Syuhrah's Blog

That reads, "We are all in the Gutter, But Some of Us are Looking At the STARS" a quote from the famous author Oscar Wilde.
Think about it.

//about me
The Pessimistic way:
This cant last Forever
The Opimistic Way:
Let makes this Last Forever

Taurus Clan .WOOOOOOOO.
Loves Friends and Family
Loves Smiling like this =D
Loves, Loves, Loves.
too much to LOVE
p.s: I DO LOVE MCR too!

Add me on MSN: syuhrah_49@hotmail.com

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Mun Ling <3
James Goh aka Iceman =p
Atikah Syarah
Victoria A. Fernandez
Nurul Syaza*
Sheryl Goh
Yi Ying
Nadiah aka Dhea
Xue Ting <3
Nicole Tay
Zhi Xiang

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Disco by Metro station Performed LIVE in Union Square subway

I think they a pretty good LIVE

brush image hostphotobucket designer !rock@blogskins

0732A Oceanus With missing people. Ohwells, too bad for them.
Sheryl, XT and Syuhh having their Um-brel-la Moment
School Makes you CRAZY!
Malay Classes are sooooo much FUNNN with Cikgu Hani!
Lydia and I got the "stars" shining for us!
Notice the Screen with our pictures too! =D
London pictures, EXCLUSIVE, YO!

Dinner At BeefEater. Fish And Chips. P.S: Amin's and Darren BDAY! Modern Version of Romeo and Juliet, extremely intriguing.
Khairul, Amin, Zhai and Syuhh. Guy Friends i Made. <3 Cool Telephone booths, check, cool mobile statue, check!
How did Cambridge get its name, Well, you had to go over the Cam River. Yes, and they are romantic "canoe" rides under it! The friend i grew closer to, Pei Bao and the good comical friend i made, Vanitha! Travelling is tiring stuff, we need YOGA to chill. At the Haworth YHA. The view from Haworth YHA of the valley of Haworth Streets of Haworth, plaace where the Brontes grew Skipton Kitchen with Joey, Afiqah and Syuhh Modern day inetrpretation of the Beatles The girls i made friends with! from the left, Pei bao, Vani, joey, Afiqah, Wen jia, Afiqah, syuhh, Rekha! The peaks we saw from the aeroplane. Lovely isnt it? The London eye, you could see Heathrow airport fromt he top, and it take one hour to go a revolution. How Romantic! that's suppose to our impersonation of Sherlock Holmes! HAHA Waiting For the bus in the freezong cold, btw, the place we were sitting on were wet, we were jsut too lazy to care! and too cold! LONDON YHA. one of our worst hostels... 12 ppl per room and we were stacked that way! A river in London, dont think its The Thames, but it could be! Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Spore should have red telephone booths, easily spotted, and very chic!
I think this was at stratford?
The Rotal Albert Hall, famously known! In London on Albert street. He was very popular King. The guard that never moved, except to march a little. but we were taking forever to take pics! HAHA. He jsut stood there. RAIN OR SHINE!
The famous 9 and 3/4! The platform in the movie Harry Potter!!! YES. I was happy to be here! The streets of Oxford are bustling with Life! Oxford would be my favourite city! That is the natural hot spring water in the Roman Bath behind us. Having latte at Costa Coffee~
Friday, September 21, 2007
Missing Blogging


2nd entry of the day. So called anyway.

Hmmm.. just watched Eppy 6 of Season 3 of The Hills. And Eppy 5 of Life of Ryan. Or was that eppy 4??? Well, Whichever. I have no idea why i love this knd if shows. I think The American Lifestyle is pretty interesting, i guess.

Its totally different from like here. There go like to really lovely beaches to surf and all but we head to east coast and have BBQs.

They hug, naturally but i think we're still pretty much conservative?

They like to say "like" A LOT. And i really hope i dont pick that up cos it sounds so... for example " I like, went to the beach today, and like it was so nice. I like totally miss it when im away and its like the only place i miss. god, like this place is so Lovely." Yeah, like seriously. LOL.

Well, I dunno. nothings up. Tmr is open house. =( I dunno if im looking forward to it. SIGHHH. It'll eat like 3hrs of my day. and i could totally revise in the afternn instead. I ddint do much today. I stayed back for consultation for like 2 hours. and i went off to FB meeting. I was stuck doing Badges with some of the girls as i stated earlier.

Well, its GRAMMA's birthday today! WEEEEEEEEEEEE~ I hope my aunt came cos my GRAMMS wasnt too happy that she said she could make it for her birthday jsut cos she had a headache. =( Well, we had carrot cake. Yeahh... Who knew there were such things. And i mean, carrot cake not the kind you see at Banquet okayy. My aunt Lina decided to experimant and try something new. HEHH. Well, it was okay, but i would advise you take it in small servings. Big servings might make you a little sick if it. =X

Palvin smsed me to join the guys in this prediction game. HAHAHA. Im so glad i can be counted as one of the guys, tho i bet they are going to toatlly kick my ass at predicting! =) but, thats okay. As long as i know im a true FootballLover, Thats all that matters to me.

Theres a birmingham game tmr. i predict 2-0. =D I know we can do it! Go LIVERPOOL.

anyway, ive been sick, i have this se-xxxayyy husky voice that is Bad sore throat and cough. =( Fasting has been harder than i expected but im not going to complain. Safarina just said the other day that i can get pretty WHINY. =( Which is true, which sucks... but anyhooo... I'll try the whole, stop complaining start acting scheme.

Which strats with REVISION. *sarcastic weeeeeeee

Well, im off to bed. Was online for 2 hours. =X So disappointed of myself. NOT. i needed this. Well, ciowxed people.

till next time, happy revising! PS: Talked to Khairun. Love my Bestiee. Same girl huh? All the best for your attachment this Mon! <333

I have lots of picssss but... =(

Okay, one last bit, after promos this is my plan:
1) Revamp my blog
2) create a Myspace
3) Get down to thinking about what i need for Uk LIT trip
4) Hang out properly with Mun Ling - Catch that movie we NEVER got to catch.
5) celebrate Raya happily
6) perfect WR and I&R
7) waste lots of time

I so cant wait till after Promos.

After such a long time.


Finally im blogging again. HAHA. Well, im still in school. 2hrs till its time to break fast. YEY. Going to Gramma's house tonight. Gonna eat my heart out. YEY.

Well, Im here doing badges with the other girls, and using Aza's Lappie. HEH. Im off soon. Wanted to go home with Kannan but hes busy playing Soccer at the futsal court. =( SADDDD...

HAH. The girls are packing up. I better get off. Blogging for the sake of blogging. But dont get me worng i do miss blogging. =D

Well, many things have happened. Cant wait to give you a proper update.

Till then, See you. Missssss blogging soooooo much. =( Till next time...


PS: i miss XT. Been going MIA for 2 days that girl. HAHHA.

Wish me best for Promos! And revision firstly. =DD

Saturday, September 8, 2007
1 more day before Term4

Term4 is beginning. the days really are being counted down till Mid-course. Its really creepy how time just passes you by. Well, Revision has been manageable. Did a few chapters of math tho its like not totally but like 1-5 questions per topic? cos i wanna like spread myself out.

Anyway, ive still not spoken to ML. Hmmmm.. i dunno what to make of that. Mixture of feelings i guess.

Sighh.. i miss the times, i could blog about music, i dont seem to have the time anymore. But just a quick one: Check out THE ROCKET SUMMER. They songs are infectious and super awesome. Upbeat and totally relaxing. Try their song Never Knew and So Much Love. The lead singer Avary is not soooo ute but he makes up for his great voice and nice hair! HAHAHAHA.

Well, theres an England and Israel match going on and im missing a lot of action. So i better CIOWXED. =P

See you. OH YEAH. I didnt cut my hair! DAMMMMNNNN. HAHAH.
Love you.
I miss XT.
i miss Lydia.
I miss Sheryl.
I miss watching LFC play. Stupid Euro qualifiers. WHERE ARE SPAIN'S MATCHES!!?!?!?! LOL. <33

Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Top ML

To ML,

Okayy. firstly, breather. Why'd you get so mad abt my entry. Im jsut saying that you shouldnt expect anything if you do nothing about it. Not a a big deal. I guess, we all do that and im not trying to put you down, but dont you see, maybe if you tried it'll be easier.


But i get it. you DONT WANT to try. keep going back and forth. And maybe, just maybe, it'll get resolved huh? Yeah.. Maybe.

Im not gushing about our friendship. Yeah, everything IS fine. I never said it wasnt. Is it because of my entry that youve not been sms-ing me and asking me out for study date. Yeah, i figured it out. Well, i got the hint, thanks.

Maybe i dont know you so well, but i know you well enough. Isnt that enough? Dont give me the crap about how you hate it... you jsut hate being so see-through. so predictable. But its not necessarily a bad thing. Its bestfriends who cant see through each other that dont work out. AND IT APPLIES TO COUPLES. its only when you know each other inside out that you can truly learn to love somebody. His good and bad points. Why do you think i still ask you if youre alright? Cos I love being lied to? Why do you think i still talk about it? Cos i know you still want to talk about it even when you say you dont. I mean, it hurts, but it relieves too. Hearing perspective and advice, it helps dont it? Okayy, maybe mine are not perfect, im sorry i dont have a degree in psychology. Im just your bestfriend, trying her best to help you get through whatever it is youre going through. I would have thought thats good enough...

I guess it isnt.

If i dont get, help me get it. Youre not the only one that has gotten her heart broken. Pick yourself up babe. GET OVER IT. I guess thats what im trying to say.

I take it seriously, cos im afraid that it really affects you. And im tired of seeing you hurt, and sad and not able to get by it. It seems it hinders you, and nothing that hinders you can be good.

I just wished you'd try a little harder. But you cant try harder if you dont want to right?

Happy studying.


I studied at school today. The initial plan consisted of jsut Lydia and me. BUT, Sheryl sms-ed me and we met at CWP and at the lib, we met Mel and Siew En! =D And then later, nic tay and Pei Bao came for Econs consultation. YEY. of and Darshie too. LOL.

Me and Lyd met for Breeakfast at Macs before meeting Sher and heading to Macs. Had a nice chat with Lydia... as always. HAH. She looks pretty with her new hair. =) Seeeeee... Nic Tan said it was SHINY. HAHAHA.

Ermm.. i met Dom Goh. I dont know if he was with anyone. Said hi.

Oh, we rode in Ms Ng's car to Vista to eat lunch. HEHHH. It was scorching hot in the car and it was so funny cos we were all wearing skirts... and well, you know the scene! =P

Mr Lim was super nicee too. Helped us and it was like we stayed in the dicussion room till the librarian came up to shoooooooo us away. =D HEH.

Going back to school tmr for math and Lit consultation. Gonna do math later. and read a little of John Sloman. My arm hurt from carrying the book. =( HAHA.

Expecting a call form Lydiaa at 9. I hope she calls cos she never does. I guess something always crops up. Anyhooooo...

Shall get studying. Oh, HAHAH. Zaha finally added me on MSN. But haven gotten the chance to chat though he approached me last night. Shall get busy, gotta batheeeee... Smelly shoeeee. =D

See you guys. SOrry my paragraphs are all short today. Not much to elaborate on as usual. Short and simple huh? Love ya.

PS: I miss TXT. =( Study hard TXT! Shall see you first thing Monday morn. HEH. 7.30 am REMEMBER!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007
Blue blue day...


This has been a particularly dull day.
Im trying to implement my "3hour per H2 subject each day" plan. i failed horribly yesterday, but today's been pretty alright. Did Econs Oligopoly. And yesterday, after the most awesom-est match between LFC and DERBY (final score 6-0. Torres scored twice!), i did monopoly and perfect com. Hmmm... Shall be working on my history soon. Im at slide 30/31 of the oligopoly lecture. =D Finally, almost done. Well, i wanted to study out with somebody today, but i couldnt find a study date. =( ML had one with Afiq, Kenneth couldnt make for church, and my neighbour, was well, i dunno, she didnt reply. So, didnt bother asking. LOL.

Well, i read ML's blog. I dunno what to say. You always say youre fine, but then, the next i know, youre back to square 1. You want God to do something about the pain, but dont you realise? God helps those who help themselves. So stop complaining and asking god to remove pain, for YOU have to make the first move. you heal your heart, for god can only guide and make it slightly easier once YOU try.

Im tired. We are going round in circles. its tiring. Im sick of studying. I feel like im going nowhere. I need to go out and study tmr. Anyone up for it? SIGH. I miss... smiling. I didnt smile a lot today. =(

And i cant deny your eyes
you know i try to read between the lines
i saw a warning sign
and you threw me up against the wall
who said that it was better to have loved and lost?
I wished i had never loved at all.

Boys like Girls: Up against the wall

everything has changed... the faces stay the same.

we were only kids
our time couldnt end
and how tall did we stand
with the world in our hands?

we were only kids
and we were best of friends
and we hoped for the best
and let go of the rest
shadows and regrets
let go of the rest
shadows and regrets
let go of the rest.

Yellowcard : Shadows and Regrets

Saturday, September 1, 2007
the beginning of the holidays

It's the holidays... and yet im not looking forward to it. WHYYY??
Well, got it means, another week is down, and 2/3 weeks before Midcourse. Im would be crazy if i said i was ready for that. Im very worried, but somehow i feel too tired to do anything. Too ired to be focus for too long, do you have ANY Nidea what i mean? SIGH. I need some motivation, i will crash and burn if this attitude carries on and there is no way im letting anyone count me out of the race to be promoted. IM ALL IN, behbeh. HEH. Sorry. Im really nutsss.

Anyway, Sheryl has been asking me help with Vectors all day but i just realsied im a really horrid with Vectors. It got to teh point, i was so frustrated. Im back to square one. I want6ed to do 3 hrs of each subject every day.. but it didnt work out today. Ive been doing math all that, and its really not mcuh since i have the attention span of like 30 mins? before i knock myself out into a deep sleep? IM SO DEADDD.

Sigh. Theres soccer tonight. I intend to et off by 8pm and then study till 9.35? and then watch the match. =) Oh, i intend to do my Monopolist competition. And then, maybe, if im all high from the match, wihich will end 12 mn+, i'll set a thermos of Coffee and stay at teh dining table till 1.30am? Did i tell you im a night person. If i keep my head innit, i can really go thorugh the night. I hate mronings, cos there are too many good shows to resist... PLUSSS... its very noisy. So, nights are best for me. Starnge huh? Of course i'll be best for tmr but heckkk.

Well, The weeks been kind of stressful Im breaking out so muh that even my neighbour noticed. She was like " Well, youre PIMPLY " GEEZ. HAHAH. Well, i gotta calm my nerves and jsut do my best. Thats all i can do right? =D

Talked to Lydia today. Talked about rebinding cos she wants to go for it. I said no but i also said that if she really wnated it, i said it cant go wrong cos straight hair can never go wrong. Iw as watching " Rumor Has It..." Starring Jennifer Aniston in it. And i tot her hair looked great! It was also, nicee. Sighhh.. this people can really afford this stuff.

Anddd, teachers day was nice. IT went great but without realising, i was actually frowning a lot! =( Safa actually scolded me and i was like knocked back into my senses. I think im a control freak. Damnnn. HAH. Better stop frowning, ive been doding that a lot. Hmmmm...

Anyway, as for sad news. There are.

Antonio Puerta passed away. Im saddened. its very tragic and i think he had so much to live for. HE was going to be dad, hes only 22. playing for a great team Sevilla. It jsut sad to lose such an awesome soccer player. Now, we are one short of a great soccer player. But hes memories will live on. All that he did for his team will live on. His child, will have a dad who was a great guy and i wish his family the best, and may there presevere in this hard time, for i know, God has greater plans for him. All the best.

And another slightly hopeful news. Virginis Tech is back and prevailing. they have build up a memorial in their campus and noone in Virginia Tech in going to let the evnt bring them for anytime longer. They are trying to go back to what many will call normalcy, but really, i believe thay jaut want to continue to living and breathing for how can you possibly return to normalcy witha lost loved one? Northign will seem NORMAL anymore. So, iw ish virginia all the best. I hope their spirit will stay strong and i hope all that were killed will finally get to feel the lively school spririt come their mch awaited match. =D

Well, i hope you guys a nice weekend. Im expecxting a call from Lydiaa.. HAHAH. ALL THE BEST LYDIA. <3