Syuhrah's Blog

That reads, "We are all in the Gutter, But Some of Us are Looking At the STARS" a quote from the famous author Oscar Wilde.
Think about it.

//about me
The Pessimistic way:
This cant last Forever
The Opimistic Way:
Let makes this Last Forever

Taurus Clan .WOOOOOOOO.
Loves Friends and Family
Loves Smiling like this =D
Loves, Loves, Loves.
too much to LOVE
p.s: I DO LOVE MCR too!

Add me on MSN: syuhrah_49@hotmail.com

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August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
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July 2008

Mun Ling <3
James Goh aka Iceman =p
Atikah Syarah
Victoria A. Fernandez
Nurul Syaza*
Sheryl Goh
Yi Ying
Nadiah aka Dhea
Xue Ting <3
Nicole Tay
Zhi Xiang

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Disco by Metro station Performed LIVE in Union Square subway

I think they a pretty good LIVE

brush image hostphotobucket designer !rock@blogskins

0732A Oceanus With missing people. Ohwells, too bad for them.
Sheryl, XT and Syuhh having their Um-brel-la Moment
School Makes you CRAZY!
Malay Classes are sooooo much FUNNN with Cikgu Hani!
Lydia and I got the "stars" shining for us!
Notice the Screen with our pictures too! =D
London pictures, EXCLUSIVE, YO!

Dinner At BeefEater. Fish And Chips. P.S: Amin's and Darren BDAY! Modern Version of Romeo and Juliet, extremely intriguing.
Khairul, Amin, Zhai and Syuhh. Guy Friends i Made. <3 Cool Telephone booths, check, cool mobile statue, check!
How did Cambridge get its name, Well, you had to go over the Cam River. Yes, and they are romantic "canoe" rides under it! The friend i grew closer to, Pei Bao and the good comical friend i made, Vanitha! Travelling is tiring stuff, we need YOGA to chill. At the Haworth YHA. The view from Haworth YHA of the valley of Haworth Streets of Haworth, plaace where the Brontes grew Skipton Kitchen with Joey, Afiqah and Syuhh Modern day inetrpretation of the Beatles The girls i made friends with! from the left, Pei bao, Vani, joey, Afiqah, Wen jia, Afiqah, syuhh, Rekha! The peaks we saw from the aeroplane. Lovely isnt it? The London eye, you could see Heathrow airport fromt he top, and it take one hour to go a revolution. How Romantic! that's suppose to our impersonation of Sherlock Holmes! HAHA Waiting For the bus in the freezong cold, btw, the place we were sitting on were wet, we were jsut too lazy to care! and too cold! LONDON YHA. one of our worst hostels... 12 ppl per room and we were stacked that way! A river in London, dont think its The Thames, but it could be! Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Spore should have red telephone booths, easily spotted, and very chic!
I think this was at stratford?
The Rotal Albert Hall, famously known! In London on Albert street. He was very popular King. The guard that never moved, except to march a little. but we were taking forever to take pics! HAHA. He jsut stood there. RAIN OR SHINE!
The famous 9 and 3/4! The platform in the movie Harry Potter!!! YES. I was happy to be here! The streets of Oxford are bustling with Life! Oxford would be my favourite city! That is the natural hot spring water in the Roman Bath behind us. Having latte at Costa Coffee~
Monday, August 27, 2007
I miss Simple Plan

i missss...

Simple Plan. I miss them. i know this is totally random but im really a big fan of them, and it feels so long ago since teir last album! =( Doesnt anyone else miss them??

Well, i was doing my malay assigment online, then decided to drop by simple Plan's official Website to check them out since my bro said that Pierre (another one of my love) has tattoos throughout his arm! *Gasp*

Well, it was then i realised i was missing out a lot on SP's Vblogs. And watching all of it, made me miss them so much. I mean, tell me which band bothers to record how and what they are doing in the studio in a video and post them regularly? So many things have changed, and yet, so many things has remained the same. Pierre changed his hairstyle. I think hes chubbier, but he still have a super sweet smile and that very cheeky honest look. Love him. And they are still the funniest guys ever! I mean, they are just so random and they talk about their day and it jsut really shows they care about their fans. Im amazed.

I still remember when they were the "hot thing" in MTV, now the equivalent of Buzzworthy. that was when they were just breaking out. and pierre had short hair, 3-quaters on and they sat on cushions to be interviewed and i remember falling in lovee with them and the band. OMGGGG.

I miss Simple Plan. I hope they come up with an album soon. Really want to hear their new material besides, i dont think im the only fan getting very exciting.

Love you Simple Plan. still owe you for saving my life <33

Sleep well, im off to do Economics: Monopoly for Case study test tmr. WTHHHH. :((


Thursday, August 23, 2007
100th POST!!!

guess what guess what guess what?!?!?!

this is my hundrendth post!!! 100th!! =D YEYEYEYEYYEYEY.
For those who says its NOT a big deal... try having a blog, you wont last.. erm.. 50 entries?? HEH. im being evil. sorry!

Anyway, sorry about my bitching post. Someone made me really mad for being a slob. LOL. Well, for those who knows, you get what i mean, but if you dont, you dont have to know. =)


Sorry, this post was suppose to be like 2 days ago, but i never got a chance to write it properly.

Anyway, the week has been more tiring than usual thanks to the late nights. But, my dad has been really nice and hes been sending me to school cos walking to the bus stop takes me 10 mins. How i miss those times, it took me only 5 mins to get to school? PLUSSS, no transport fees?

Well, lifes been rough. WR has been keeping me awake, and by Wednesday, im jsut dead beat. So, when thursday came along, i realsied, i had sore throat, which sucks, cos it hurts when i swallow. Come friday, i was jsut DEADDDD. so tiredd, exhausted, my joints were hurting (signs of fever) and i was comtemplating whether or not i should go to floorball. =( So long never go already, i want to train, but i want to go if i can give my best, and yesterday was not the day.

Anyway, i still brought along my stick, jsut in case i changed my mind. HEH. But the day was mostly tiring. But okayy i guess. Me and XT were sick with sore throat and they said i ddint look good. Well, i dont know if i really was. Hmmm.. anyway, the day ended soon enough, and i stayed back for a bit completing the teachers day notes, and then, i was off home with Kenneth Neo.

Wthhh, Kenneth can be a great annoyance at times, just when i think hes a good guy, he does something stupid. likelike... WASTING m sms-es. Crapp! He sms-ed Siew En without me knowing and he sounded so rude and obnoxious. So unlike me! I only realised it when i got back home and was looking thorugh my sent folder. I quickly sms-ed Siew En to apologise. Sheesssh!

Im hungry for junk food! =(

Im still still btw, having my cough and sore throat. Goodness, i ahve loadsa phlegm.. sorry, disgusting info! =P HAHAH.

Oh yeah, ACES day exercise! Its alright larh.. but kind of ermm.. not cool? HAHA. it reminds me of those folk dance. dont ask me why. The moves are quite funny. Palvin was like "Syuhrah, its so fun". i said "Are you ebing sarcastic?" HE said " Nooo... Really i think its funn.. i like the ... move" HAHAHA. Palvin, youre such a good sport. I'll stand beside you on the the real day and we can act enthu together! =X LOL. and ask XT along! HAHAHAH.

Well, its week 9 alr. One more week before school closes for our short one week break, and then, 3 weeks later, Our papers begin. SIghhhh. That gives me one month?I better get moving. And so should YOUUUUUUUU!

All the best!

syuhrah! <33

Tuesday, August 21, 2007
not a team player

you know what, i have made a decisive conclusion. and i dont know how many people will agree but, i sure as hell do.

I think PW is an okayy subject. Sue me. I think its nice to work with people and type our reports and do discussions. However, it is the ignorant self-indulgent moronic lousy team players that make PW a living hell. These not too helpful team players give attitudes and they think this project revolves around THEM. well, wake up!!! This project is not about you, you selfish little self indulgent brat. its a team project. If it revolves around you, let me roll out the red carpet for you to get the hell out of the team cos there is no need for people whos head is as big as the world, worse still, nothing in it, around occupying the table of positions doing limited work and are complain kings. Please, follow your deadlines, keep to the guidelines, manage your time. Not too difficult really seeing that you are freaking 17 year old. dont tell me you need me to draw the table out for you. Deal with your circumstances yourself and dont burden others with your shitt and ignorance.

Syuhrah Youre a Part of Me Now says:
youre predictable you know that.

Syuhrah Youre a Part of Me Now says:
you never fail to come up with excuses.

Syuhrah Youre a Part of Me Now says:
if tmr, you give me the LAME ass excuse that youre tired and complete your part if WR, i swear to god, you'll regret lying to me

heels over head says:
then can make it thursday?


dont you wish you could wring these people's necks? i just wished i could throw away their brains since they dont use it anyway. ASSSes.

Friday, August 17, 2007
to continue


Anyway, just to finish from where i left off.

after econs tut was break and we ate, and it rained... Yeah. It was cold and ML was chasing me for a sweater. LOL.

Next was History Lect. It was quite dull but I mean, it was okay. We learnt about UNCLOS (1,2 and 3 btw) and yeah. It was part geography cos we had to learn part of the sea like the territorial and continental sea. Erm.. if you have no idea what im talking about.. ITS OKAYYY. LOL. just another one of UN's measures.

Then it was H1. I dont quite fancy lit lessons anymore.. cos it gets pretty draggy. Thank god, it was for an hour only. =) So i survived, going through Raju's double life. After that, i was hoping for consultation with Ms Leong, as a follow-up from Wednesday, unfortunately she has photo-taking and she said she could meet us at 5pm+. So me and Lydiaa agreed to wait up.

So, headed to the canteen to wait for the rest of Whats Up to appear. XT had PW meeting. Boris and Philip went to play soccer at the futsal court, so i was left with sheryl and Kenneth. But bcos i was bored, and i saw Quo Quan coming along, i asked him to entertain me and he said, sure, you can follow me around. =P HAHAH. So i followed him aorund, and we talked. Errr... something really messed up is happening. and i really dont know what exactly is happening but i guess, im gonna have to talk to ML soon. hmmm.. after sharing some laughs with that dude, i was back in the cantenn entertaining Kenneth just before he headed to the GO to interview Mrs Chin together with Safarina and Philip. Then, XT came along and Sher, boris, TXT and I were off to WWP to have our lunch! =D

This was during the Heritage Trail.. DO you remember where??? HEHE. I like this pic.. Its so cute, though, i think i look TOTALLY dark in here! LOL.

It was very fun! We ate at KFc and we talked, and laughed and boris kept poking funn at XT by syaing that Kenneth fancied her (which is NOT true! HAHA) and Sher and I jsut laughed. Oh, did i mention that w missed the bus cos the bu did nit stop as we forgot to flag it down. HURH.

anyway, it was nice just the four of us having lunch together and laughing and talking. =) Puts a smile on my face jsut thinking about it tho i cant quite remember what we talked about. Probably another one of those mindless chatter!

then, Sher and XT headed headed home while Bor and I went went to school via 168. Talked somemore and Bos called Science students "lame la" cos they are more hardworking and determined that HE is. LOL. Os, did i mention, he is apparently captain-ing yesterday's tarinig! HAH. i wonder is ML went for training.

The wet Granstand

then, from 4 to 5 me and Lydia were at the grandstand. Just the two of us. ANd we talkedtalkedtalked. It was a nice talk. I think we girls, actually remember the events in our life better. and we like thinking about it. And its like, even though its was in Sec 1, taking about it makes you warm inside still. Even though, it was so long. Get what i mean? so we talked about our first hand at love... which let me tell you, we both have funny stories to tell. =D And we talked about friendships. And it was a sweet conversation. I think Lydia and I make for really good friends. We arent all that different plusplus, we both <3 Love. HAHA. But, we both have reasons to acceot it and push it away too.

And we talked about how things have changed. And how promises at the beginning of the year arent able to stand strong afetr 8 months. People change, life get detuored and people make choices. I guess GOd has bigger plans for ALL of us. Well, im jsut enjoying the moment right now, cos, i really wnated that grandstand moment with Lydia to last. =)

Sad to say, Lit consuktation was CANCELLED. yeahhh... wrong message was being passed around. HURH.

The view from the back of the car, side window! Totally random.

Also, i Got back 3 in the morning form msia! =P We watched Rush hour 3 and Ratatouille. I hope i spelt that right.

Rush hour 3 is the funniest thing ever!!! Seriously, chris tucker's voice does get irritating though. I wonder if im like that when i start balbbering loudly! HAHAH. It was a good movie, has entertaining value. Also, i have so much respect for Jackie. He is still able to kick ass and do wicked moves. I think the action scenes are well down in this movie. exciting and funny. =D

Ratatouille on the other, was quick to bore. However, it managed to redeem itself towards the end. I love the animation. I think Pixar did a good job after failing to do so with Cars. I think Pixar doesnt fail to bring a goo movie year in and year out. So, gotta give them credits for Rattaouille. =D Throughout the movie, there was a slogan ebing repeated. It was "ANYONE can cook!" but i think the movie is really saying " ANYONE can do it!" As this movie is about chasing for your love (passion) and in this case, for this rat Remy is was cooking. He withstood his dad's hesistance and the dangerous world of humans, to really living his pasion. Pretty unrealistic for a rat but THINK DEEPER. =D

Well, im off. Im going to post pics. HEH. Enjoy!

Class pic with Sir Stamford Raffles. 0732A's official first class pic (not including school picture taking horrr!

See you!

the smile for this week

Ive been smiling a lot this week. and im really thankful for every laughter ive shared. I mean, a smile is so much sweeter, so much more nicer than a frown! =( HAHAH. Well, schools been okayy! I survived the week, and it feels really good. I feel enlightened sometimes.

Today, was a rainyrainy day, BUT, believe me, it was anything but a sad day!

The day started with Econs tut. and that was nice cos i did my essay outline. Finally, im making effort to be interactive in Econs tut. Its hard you know, cos im not exactly, ermm.. intellectually inclined when it comes to this subject! LOL. Well, i had points that were ight and worng! And next week, is the essay Test! Confirm Chop. And ive not worked on it. thus, on the weekends, will have to work superduper hard on it. All, the best to me! HAH. and of course, all working on it. =D

Then, econs lect sat between XT and Lydia. Econs Lect is confusing, as usual. And she was rushing through all the facts, and blaming us for her inabilty to complete the chapter, but Lyd and I were thinking: WTH. you werer the one like throwing unnecessary amount of review questions! Then now, want blame us for not completing the chapter. WHAT! Lol. but its all good!

Oh, ive got to go. Im off to Msia but first to eat dinner! See you! <3 ALL that made me smile this week. you have no idea how i appreciate you smiling back too!


Grandstand.you.I.sharing the moment.will it last??

Thursday, August 16, 2007
Counting down the days with Yellowcard lyrics

"Shrink The World"

If I could then I'd,
Shrink the world tonight,
So that I would find,
You and me inside.

A life in love,
A picture of,
A place I'm nowhere near.
A bleeding heart,
A good head start,
To anywhere but here.
Just let me out,
Please let me out,
Before I turn into a box of things,
Reminding me,
How much I'm missing out. (I am missing you.)

If I could then I'd,
Shrink the world tonight,
So that I would find,
You and me inside.
Of the last good scene,
A film that changes things.
Breaks us, makes us sing,
Leaves us wondering.

And through the wall my fist you call and then you always run.
So what's it for, the love and war, it's only fair for some.
You saved the girl you saved the world,
Well that's not true it seems.
A lesson learned, speak out of turn,
I bite my tongue it bleeds. (Bite my tongue it bleeds)

If I could then I'd
Shrink the world tonight
So that I would find
You and me inside.
Of the last good scene,
A film that changes things.
Breaks us, makes us sing,
Leaves us wondering. Are you wondering?

If I could then I'd
Shrink the world tonight
So that I would find
You and me inside.
Of the last good scene,
A film that changes things.
Breaks us, makes us sing,
Leaves us wondering.

If I could shrink the world tonight.
If I could...


Thats a Yellowcard song.
And i love it. Lets jsut leave it at that.

Well, school's been sucking the life out of me. Its jsut TIRING. i slept at 2am in the morning tuesday night, or wednesday morning for that matter, and woke up late. HURHHHH. i hate waking up late. im superrr slow in the morn, like to take my own sweet time. see the small kids go to school in hand with their mothers, the cat and another cat looking lilke they are going to tear at each other, the cars passing by... and so, i dont like rushing through the morn. It makes me sulk real badd. But i wasnt late anyway.

PW's been okayy too. everyone working jsut fine. GPF was just handed in now working like shitt hard for WR. More late nightssssss. diediedie.

did i mention i passed math with a 14/20. Thats an accomplishment! i proved Palvin Singh damn wrong (he predicted i'd get 12.. hurh. Such an insult. LOL). Well, im still not too satisfied since, a fellow friend *ehem* got 16. Damn. NVM. Good to come close to rubbing shoulders. Maybe next time???? HAHAH. Watch out dude! LOL. Healthy comepetition.

OH... Ever since Lydia confided in me, ive started to see jsut how much lovee is going around. She calls me a Skeptic, well, i admit, at this stage, i am. It will take some miracle to rid all the Skeptic-ness out of me. How do these people do it???? HHAAHHAHH. i think they are really jsut too blissful. do i sound like sour grapes? HAHAH. im not trying to be. it just gives me a fuzzy silly feeling. Lydia, btw, never ask me: Dont you wish you had someone sometimes??, again. LOL. I do, but i dont need a boyfriend. Come on. None of us needs em right now. And i do have that special someonessss. I have you, Xueting, mun Ling, ahmad (hahah) andandand, Venron. So, its all good. Imagine losing a friend. OMGGG.

I better ciowz. See you!

- i like it when i see you smile, cos you make me tingle inside. You have this ability to slow things down, without saying a word.

Sunday, August 12, 2007
Yellowcard is Back and its Sunday =(

i thought i'd be looking forward to Monday, but suddenly im not. Hmmmm..

Well, to cheer up my bluess... ive been listening to Yellowcard. Yes, people, YC is back! Im so elated. I know, my fave band happens to be Simple plan, but ive got to say YC is and perhaps always will be my top 5 fave bands. ALWAYS. Unfotunately, Good charlotte has lost their spot in my top 5 for creating songs like "Keep your Hands off my Girl", and dont you dare say, "its okayy whatttt" to me! =D

Well, YC's new album is called Paper Walls. Its a single and most probably their last single. I listened to "light up the sky", their first album and i have got to say, they are truly back. they are louder, better lyrically and they still make wonderfully realistic loove songs. And life songs. I'd recommend, their first single, Avondale iff youre feeling vengeful and fighting, if you need inspiration.

Come on people, Give up for Yellowcard. p.s: i love Ryan Key.

Anyway, getting back to reality, gotta start on History soon. after procrastinating for 3 days, i finally have to do, or else, i will be at the corridors on my 2nd period. Boo-hoo.

Oh, MumDad gave me money for my bdae. but they ade me confuse. now, i dunno whether to spend it or save it for my UK trip. =S Well, i need to spend, i mean, it is my bdae money!!! AHHHHH.

Having money creates difficulty too dont it. HEHH. =D At least my mum said i should spend! HAH.

Well, see you guys! till next time,

Love ya.

Friday, August 10, 2007
Happy Birthday to meeeeeeee! <33 10th August

10th August

Well, its been a slow day. And i better get started on work, man!! HAHAH. being birthday girl doesnt actually allow me to slackk off, sadly. HAHH.

Im happyhappy. but i gotta study too. im going down to munch on remnants of my cake, and then do Hist SBQ. sheeesh! but before that more pics of my Little India trip! HAHAH. i had a very interesting exoerience there and Sundran did a good job. dude, you so did well. Have more confidence in yourself, oh, but then again he was feeling too well that day either. Have fun looking through the pics!



i tot that the curd rice was well, not to my liking. its basically coagulated milk and rice. as in spoilt yogurt and rice? so it was damn sour. =S but, we had to finish eating at least half of it. So, my table which consists of Boris, ML, sundran the Monkey and I, decided we'd compete. Whoever finished last with their serving, will take another serving. OMGGGGGG. HAHAHAH. you guys should have seen ML whacking her serving. And i tot i lost, until i saw boris' serving being covered by his 3/4 eaten Idli. ASSSSSSSS! HAHAH. So ML, quickly served him another serving. He didnt even eat them. HURH.

Papadam. The most yummy food.

boris trying to eat his penalty, unfortunately, failing. GEEZ. HAH.

Cheers! with butter milk. =p

I lost in the butter milk competition with Boris and ML. I almost puked. couldnt stand the sour taste. =( Sundran warned me before anything, that if i felt like vomitted, i should turn to my right, not in front! HEHHH.

Boris and the butter Milk. hehh.

We had thosai too but i forgot to take pictures of that. The ultimate Indian experience. btw, these are south Indian food. You guys should try it. What with it being national day and the whole Multi racial spirit is all around! =D

Pictures of me and Mun Ling. Cam-whore at MRT station from Dhoby Ghaut and Marina Bay. I think.

I like this pic best. =D

Well i think that is all. =)
Ive been having a good week. i hope so hae you guys!
Happy holidays!!

Love, syuhrah.

Thursday, August 9, 2007
Happy Birthday to meeeeeeee! <33 9th August

Events on 9th august.

Was awoken by the voices of my parents who came to our rooms. "We are going Msia in an hour to celebrate kakak's birthday. Go bath now lathhh"

Sleepy eyes, laggy legs, emo mood but deep inside, i knew it was going to be a good day. A day with my family, that means a lot to me. <33

so we set off to msia. wanted to watch a movie there, since its sooooo much cheaper there. But the Causeway (woodlands) had a killer jam. It was literally packed with cars! so, we almost just wanted to head to CWP to catch a movie and eat... but dad decided to try Tuas. So i enjoyed the long ride to Tuas. and thankfully is wasnt pack tehre. but when we got about 500m before Msia's toll, we were confronted with another jam! WTHHHH. Hahahah. and seriously, this wont be the last one! =p

This is the view form where i was sitting. Thats my dads head. hahah.

And we had another long drive on the way to Johores city. and my dad didnt know the way to Terbrau from tuas. so that took a while. by that time, i was getting giddy cos my stomach was empty. Mum dropped by those travelling shops(??) and bought mee goreng and my siblings and i ate in the car. i was eating so quickly cos the mee goreng was very nicee and also bcos i was a very hungry almost seventeen years old girl. HEH. =p

finally reached tebrau. And went to book tickets. We had time to spare so, we Went to eat lunch first. At secret Recipe!! =DD I love secret Recipe. YEY. I had Tom Yum Kung and ate it with chopsticks. HAH. im not too bad with the chopsticks surprisingly. LOL. i liked the chopsticks. they were long and prettay! HAH. anyway, then i told mum i wanted cake for desert cos i try their chocolate banana the other day and i was heaven! HAH. then my mum, was like "nvm. i buy you the whole cake." AHHHHH. hahahaha. bigger heaven?? LOL. i got to choose the cake and i chose Chocolate indulgence. Yessss. =D then we were off to the Movies.

After that we went home after buying some finger foods.

that night, we celebarted my bade in advance since my dad was gonna work the next day (10th aug). these are pictures of my cake. =))

The cake says Happy 17th B'Day to Nur Syuhrah. and the baby and girl are actually sugar goodness that my siblings wanted. the candles were planted by my siblings. HAHA. i allowed them to. they kept saying i had no artistic eye cos i kept saying "Eh. Dont put there! Its not nice!" HAHAH.

this is the half eaten cake! =D

Anyway, after that i went off to do a little bit of hist before logging on. Chatted with WanieWanieWanie. Wished her Happy birthday ( hers in on 9th aug!) and i ciowxed. Meant to wait till 12mn for ML's Bdae msg but dozed off!! sorry babe! =p My bad. i woke up at 1am++ and got 5 bdae msgs alr. Erm.. lemme name the first 5. HEHH.

#1. Mun Ling dearest. =D
#2. Khairunnishah. For those who dont know, this is my other bestfriend. shes in Poly and she always rmbs my bdae but i always forget hers. Im a horrible bestie i know. hehh. =p
#3. Victoria Anne Fernandez! Hey hey!
#4. WanieWanieWanie. We didnt manage to exchange birthday list this year but nvm, i always rmb that habit we had! As shameless as that sounds now! HAH.
#5. Ven the Man. He was having his late nights again.

thank you all for your well-wishes. Appreciate it lots lots. In particular, Kumar(!!), My Family, Dad <33, Eddy, Lydia (!!), Syaza! Yey.

I hope we will all have a good year. full of achievements, building bonds on our way to success and still have that ever precious happiness in our hearts. God bless! =)

Happy Birthday to meeeeeeee! <33

Sorry i didnt elaborate yesterdays entry was tired and wanted to sleep.

Anyway, 8th of august was great. Lovedd every moment with my friends. and now, im a proud honour of GHucci Envy Me. No more smelly days for me! LOL. We had a heritage trail the very same day to celebrate National Day. =D Heritage trail was funnn. cos it was nice experiencing Spore in its past. It was hott and tedious tho. Here are some pics of the heritage trail and my bdae celebration with my WU and my gift! =DD

i had a great time. they kept asking me what should we do after eating, truth is, i seriously dont mind jsut sitting down and talking and spending time. im that kind of person, boring as that may sound. HAH. i wanna thank 0732A, my good good friends in the class, for singing for me happy birthday too! =D That was superrr sweet. It was so much funn working with 0732A during the heritage trail. Love WU for spending time with me, even boris who later had to rush off to MINDEF for his enrolment into NS. wooooo. For some reason, NS and Boris quite sound right! HAHAH. kidding dude. Love Whats Up and 0732A for making 8th August an unforgetable one!

33 mins before my burfdae.

its now 33 minutes before my birthday.
i know i should be doing my PW Findings but i REALLY want to write a long, long, LOOONNNNGGGGGG entry about how fantastic pre-birthday celebrations hav been. i know i sound really narcisistic, but im not trying to be that way! im just loved the company i had on 8th and 9th of august!

8th of august has always been a special date for me cos, oftenly, thats the date i hang with my group of friends and celebrate my birthday. Its in 2 days advance but really, not much options left. =P

anyway, 8th august 2007 was no different. In fact, it was just great. The only not-so-good part was that ML was not there. But i had the whats Up to accompany me so that was still really great. and honestly, you guys, i wouldnt have spent 8th of august with anyone else. Just US and Swensens, and the chat, the Violinist that never came, the Gucci perfume i got and the laughs we had. I wouldnt trade it for anything in this world.

Saturday, August 4, 2007
no longer me and you

you keep saying that youre okay.
im your bestfriend.
i know youre not okay.
and it makes me so frustrated to see you holding on.

i want to say knock out of it
but i know ive said that, countless of times.
and i know ive failed, countless of times.
this frustrates me cos youve never been so stubborn.

I cant be around you sometimes
it jsut makes me feel like im faking everything.
our friendship, the fight we had, the drama with you and him.
i dont get why you avoid matters.
They say we dont love each other as much anymore
You tell me.

you keep saying you miss me.
but it seems, its only when i read your entry do i truly miss you.
In school, youre totally different.
face it.
the situation with us is different.
its totally different.
its a painful bitter sadd kind of different
its the kind i cant pretend.

i see you laugh and smile.
with my friends and yours.
but that was not the smile i remember you to have
it looks fake. it sounds fake.
i try to laugh with you too.
but its all fake. its not love.

i said it.
it wont be the same as long as our friendship revolves around him.
you say pretend. he didnt hurt you.
oh, and seeing you hurt is okay with me.

they ask me if we're fine.
i say yes. truth is, nobody will know whats going on in my head when its about you.
i try explaining it to them, but i dont know if they really do understand.
they say its a small matter. that im making it complex.
im trying to comprehend the things you say and do.
this i know for sure,
you say you would take it all back. but would you? i doubt it.
cos all that i ask for now is for you to let go but you cant seem to do so.
so tell me. what should i do now.

im tired.
im tired and frustrated.
im tired of being frustrated.
im frustrated about being so tired.
are you tired and frustrated?

you say you want me to be your pillar of strength.
when, just in case you didnt realise, your pillar, is cracking.
and if you dont do something, its going to be gone.
im done with this, i always said.
but they always tell me theres something left to savour.
but i cant seem to find it.
youre too busy trying to be normal to want to look for something to savour right?

do you want to know the truth?
it will never be the same as long as its not over
and i can never pretend with you.
i said i was skeptic.
i really need to change that sentence.
cos it reminds me a lot of the times with you when nothing was going right.

i dont love you, like i loved you, yesterday.

Friday, August 3, 2007
Sad Song- Hinder

I am listening to Hinder - Better than me. Have you heard the song? I saw the clip the other day and i just felt such pain. the video was about this couple and the guy took drugs. It was so sadd, seeing someone succumb to drugs. he just took out a light bulb, broke half of it and poured the drug and he just... sniffed. i dunno why it had such a huge impact on me but it did. at the end of the vid, i felt like crawling up cos i felt this tingly sensation. =( If you ever want to hurt yourself, think again, cos youre not the only one whos gonna end up hurting. Believe me, you dont know how youve had an impact on someone until you see them cry.

I really miss your hair in my face
baby, how your innocence taste
and i think you should know this
you deserve much better than me
Anyway, on a happier note, the week was great. ive decided, i hate fridays. okayy. not hate, dislike. and i loove mondays (please dont include intervals and the word 'run', thanks). It used to be the opposite in SecondarySchool, but heyy, thats SecLife for you.
My mum got discharged. which puts a smile on my face. And i got 9 MunchyDonuts for the fam on her 2nd day. =D Yupp, they are not badd but ive got to say i love Dunkins still. Cos Dunkins are like... heaven. HAHAHAH. im just love getting high on sugar, please excuse this gleeful girl.
Oh, and what else was great? Ermmm.. i bonded with Sheryl Goh? Yupyup. We didnt have XT for 2 days and the boys drive us up the walls so it was just the two of us at the end of thursday. She decided not to play Badminton so we walked to CWP together. i had plans. i wanted to get for my dad a Bdae present and of course my Munchy. HAHH. and sweet sher accompanied me and we talkedtalkedtalked. I cant remember what we talked about specifically, probably one of those mindless girl talk. she also got a head band. =D where it on Monday PE lesson ehhh!! <3>
Andandand, we also watched harry potter: Order of the Phoenix today. =DD Eh. It was niceee! But, XT slept through half of it. and Boris and Philip were giggling towards the end but i dunno at what but my guess would be on XT cos she was sleeping. HAHH. The movie was okayy. It was sadd, but not really gut-wrenching just sadd. but i gotta say i loove Ron. I think he looks good without trying too hard. I thought he had a nice smile and laugh in the movie. and i like Luna too. I think shes pretty with her hair and the way she speaks. and i liked how she always sees the positives of every situation. Things you look for, will somehow get to you. or something like that. I shall remember that.
Me and ML had an sms convo. errr... it was okayy. but we always revolved it around the same things. I talked to Guo Juan too. I have to give respect to him for being a totally different from any other guy i know of so far. In a way hes like Venron, just that he actually does more than what he says not that Ven doesnt do what he says but... you get what i mean. So we talked for a bit, and i dunno. No conclusive decision, should i say? But im not complaining cos i appreciate short chats such as those. i mean, im a girl, i like it when people show that they care. Making me a typical Leo too. HURRRRRHHHH. =p
Well, i cant remember the rest of the week's events. I miss blogging a lot but i never seem to find the time anymore. i should start studying now right? but ehhh, heard theres a football match tonight. What time eh? Do you know whos the best person to ask? PALVIN SINGH. Love that dude man. Never fails to cheer me up and let me see it all positively. Hes a good guy. There, ive sms-ed him.
WR consultation cancelled today. damn saddd can. Mr Mahmood was absent and tmr is PTM. Suckssssssss.
My summer tests = horror.
Thats an equation that so much more easier to comprehend than the plane equation we're learning now! HAHAH. But ive gotta say. the more i work on it, the more i actually like math. Oh, dont tell ms ng i said that! Lol.
Okies. Have a nice weekend, people. and all the best to whoever's parents are coming down tmr. LOVEEEEEEE. <33