And also the 10 Dec training. Sad, cos Coach should be back by then as thats after the Floorball tournament isnt it?

Well, after i got home, mum, dad, Qim, sis and I went to sheng shiong to get groceries and then it was off to cwp, in search of my waterproof shoes. they are so pretty i dont even want them to touch water. I really hope i dont spoil them even before school starts! =X they are nikes, iw nated Adidas, but the adidas shoes all had holes in them =( but nvm, lets just try nike for a year okay! HAHA.

Im all packed up... YEY. Tho i have a feeling, i wont be able to bring home enough souvenirs. =( I really wanna bring home LOTS AND LOTS of souvenirs. Well, my mum gave me 250pounds. Im happy cos shes spent a lot on my trip alr and im VERY thankfulShe got mad about the shoes actually but it was only because i took a loooonnnngggg time to decide what i wanted.

Well, thank you mum for making the effort to make my trip wonderful. I appreciate it. I will do my best to get you something nice and the family too! =D

Well, the night ended with me watching the repeat of newcastle VS Liverpool match. not bad not bad. we did went on this match even tho Torres missed like 74920289848940 number of shots. sadly!

Well, im o worn, i wanna turn in soon. Fahmie sent me this website to join this game. Omgoshhh... so adictive. I wanted them RUBIESSSS! =X hahah.

goodnight world.

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wasted time

hey people.

hmmm... im getting butterflies.
Yesterday, i tried to sleep before the LFC UCL match, and i couldnt quite sleep. i was tossing and turning for at least 45 mins! And i never have that problem. I usually get knocked out within 20 mins. hmmm... i guess i just had a lot of things on my mind!

Mostly, the UK trip! =( I keep thinking about WHAT IFS! How dumb is that? Like, What if i forgot to bring my passport. What if i freeze my butt off there? What if ive not enough clothes! What if i dont get to buy enough souvenirs! what it i dont have fun! WHAT IF WHAT IF WHAT IF!!!!


As you can see, im really nervous about the trip. Ive packed my stuff. Not everything! but, 3/4 of the stuff. And being the paranoid person that i am, my luggage is FULL. Thankfully theres still have space to breathe so hopefully, i can fit lots of small cute merchandise in there. =D

I wanted to bring 2 scarves, then i thought, i dont think thats necessary since im wearing tudong too. Then they wrote in the things-to-bring list that we should bring 8 tops. Are they CRAZY??? How the heck do you fit that in tgt with your thermals and sleeping clothes? I brought 4. And one thick woolen one to just wear over anything if it gets too cold.

I have no idea WHYYYY im telling you all this here. Im jsut nervous. OMGOSSSHHHH. =(

Well, anyway, lets just change the subject.

Went to the zoological garden yesterday with Family! Okay, yest was like Wreck Day. Cos everything was jsut not going right. It was like one thing after next kept popping up to make family time so unbearable. I was sulking all the way through my youngest bro's check up at KK. Then, mum was in a foul mood, then when we reached the zoo, syrup spilled and we had this trail of rose syrup following our footstep. SHEEEESSSHHHHKEBABBBBSSSS~

But after that, things started falling into place, and we slowly enjoyed ourselves. watching all the animals and all. im seventeen (going on 18) but i have to admit, the Zoo brings back good memories of primary school days when Zoo trips were always part of post-exams activities. And then, we enjoyed it cos we were with our frinds with our little backpacks with sandwiches our mums made, and keropok! HAHA. now, we learn to appreciate the zoo better when we visit it. Like, the animals itself. And you are also amazed at the majesty of some animals. All the signboards with the history of the animals, interest you and you also have more empathy.

Well, it was a fun trip as you can see. and i would like to reiterate. If i could zoo animals in my house, i would keep the elephant, the giraffe AND the panda. Recently, i fell in love with the sloth. AWWWWWWWWW. SLOTHS RULE! =D i should make it my life goal, "to hug a sloth and walk at least 10m with it around me" HAHAHAHA. Now, that would be sight!

Anyway, today, went out with mum to get all the other stuff for my trip like panadol. Im still afraid of freezing my butt there! =(( I hope it snows tho. Ive been watching the weather report in News 5 tonight recently, and yesterday, it the lowest temp in london was 4 DC. But worse still, it was raining! So, i hope to get good shoes this weekend.

it 4.44pm. HAHAHA. how cool. i intend to do math today! =D *whispers - FREAK*

Well, friday, saturday, sunday, monday and im off to London.

Im excited. Im excited. Im excited. HAHAHA. PB's my roomie! YEY!

Hmm.. oh yeah. how can i forget. Liverpool have lit their path to the UCL! YEYYYYYY. Okay, last night game was not really convincing, but i think we did really well, despite all the pressure. Torres ( = lovee) scored twice, one a wonderful header that started the game and another to break the deadlock. Wonderful! So, at half time, i was really upset that Pool gave away a win in the last few minuted of the 1st half. Never do that! so it was 1-1. I hate Lopez. No offence, dude. But, not to fear, torres to the rescue! and it was 2-1. then a penalty, 3-1 and to cap the night off wonderfully, Crouch made it 4-1. Wonderful.


Looks like it wasnt your night to qualify, Porto! And Marseille you little devil! for making us lose on home ground, you will get it from us at your home ground. We will chop suey you! KARATE CHOP! Okay, im sorry. Im jsut getting very excited for the next matchday of UCL. Cos if we win, which we will, we will qualify! Lets hope Basiktas can hold Porto to a draw at least, that way, Pool will top the GROUP. hurrah! Okay, i really hope Pool dont waste this opportunity. Die, Die must qualify. Or else, Benitez's head will be threatened with the chopper.

However, in my opnion, Benitez should not be changed. It doesnt mean, a change in coach will in turn lead to a change in results. Plus, our results in the domestic league isnt too bad either! We are scoring beyond the 1-0 margin. So, keep Benitez, as much as i dont quite fancy the rotation policy, maybe, he can prove us wrong here. Whatever it is, Benitez, dont be England's coach! =X

And Jose Murinho as England coach is also a bad idea. I dont knwo why exactly, but its jsut an instinct. ERRRR... sorry if that doesnt make sense!

OOOPPPSSS. its 5pm gotta start on my work!

CIOWZED! Love you. And ML, im missing you! "Are you back yet?"

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
simple plan in Spore

i missed the webchat on mtvasia.

i deserve to be smacked on the head.

dont yu know the difference between 7 and 9, syuhrah

now you cant see them hot guys "live".

You deserve a smack.

Indeed i do.

PLS PLS PLS quickly upload the webcast!!!!! =(

Im a desperate woman here!

Sunday, November 25, 2007
South Africa and its own Beauty

The holidays have changed my perspecives of a new week.

during school terms, i always looked at sundays as the 1st signs of dreading the oncoming week. Its like "WHATTTT??? another week of school??!! *$*#($*^(%)#*@#*" there goes the swearing. HAHA.

but now thats its the holidays, i love it Mondays, cos it means its the beginning of great(!) shows from 8 onwards. SIGHHHH. How i will miss this excitement come January. =X thou Shall not Speak of it.


Well, ive yet to read duchess of Malfi. HURRRR. And ive yet to do othe rmath revision. Seriosly people.

Well, looks like im not going out after all since ML sounds busy. i was looking forward to lunch, but nvm. Shes off to Bintan tmr. Who is going to motivate me to study now??? Im soooo doomedddd. =P I will miss you babe. I definately will. but have a blast okay. It will be long before you have a good holiday again. So dont be afraid to HAVE FUNNNN!

Well, yesterday, they did the draw for the FIFA world cup qualifiers. How exciting. Ermmm... Singpore is in in the same group as Lebanon and 2 other teams, but i didnt watch it for long, cos draws take forever. =/

Well, 2010 World cup is going to be held in South Africa. And of course, South Africa has been under some amount of scrutiny because of all the problems it is facing as a developing country but isnt that what the World Cup is for? to bring people together for a common cause?

Soccer is the common cause. And this is the platform that can help bring attention to the cause of the Africans. So instead of saying all the problems they have, see it as a challenge, and combat it, as people of the world, we are responsible for the circumstances others go through too. Open your eyes, South Africa is a wonderful place. I say, Give them a chance to take centrestage this time for good. Let them be proud for this is the sport that they helped spread to the world. The talents are from there, so why should we not celebrate that?

Of course, jsut like any cynic, i wasnt too pleased with the decision when they said 2010 World Cup is going to be held in S.Africa. I tot (no offence) disease stricken, widespread poverty etctec. But then yesterday, i thought again, isnt the World Cup about opportunities? thats why they have it in different continents for every tournament. Thats the beauty of it all, OPPORTUNITIES.

I love FIFA president's speech. I thought it was honest, and it hit the nail. It drove home the message behind S.Africa being host to 32 nations.

How i shall enjoy watching World CUp 2010. i can only imagine my life then.It all seems so surreal. in 3 years time, where would i be? Well, lets not get off topic here, S.Africa will do a great job as the host. They have my support.

Besides, this could what the Africans needs. A break to show themselves through what they do best and not thorugh all the negatives they are faced with everyday.

May 2010 World cup be the platform in which the people of the world, will unite without barriers jsut as it has been for all other World Cups.

REJOICE, for S.Africa!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

helloh! So, i finaly got batt for my camera. TADDAAAAA. more pics from bbq! Decipher for yourself and have fun!

Class Gathering '07~

As i put together all this pictures, im overwhelmed with emotions. Happy ones, all the jokes and fun we had that day. It seems so long ago, but i can remember the details of that day vividly. Who knew i would have such fun, loving friends in a year. Who knew i'd be someone outspoken. I learnt to laugh at myself, be myself. that i dont need to look glamourous or perfect (not that i look anywhere near that!) to be accepted.

Many take years to realise this. And they go searchinto deep into corners of the world to find the love i have here. i love everything about 07. And sure, there will be times i wished i could take back, but thats the wonderful thing about LIFE isnt it? You take what you get and you have to make the best out of it.

And 2008 will be another year of surprises. And i will embrace the bittersweet of 08. I know its going to be a challenging year, but thats life right? I will go thorugh one year of hell, and finally, thats the end of my strict study curriculum. Hoepfully after that, i'll be headed into NUS or NTU, and begin another chapter of my life there.

but lets take it a step at a time, get through Block tests in march and strat getting my C and D's, then work my way up to A's.

It all seems so figured out, when it is all FARRRRRR from being figured out.

Friday, November 23, 2007
time to burn

Im goign out with ML later, meeting at 2pm. I hope things work out cos i wanna spend time with her beofre she heads to Bintan, then i head to London.

We're going Borders, lets see what we can get there. SHEEESSSSHHHH. i have no money thanks to all the people borrowing money from me. i hope my mum gives me money.

Anyway, jsut to continue where i left off yesterday, went shopping with family for nice warm clothes, then, we went to eat at Delifrance for dinner. WEEEEEEEE. Lovely y'all! Something fancy for a change.

Well, my 2 brothers has lasagne, while i had spaghetti prawn. Nice, but i think more gravy would be better. and i also had hot chocolate! YEY!

Then, i shared with my dad a nice mango pudding and tried my mum's chocolate pudding. Delfrance was truly a worthy experience cos i was soooo full once i got out. My mum got some nice cookies home, and then, it was back home to study.

And i did a part of Lecture 7. like 1/3 of lect 7 before heading to MSN. HAHAHAH. im so bad with time management!

Well, i jsut relaised yesterday, that i got Mel's birthday worng! i tot it was 23rd when it was 21st! AHHHHHHHH! im so bad with birthdays its embarassing! Who gets birthdays mixed up? SHESSSSHHHH. Sorry, mel. =(

Well, ive time to burn. Im looking at blogskins now. AHHHHH. Maybe its time to change right? HAHA.

I hate short paragraphs but i cant help it this time.

Well, i better ciowzed.

OHHHH. my mum is going for this Barney thing with my little brother. HAHAH. at Suntec convention. LOL. That will be fun! =P

Love youuuuuuu.

10 more days to LONDON

have i explained my qualms vis-a-vis going to London?
In fact sometimes, i kinda freak out with the unpredictability of it all.
Im afraid i'll freze my butt off.
im afraid of being homesick.
im afraid that i wont have as much fun cos ML (BABE!) is not there and im afraid i cant fit in or something.
Im worried i cant buy enough stuff for my mum.
Im worried vegetarian food will be horried


But then, im still looking forward to it. I mean, its an experience right? i wont knwo if i dont keep my mind open.

Talking to ahmad. He says JAMIE KNWOS MY NAME. thats fairly embarassing.

Ermm.. Simple plans coming to town. AHHHHHHHHH. i heart you, SP. I will definately check out your performance on 98.7 and your webcast on MTVASIA.


Today went out with Family. Mum was not on shift, and dad was sick so he got and MC. and we went to masjid An-nur first then went CWP to get my turtlenecks. i didnt really get turtlenecks but somthg like that will do larh since i have scarves.

Im tlaking to ahmad about Europe. this guy never fails to entertain me. =)

Well, my mind is kinda cluttered. Ive not been able to write what i intended due to all the chatting happening.



Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Answer me McLaren

Why did inexperienced Carson start?
Why did you play Bridge in leftback?
Why was defenders assuming offside?



Of course any England fan and I cant solely place the failure of a Euro Final position on McLaren. there were of course many other factors, undeniably like how we had many injured players, including Terry and Ferdinand was suspended.



I had barely 4 hours of sleep to watch a match that crushed England's hopes of qualifying. My dear, as if, Israel's gift to us was not precious enough for you. It was a lifeline that you did not appreciate enough to get out at Wembley with a fighting spirit. Instead Croatia had their hands to our necks by the 14th minute leading by 2 goals already.

They played football. Engalnd just gave longballs. It was only after second half that you revived, with the addition of Beckham and Defoe. You didnt learn your lesson. Beckham is essential in an England side which is out to win. Our free kicks and corners, taken by Barry were not even half the quality of Beckham's. It was Beckham who gave a lovelylovely pass to Crouch who scored the equaliser. I could watch that smooth movement over&over again.

But, the defence had to go down again and Croatia scored to win the definitive match 2-3.

England lost at home. This has never happened in history. England has never lost away (2-0) and at home to the same competitors.

I would like to applause Croatia for playing beautifully. For playing Football. Joga Bonito. Everytime, croatia were at England's territory, i secretly hoped for them to score cos i wanted to see a quality shot. I wanted to see nice passing, flow and a swift goal. Something i barely got out of england's playing.

So congratulations Croatia. You were the deserving team of tonight's match, topping the group.

And to Russia who needed to beat andorra at home which they did 1-0.

Which leaves England 3rd in the table one point away from Russia thus failing to secure a position in the final 16 of the Euro Finals.

Well, frankly, even if england did make it miraculously, they wouldnt have deserved the place. They wouldnt have lasted the competition, so you know what, its good for the fans to feel the pain now then to be whacked, much to our embarassment, during the finals. Also why should a side with no quality be in the Finals? After all, Euro finals is prestigious and only some have the quality deserving of a position.

In addition, next year is A-levels so, that leaves me with one less distraction.

Thank you, McLaren for making it easier for me to not watch soccer.
Now its time for you to give your resignation or i really hope FA will remove you. Please do. Im sorry, but your time as a manager, was long overdued.

Spain made it, and Czech Rep so im looking forward to seeing this quality sides play.

Maybe, Croatia will surprise us all, by going far. They have the quality players so why not?


and England, its time for you to reflect. For your 12th man is deeply disappointed in you. We had the very same dream as you but you failed to deliver.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Listening to Jonas Brothers: SOS

Did i mention, one of the jonas Brothers tripped right before he began his performance during the AMAs. isnt that soooo funny? Okay, im not trying to be evil here, but even i would laugh at myself if i tripped in front of a whole load of people! HAHA.

Anyway, the vid for that song is alright.

Ive studied quite a bit today actually. =) And my back hurts quite a lot. Well, im jsut going to study a bit more after i eat dinner which is after this.

Then from ten onwards till 12++ its teevee time on Channel 5.



i deserve it you know. HAHA.

Maybe, thats what i'll miss the most once school starts. All the good shows on Channel 5. All the late nights jsut watching teevee and and crying for some crazy reason.

I watched Brothers&Sisters yesterday. WOW. I loove the show, man. I always tot it was boring until i missed Desperate Housewives yesterday and tot i'd give B&S a try.... I LOVE IT. it made me cry.

The shows is good cos its about family. And being a family oriented person, i can really feel for the mum. When her daughter said "then, stop punishing me." i was like "WAAAAAHHHHHH.....". Well, the mum lost her husband, and in this episode, realised he had a daughter she never met. And she always made her oldest daughter her punching bag when she got mad and thats why her daughter said "then, stop punishing me.". Isnt that true? You always make someone else your Punching bag.

For me, its My dad. When i get mad at my mum, i'll be rude to my dad. then i'll cry later cos i feel so wrong. He doesnt deserve it. Especially when he tries to warm my heart by saying "Are you mad at me?" All i want to do, is cry. cos i love him so much and he doesnt deserve this treatment. He doesnt deserve to be my punching bag. but, what can i say, daddy's girl right?

I love you, dad.

Well, on a happier note (for my parents anyway), they are out catching Beowulf w/o us pests... HAHA. I was like "Get me a souvenir" and he was like "You think we going to the museum huh?" LOL. Then my mum was like "We'll be seeing the movie for you" before she left the house. thanks, ma. =)

Well, its 7.10pm now.

Listening to The All-American Rejects: Dance inside.

I wanna do something other then math, man. I wanna do Econs, bnt i have no idea WHERE TO START. LIKE WHEREEEEE??????


Oh, i watched Oprah today. the one at 9am and 1pm. Oprah is amazing i tell you. Shes so funny yet educational. I watched the health quiz with Dr Oz today, its super good please. all the health advice about your diet and how much to eat and all the interesting stuff he brings on set. You better read about Omentum. Its really amazing.

Oh, and you can check if youve the right waist line. Take your height, convert it to inches. divide it by 2. then use the measuring tape, take the measurement from your belly to around your body. thats your waistline. I think if im not mistaken the best waistline is 32. Ive not measured mine. Oh, i forgot, you have to breathe in. Cos your omentum cant be hidden then, and that your true measurement.

And clear pee is a good sign. =D

and the fat at the belly is the most dangerous. the ones in the thigh, buttocks are okay.

And make sure you check your blood pressure. It could help slow down your ageing process.

And Alzheimer... i know what it is now.

Im so the dietician. Ive been cutting down my carbo, since i wanna drop to my 43 again. Im at 45 now. Errrr... long way to go, thats right.

Why cant studying be as fun as watching Oprah? They should make like "Oprah periods" in schools.

Well, im done here.

Listening to Boys like Girls: The Great Escape. I likeeeeee.... Martin. SIGHHHH. Lucky girl in the Hero/Heroine V2 video. HURH.

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Music And Lyricssss


I feel like my blog is dying due to the lack of updates but nothings going on. Thanks to the introvert me who doesnt fancy going out, im stuck watching teevee and my daily dose of music.

So today, i watched American Music Awards (AMA). I've always thought that the AMas were among the most boring music shows ever due to the lack of fanciness and well, rock music. But this year, was different and its much better that i expected.

Jimmy Kemmel was the host, he wasnt very funny as he was in the beginning with his soulja boy dance, but... he has done this 4 times so... PROPS.

i dont know if i missed any performance, but i saw Fergie's performance of Big Girls Dont Cry and i was impressed altho she wasnt spot on with her vocals, she wasnt too bad. But i have to say, Will.i.am's next single is going to be goooood. im not sure of the title though then came babylove by Nicole Shcerzinger but i didnt think it was not too impressive.

So Daughtry picked up 3 awrads, beating the likes of Linkin park (surprising) but nevertheless deserving cos i have to say, their album is good. =)

But, i think my favourite performance will ahve to be Chris Brown's f/ T-pain performance with Kiss Kiss. Dont you love the song? HAHA. I love it, and i love Chris Brown. One of my favourite hip hop/rnb artiste for sure. I thought that Rihanna f/ Ne-yo performance of Hate that i Love you was good. Rihanna was damn flirtatious but it made the song real so that was good stage presence. Alicia Keys did great too, she did a medley of Noone and her next single i think. Many in the crowd were up on their feet dancing to her performance. And she had some movesss too! IMPRESSIVE. HAHA.

Oh, Carrie Underwood's dress wasnt nice. =( it looked weird... but Kelly Pickler's black number was nice though maybe common in other award shows.

Well, you should check the AMAs out im sure there will be repeats so catch it, i think you'll have a good time.

Recently, i managed to catch the Europe Music Awards (EMAs) too!

EMAs are always fun compared to AMAs as Serj Tankian From System of a Down correctly pointed out. =D

Dave Grohl had his very own VIP corner with Taylor. And omgoshhh, he was like LOOSE, man. But he was very funny cos he got to talk to Nicole shcerzinger, Lewis Hamilton, will.i.am, MCR etc!! SO MUCH FUN.

did i mention Snoop Dogg hosted?!?!?! HAHA. That surely spells FUNNNNN.

Im biased so i hae to say MCR's performance of Teenager just blew me away and the best performance! HAHA. WHATTTTT....

Gerard Way had a new haircut and so does Mikey. And they were really spot on with the vocals. The cheerleaders with the gas masks were creative too plus the cofetti effect at the end, GREAT. lol.

Hmm... what other performances were there?

Oh, Avril's HOT. I thought it was okay. i dont like the song though. But, nvm. Im not an avril fan so yeah.

Listening to Colbie Caillat - Bubbly

Well, EMAs were great fun tho i dont think i saw the whole think cos i was busy laughing at the Office. I loveeee that stupid show.

Im seeing ML later at 2++pm. Shes studying now while im blogging. How wise, syuhrah.

I've been awake for a while now
You got me feeling like a child now
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tinglies in a silly place

Saturday, November 17, 2007
Before i die

Okay... im bored. Ive visitedd blogs, mtvoverdrive, played isketch, done some math maclaurins questions, tried 5 to be exact and done with looking through all the places im visiting in london (i think) so... IM BORED. LOL. Thus, i shall...

Do my list of what i want to do before i die or well, life's goals.


1) finish reading the holy book.
2) go to NUS. I love history, english and the mass media. So, i'll be venturing into either one. then, we'll seen for further studies. =P
3) Have a family by ermmm.. 30? but preferably 27.
4) Go for a concert/drama/musical. Ive been to see oliver twist but thats all! i want to go for a band concert. DEFINATELY.
5) Go to ANFIELD or STANLEY PARK, LIVERPOOL. Visit the stadium and watch a match LIVE. I wnat to do this with my dad especially. Cos he made me RED =)
5)Go watch Oprah in chicago.
6) Go back-trekking
7) Join amazing race. I know this is cheesy but seriously! HAHA.
8) Be financially stable that i can support my youngest sib for school and his dreams. I intend to get him a guitar when he grows older.
9) get my parents on a holiday, jsut the 2 of them.
10) visit Madam Tussauds' Wax museum. pardon, my spelling. if i cant meet ALL the celebrities, this is as real as it gets.
11) go to SPAIN with Munling
12) Have a lifelong friendship with Munling. remember our babysitting promise babe!
13) Go to Mecca. I believe, that if i fulfill this, than all the other goals, do not matter. this is most important.

Is that enough? HAHA. this has helped me keep focus. of course this is in the long run and if i screw up next year, i can wave goodbye to all these goals... but, i wont screw up next year. I want to achieve all of this.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
To build me up then tear me down

you always ruin everything.
the simplest days
the nicest words

i dont even know why i was so sorry yesterday.
Just when i thought you appreciated me.

whatever, ma.

im so sick of being disappointed by your actions.
Ive been fighting this battle since i was 10.

i hate you for making me smile then tearing me down.

next time, do me a favour, Dont bother.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Cherrioooossss people. Had a good day? I had a GREAT day. I spent it with friends, frineds, friends! YEY! Anyway...

The day started off with Floorball training supposedly to start at 8.40pm. BUT, thanks to our school gate that locks automatically at 8.00 or 8.30 we had to walk the LOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG way, all the way to the entrance. PHEW-yoooo! HAH, so me and shahirah, lela ayuni and later joined by nadiah, we trudging near the muddy fields, so near yet so far from school! =(

We saw Jamie, from outside. LOL. so we knew, we were a little late. Reached the grandstand by 9 and started doing dribbles and hits. And then, Jamie guided me on how to hit the ball. After joining FB for like 7 months or less, i still cant hit the ball. ahamd would be laughing till he tears, i tell you. Anyway, Jamie was really nice about it and just helped me with it. He even encouraged me. WOOOOOWWWW. HAHA. Oh yeah, he asked for my name. For those ou know the story, you'll know why its soooo embarassing.

But he pronounced it wrongly at first, it was like 3 syllabus. Syu-ri-ah. ERRRR... i didnt even bother to correct him cos i thought it was too rude. But, haha, my FB girls corrected him. LOL. Im so stoked he knows my name! =D

Then we did some fitness, PT style. but, i tot that it was rather fun! =) i enjoyed myself although, my heart was beating so fast, i was a little worried. LOL. but i ddi pretty well, except the part where you have to have good coordination, i always miss the last stick. URGHH. =P

Training ended, tho i tot that time went especially slow today.

Then, sat ard with FB-ers and reached home at 12.30am. Quickly called Safa to postpone our meeting. HAHAH. Typical teenagers.

Got ready, met Safa at 1.20 in the last cabin and met the girls at the MRT station. Went to Lot 1 to EAT.. and at first, we all wanted to get something light, but thank god, for Safa's idea to eat at Pizza Hut. He had 2 regular pizza Hawaiian and seafood and drumlets. =D Yumm-ilicious! HAHA. So we each had 2 slices of pizza and a drink of coke. which amounted to $55.45.

Unprepared shot... ERR... the timer, went off fatser than expected... as can be seen from my surprised face.

All ready to EATTT... WHERES THE FOOOOD?? =D

Then we were off to Ten mile Mall.

Me not listening to Mel's lecture on what we were going to get in sheng shiong =X Lydia was like, pic here pic there!

I didnt take any pics in SS cos we were all busy calculating ensuring that we didnt spend more than our budget. It was fun tho, iw as grouped up with Lydia and Nicole Tan. HAHAH. it was nice cos we like trying to pick the correct fishes, prawns and all. =D I looooveeee you girlsss!

So while the rest took Taxi back, me and nictan took LRT.

Me and NicTan rushing to get to her place to prepare the BBQ! Palms Garden.

Theres something wrong with my camera suddenly. SERIOUSLY. HURH. next time then.


Sunday, November 11, 2007
to blog or not to blog

im rrrreeeeeeeaaaaalllllllyyyyyyy boredddd.

So im trying to blog.

I think ive watched season 3 of Laguna beach, but then, im wacthing it AGAIN.

Im only looking forward to the BBQ tmr with the girls. Cos all the jerks guys are not coming! HAHAH. okay, all the guys but you get what im trying to say. So i hope i have fun tmr. And pictures.. i hope they keep rolling in. HAHAH.

Well, liverpool won again. thanks to Fernando Torres, i got 3 points and am griving up the prempredictor table. jsut 9 points from PalvinSingh. HAHAHA. Watch your back dude.

I think that is all. I cant wait for tmr. Oh, did i mention, i agreed to go for Floorball tmr. =X i have no idea what im thinking but, yeah.


Friday, November 9, 2007

Listening to Apologize makes me sad suddenly.

Reminds me of Grey's anaotomy episodes
And dear me, i missed Survivor China tonight! SHEESHHH.

anyway, im really into Grey's anatomy now. Im still trying to get the episode between Izzy's engagement, and her fiance's death. i know ive watched till the part she tried to save him by doing some illegitimised operation, then thanks to exams, i got cut short and the next time iw atched it, her fiance was dead. I didnt manage to see the most beautiful part in which she cried in her wonderful dress.


I love Grey's anatomy. I like the ending where Meredith narrates some the whole episode, where she talks abiut the moral or the meaning behind this episode. the mistakes and talks of the fear of the future. ANd her voice jsut grips you, catches your attention.

ahmad gave me a link but for some reason it cant work.


somebody help me before i suffer painfully. LOL

Im getting tired. its 11.45pm.

I hope my head doesnt throb tmr. =/

Goodnight world.

Thursday, November 8, 2007
Grey's Anatomy ETC ETC

All ive been doing for the past few days is watch teevee. play SIMS and go to internet to blog or watch vids.

I must be freaking out of my mind.


I should get started soon right? but im in this totaly holiday mood and this sucks. They say that once you get started you'll be motivated to continue, so maybe i should get strated.


I will. SOON.

Guess what im doing now?

Im looking at websites of places i'll be visiting in London. Everythings pretty much expensive but im thinking of souvenirs for my parents and all. I went to the Jane Austen Museum Gift Shop and they hae nice notebooks and such... i though of getting myself a 2008 diary but i bet innova will be goving us one so i might as well, not waste money on a planner.

but i did see some interesting stuff.

Ohwells, im checking our Shakespeare birthplace now.

I found out Sandrans not going to London with us. Thats so saddd! =( Im gonna miss his funny theatrics. I was k=lloking forward to jsut having him around to be all fun with. LOL.

Ive decided to bring the Guide and some of my history lecture notes for reading on the coach rides. That way, i can read and not fall asleep thus i can look outside and view the surroundings. Neat eh?

Im looking forward to the trip but im pretty worried too. Im very sure i'll be homesick by the 5th day. Ive never been away for soooo long with out my parents. AAAHHHHH. Im sure it'll be really nice to get back to Sinagpore aftter 11 days in London. Im worried baout being homesick, so hopefully the people there will be able to cheer me up and keep it fun so i wont think of home so much.

Will there be Wi-Fi there? I hope so. Im still thining if i shoudl bring my lappie. Cos, i wanna keep pics and email them to family. And even ML if shes cool with it. Im so afraid being the klutz that i am that i will "forget" it. LOL.

Well, im excited for it. SERIOSULY.
Cant wait to drop by MLs to get all the winter stuff.

Meanwhile, lemme read all these websites okay!

Ciowz-edD. Love you!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
All hail the REDS!

Thats the way to do it, REDS!
And i dont mean, the demolition.
i mean, the fire when you play. Keeping the tempo up and keeping the possession, taking your chances, smiling while you play. Thats the a winning team.
Thats the winning team's attitude, and REDS, you were the winning team on Wednesday morning.


I was a little sleepy towards the 2nd half but you totaly made watching the whole 2 hrs worth it. =D

So congrats and please keep it up agianst Fulham this weekend.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Your One Mistake

Ever made a mistake you wished you could take back?
Ever thought you heard a voice calling you but shrug off and say, "nahh.. cant be."
Ever forget to do something, and accidentally kill?

I was discussing these with Safarina at the interchange on the way to school.

I saw it on Oprah ermmm... last year? or was it a few minths ago? I miss Oprah. =/


Anyway, i woke up with a throbbing head, i hate my brother's bed. He really needs to get a new mattress!

Went to Mac at 9+ to meet the girls but apparently im not latest man. HAH. Bought food even though i had NO appetite cos i didnt want to starve in during history lect. Oh, we were talking about calories. Its most suitable to eat only 3000 calories right? Any food experts, please verify. Anyway, didnt finish my food =( and went off to school.

It was a very rainy day... so we took the bus 161 to school. and yes, we were late for history lect =P But guess what? History lect damn useless! cos its not about like, going through new notes or something, we recap-ed the lessons we had that year, and jsut went through from '08 stuff. But really. He was just saying about how our paper next year is most probably going to UNpredictable, thus, we are going to have a really horrible time doing the papers. And WHAT are our STRATEGIES for learning and revision. ERRRRR... seriously. SHEESH. Could have gone to have breakfast with ML and ahmad instead!

Silly Ahmad couldnt not decide where to eat thanks to his wisdom tooth and his healthy lifestyle. Hurrah for those of us who couldnt care less (we shall jsut pay our dues LATER =P)!

After that went CWP with Sher and Phil after forever of not talking to Phil. It felt really strange hanging out with him. Ermm... actually, we were so quiet. LOL. Like barely talked, but then, it got better. He wanted to see my mum who was coming down to buy toys for my baby bro.

So my mum came and guess who we met at CWP? Ridzuan my cousin. Its been like FOREVER since i last saw him. Im so glad hes okay. I mean, alhamdullilah, for god has taken care of him and his family. Hafizah is in the RI hostel. how great is that? I mean, we're not close, but after whats shes been thorugh, she deserves the best. after all, shes smart, she shouldnt let anything hinder her. I hope that things will work out soon for your family. Insyaallah.

Tomorrow is my bestfriend's birthday. Hairunnishah. I really hope i dont forget to wish her tonight! I always doooooo! *syuhrah gets boo-edd at!* LOL. Im really bad with birthdays.



I refuse to use your make believe name, unlike those people ard you, i love you for you ant nothing superficial, will ever stand in between our frendship. I hope you have a blessed birthday for you deserve it, girl! LOVE YOU! =D

I ahve religious class tonight, im looking forward to it, jsut hope i can still read fluently. =) Peace, and serenity, thats what i need. OHHHHH, and i miss my chatterboxSibelOndek. HAHAH.

Did i mention? SIMS hanged on me like 3 times and all 3 times, i didnt save the update, so the next time i play i have to start from where i started... do you know how mad that made me? I was like rich! HURH. i hate SIMS.

Okay, What else? or BBQ plans. YEY. they are underway. But you wnat to know the bump in the plan, the boys arent even interested to come. SIGHHH. I dont care anymore larh. Not all the boys but jsut those common ones. HURH. Seriously. NVM, we'll have fun without them. NO FRET.

Alrightey people. LOVE YOU. CIOWZ-EDD.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Im on MSN with AhmadAfzal right now. We were discussing about having breakfast tmr tgt with ML but ML has not replied me to give her confirmation. i think its cos shes studying.

I should be studying too.


HAHAH. i played Sims pets 2 on PS 2 for 3 hours today.
Im terrible.
I know.
Dont have to remind me.
Seriously, if this continues, im screwed.

I should be inspired by ML.


Ahmad just told me that he asked about me to his national floorball friend who happens to be my coach. OMGGGGGGOSHHHHHH. So embarassing. WTHHH is this guy thinking ah. LOL. and stop with this face, ahmad! -.- Evil guy.

I better stop blogging. i should be playing sims at 10pm, but ive barely touched tutorial. =X greaaaatttt. Motivate me, people.

Love ya! CIOWZED.

Saturday, November 3, 2007
My Old Friends

Old as in not Literally okay!

I just visited nures' blog. and it remended me of how i never hang out with Amy and Nures anymore. Im such an introvert!

I feel bad that i keep saying i wanna meet up with them, but i never do. I would appreciate even a lunch with these girls. But november seems so occupied.

Ive got to prepare for my London trip.
Ive ot to study.
Ive still got school
Oh yeah, training. Shit, that reminds me, tmr ive got training for a match on the 8th. WTHHHH. Im so bad in floorball, even i dunno what to say about that!

Okay. what i know is, we are definately going out with ahmad soon. next week to be exact, hopefully. AHHHHHH... i cant wait, tho i feel like a lamp post between ML and ahmad, cos they are like eraser buddies, okay, only our little corner in 4e2 knows about it. LOL.

i have 0732A outing tentatively the week after this coming week.

and what about ML? we should like have breakfast with Ahmad on tuesday morn, then after that, we leave for our shopping experience or movie while ahmad goes to school! YEAHHHH. What about that?

I really want to hang out Nures and Amy suddenly. those pics make me miss them alotalot.

Im such a horrible friend. =( somebody, has got to take care of my schedule on my behalf. Maybe, all i need are freinds to hang out and my fever will GOOOOO AWAYYYY! HAHA.

It isnt that boring, is it?

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS. it is. WTH is 0-0? Pool, WAKE UP LARH. WAKE UP. Let me be brutal here. Pool are not going to qualify for the Quarter finals of UEFA Champions League. Pool are gonna be soooooo lousy and BORING in their next 3 matches. thus, i am NOT going to watch the game against Basiktas this coming Tuesday. No way in hell, am i gonna wake up at 2++ till 5++ to watch a game that we are going to draw or worse, LOSE! WTHHHHHH?!?!?! @*%&@(%@^ Kuyt, you better do somthing about your composure in front of the goalpost, and Gerrard, you better have better communication with your players.

Torres, Xabi Alonso, Jamie Pennant I missssss youuuu. I miss having a great winger that can avoid losing the ball to defenders. I miss the great attacking midset of Xabi Alonso. and i miss torres' creativity of getting pass defenders, and taking his chances. Hell, take out hyypia, move riise to the centre, and put that guy whose name i cant remember right now. BUT NOT AURELIO pleasee! OHHHH, and freaking use Crouch can! WTHHHHH. suddenly i miss crouch too. Benitez is so evil to always sideline him.

After that disappointing draw at Ewood park, Blackburn, i shall not watch the Basiktas match. Why should i see it? HURH. Im so mad at Liverpool! but i still love them and support them, even tho i dont watch the match. =P

Anyway, did i mention that im sick? down with flu and fever. Should i still go swimming? im worried about my flu larh. LOL.

Catering duty was hell. but my mum gave me $20 buck for it, which i dont think is enough but money is money, right? im going get some from my Raya money and get that Charles&Keith sandals that i keep saying i want to buy but i never do. EHHHH, ML. buy with me?

Well, Im waiting for 1pm when i can eat my Meds again. I hate approaching the hour before i can take the Meds cos, my body goes into this crazy fit, where i think its cos the effectiveness of the Meds are diminishing.

DEar god, pleasepleaseplease make me better. Tmr theres school. =( i hate math. okayokay. i love math.... NOT.

Thursday, November 1, 2007
From here On...


Well, i got promoted. Only thanks to Moderation. I wasnt part of the 8, sadly. Im thinking now, and im worried for all the challenges ahead of me. I dont want to cry next year because i didnt do well. I wanna do well, and smile. So ive decided that i want to study hard. I WANT TO STUDY HARD and SMART. With Promotion comes unwritten conditions that we must fulfill.

1) Be consistent in your work. That means, CA, March Block Tests, Prelims... EVERYTHING.

2) Be positive and strong, Emotionally, Physically, Mentally. These are essential as they are your steping stones to success. Im not sure i can fulfill the emotional part, but i will try.

3) Get the grades you want. and if youre not getting them, TRY HARDER. Amd dont give up.

I know J2 will be soooo much tougher, tougher math topics, tougher schedule, tougher papers, toughertoughertougher. I wanna say im prepared for it, but then again, life has this thing about catching you off-guard. And you can never be completely ready when youre dealing with life and its surprises.

Im sad about My 3 lovely classmates that wont be joining us come 08. I could never prepare myself for Kannan retaining. NEVER.

So the next few paragraphs are for you my dear friends!


I gonna miss you GP-rep. Im gonna miss how you snigger and yet still are able to be nice to Kenneth. I like that youre such a good guy cos a you can witness, these are rare to find in our class! =D Well, im rather sad that didnt quite have the chance to bond you as much as the other guys but, it was a great opportunity to even know the splendid person that you are. I wish you all the best this yeah. Some people are late bloomers, youve jsut got to shut the negative out and concentrate on what YOU want and whats best for you. ALL THE BEST.


I love him soooo much cos he was my 3 months friend, and hes the funny sarcastic guy you just cant help but laugh at his theatrics, and he has this ability to make you smile with that one eyebrow up and wide grin thing. Hes damn charming! LOL. Another good guy gone. I smile whenever i think of all the good he has done to me. Like how he'd stick it Kenneth when Kenneth stuffed Wedges into his mouth in Front of Safa and I during fasting month. Or our casual talks when we are suppose to be studying instead. You little trouble maker also! HAHA. i miss you alr. Its okay Kannan, you have a lot of potential. So, you just grap hold of this second chance and do your best. kick ass for Mid-course 08! LOL. Please dont forget about us okay. HAng with us still. =) ALL THE BEST, Kannan!


Kenneth, kenneth, kenneth Neo. What can i say? Everybody hates you but, i dont. I still remember the times you were my listening ear when ML and I fought. I remember, how you reminded me "ignore boris and Philip" cos they are jsut joking around. Your obnoxious at times, but you and I are friends, definately. And i shall never forget that. Thanks for all the lame jokes dude. I appreciate you a lot. You have to study hard man! You are such a SLOB, and not studying at the best of your potential. You know what youre capable of, so you should drive towards to it and dont let things like PSP, hangin out with freinds, CLUBBING, be your distraction. Please dont waste this opportunity. Not many are given second chances, so go for it. ALL THES BEST!

Well, Im gonna miss these people. But i cant wait for class gathering. YOu 0732A must come okay! No excuses please! LOL. =D '08, here we come.

Do the stars gaze back, now thats the question

Thats a line from 'Stardust' the movie, in its Prelude.

Lovelylovely movie.
both comical and magical.
You just dont know what to expect in the movie, cos there are many twists and turns. Its so delightful to watch. I love how lovely Claire Danes looked and how she look so soft, and how Robert De Niro looked so funny as a cross-drsser. Definately my two favourite characters.