Syuhrah's Blog

That reads, "We are all in the Gutter, But Some of Us are Looking At the STARS" a quote from the famous author Oscar Wilde.
Think about it.

//about me
The Pessimistic way:
This cant last Forever
The Opimistic Way:
Let makes this Last Forever

Taurus Clan .WOOOOOOOO.
Loves Friends and Family
Loves Smiling like this =D
Loves, Loves, Loves.
too much to LOVE
p.s: I DO LOVE MCR too!

Add me on MSN: syuhrah_49@hotmail.com

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Mun Ling <3
James Goh aka Iceman =p
Atikah Syarah
Victoria A. Fernandez
Nurul Syaza*
Sheryl Goh
Yi Ying
Nadiah aka Dhea
Xue Ting <3
Nicole Tay
Zhi Xiang

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Disco by Metro station Performed LIVE in Union Square subway

I think they a pretty good LIVE

brush image hostphotobucket designer !rock@blogskins

0732A Oceanus With missing people. Ohwells, too bad for them.
Sheryl, XT and Syuhh having their Um-brel-la Moment
School Makes you CRAZY!
Malay Classes are sooooo much FUNNN with Cikgu Hani!
Lydia and I got the "stars" shining for us!
Notice the Screen with our pictures too! =D
London pictures, EXCLUSIVE, YO!

Dinner At BeefEater. Fish And Chips. P.S: Amin's and Darren BDAY! Modern Version of Romeo and Juliet, extremely intriguing.
Khairul, Amin, Zhai and Syuhh. Guy Friends i Made. <3 Cool Telephone booths, check, cool mobile statue, check!
How did Cambridge get its name, Well, you had to go over the Cam River. Yes, and they are romantic "canoe" rides under it! The friend i grew closer to, Pei Bao and the good comical friend i made, Vanitha! Travelling is tiring stuff, we need YOGA to chill. At the Haworth YHA. The view from Haworth YHA of the valley of Haworth Streets of Haworth, plaace where the Brontes grew Skipton Kitchen with Joey, Afiqah and Syuhh Modern day inetrpretation of the Beatles The girls i made friends with! from the left, Pei bao, Vani, joey, Afiqah, Wen jia, Afiqah, syuhh, Rekha! The peaks we saw from the aeroplane. Lovely isnt it? The London eye, you could see Heathrow airport fromt he top, and it take one hour to go a revolution. How Romantic! that's suppose to our impersonation of Sherlock Holmes! HAHA Waiting For the bus in the freezong cold, btw, the place we were sitting on were wet, we were jsut too lazy to care! and too cold! LONDON YHA. one of our worst hostels... 12 ppl per room and we were stacked that way! A river in London, dont think its The Thames, but it could be! Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Spore should have red telephone booths, easily spotted, and very chic!
I think this was at stratford?
The Rotal Albert Hall, famously known! In London on Albert street. He was very popular King. The guard that never moved, except to march a little. but we were taking forever to take pics! HAHA. He jsut stood there. RAIN OR SHINE!
The famous 9 and 3/4! The platform in the movie Harry Potter!!! YES. I was happy to be here! The streets of Oxford are bustling with Life! Oxford would be my favourite city! That is the natural hot spring water in the Roman Bath behind us. Having latte at Costa Coffee~
Friday, March 30, 2007
Post camp

im back! and im gladd too. i mean, if the camp had been any longer... it would have been purely TORTUROUS. but, since it was just 3 days 2 nights... i have to say i had a BLAST. weeeeeeeee~

okok. so what if 0732A was last in the Taurus camp.. hahah. 2nd from bottom was 0723A our "ally" during the bus ride to and fro and during campfire night. but overall between SAGGY (hahah) and Taurus, we were 4th form the bottom. Sighh. but i tot that the class bonded a lot. =) good stuff!

so let me brak it down for you. and along the way, i shall write about the jokes too tho right now, i cant really think of many. but seriously, most of the time, we were joking, and if not that, we were complaining about the pile of sand in out wet shoes. HAHAHH.

1st day of camp-

a record was broken as boris came to school much earlier than I on the morning of the camp. lol. i had to rush back bcos i forgot abt my toothbrush. imagine not brushing for 3 whole days??! the tot of that made me call my maid asap. then walked briskly back home and got to ride the bus thatr eached school jsut in time for the cowboy song. woohoo! =p

then went to our line and realised TXT had brought a huge bag!! omgg. everyone was laughing and was shocked. she brought a pillow. O_o" sighhh... so much for a camp. then we got on board and was on our way to camp. i sat beside wendy and did my best to get to know her and all. Got to the campsite and it was pretty nicee larh.. i mean, not those rickety stairs and rotting wood. so im gladd. tho i think they could improve the toilet my LEAPS.

so, we had briefing about NYAA. and lunch which was Yumm-mayy!! curry chicken. hohoho.

then, it was sea challenge. we did Improvise rafting first. =) ive never done it and i wasnt alone so we all worked together to ome out with a plan. and we did and started building. everyone worked hard for this challenge seruiously, even the girls. which was awesome. the weather was cloudy and it suddenly started to rain. the normal reaction is to run for shade right? but we were campers with a challenge so we had to withstand it all. it took us abot 10 secs to realise " My god, we have to carry in with this! " it was cold, our hand hurt from tugging and sand was all over us. let me tell you, not comfortable AT ALL. finally we did it, and set it off. then we realised, crapp, the right and left side was build differently!! and when venron (after much persuasion from me saying that its safe and i will help him) got on the drums... wobble wobble. but manage to stabilised. Philip turns to get on behind.. and SPLASH!!! Venron fell head first into the water. Poor thing. hahaha. tho at the moment we were all laughing larh.. ahahha. even me. he was blowing his nose and all after that. sorry venron. =p 2nd attempt. more stable but was stretched for time. we were all almost on board when we heard thunder. Only then did the teacher My Daniel ask us to pull out of the ocean. Sighh. mission failed but we still got 85/100 for it. weeeeeeeeee~ great.

Next Dragon boating. i think this was went our class cooperated the MOST throughout the whole camp. 2 pairs of guys sat in front and boris and ian at the back then all the girls in the middle. Dargongboating is awesome man. Absolutely fun!! Boris and Ian did i great job at helping us coordiante so we did awesome. i tot we deserved to win, in both legs of the challenge, we came in 2nd. Sway. we lost out by a bit to the Chile guy's team. Siannnn. but i know 0732A worked hard for it so i have no regret. we pushed each other on like hell. "Come on 32A. we can do it. Push on!! " while all the counting. " 1, 2, 3, 4.. 8,9,10 ". awesome. Next part was intentional capsize. i know its stupid cos we did it after we went dragonboating ahh.. hahah. but it was fun to just get into the water! =D Love the ocean tho the eyes hurt like hell. i think im much more fit then i was previously during OBS in sec 4. i think larh... Lol. it was fun cos we wer all hanging by the side while some was in the boat using buckets to remove the water. then played around with the guys. Kenneth and boris threatened to take of my shoes. like they dare liddat. hah. soaked my hair and then, later got on the boat to help. i actually used my shoe. hahahah. Philip was on board helping too and he asked " eh syuhrah. Lend me your shoe. " hahah. he used my shoe to take the water too. damn strange ah.. then, it was back to shore, tho we had to drag our boat near the coastline but not so near larh.. nearer to the opening of the gates of the beach camp. so we sang our version of Tokyo drift. hahah. it goes: I wonder if you know/ how we rule in IJ yo!/ if you mean and you see it then all you have to go/ 32 AAAAA/ yo/ yo yo/ 32 AAAAA /yo/yo yo. damn cool ah. hahah.

then it dinner and time to prepare for our campfire performance. it wasnt too hard once we got it planned. cos we had Lydia, TXT and Ian to choreograph. =)) Of course there was a whole bigg woohaa about me partnering Fahmie. hurhhh. Whatever. hahh. Philip, i reallynt help but laugh at your face.Dont act innocent, you. Lghts out at 11pm. that night, i slept like a baby. i didnt even hear an aeroplane. hahh. maybe i was just tired.

2nd day in camp-

PT was hell. Did i say i was fitter? Maybe i need to think twice. hahh. did pole volts and sit ups and push ups. craziee. in the morning. Like nothing else to do like that. After that break fast. the time for Act 2- Kayaking. weeeeeeeee~ something im somewhat familiar with. hahh. hey.. i did it once okayy.. =p i had a strong partner. Lucky me. Raji, science student from Dunearn. He was nicee to talk to and we did well. i think we finished like top 20 boats. which is awesome. and while kayaking obviously i met my friends. HAHAH. damn funny. all of them had diff reactions when we came close. We were on bumper rides gone wild. FUN. Whenever is see Philip i go " philliiiip! " and he goes " What larh?! " hahah. then Boris " how come i must always see your face arh? can you go away or not? " *splash water* he was only nice when he needed water. bleahhh. then, met his partner, SyafiQah. hopefully i got that correctly spelt. Shes damn chatty arh. Boris was like " SyafiQah damn noisy ah.. Kayaking also want to sing. then Sing Indonesian song somemore! " *class laughs* when i met kenneth " ehh, wheres fahmie? Seriously, wheres fahmie? " wthh. like i would know. im kayaking you gundoo! Raji jsut asked me to ignore. hurh. lamer. XT was quiet. and Sheryl was with Ian. hahaha. that was cutee. The return leg was tougher cos the sea cos chop-ier. Dangerous man. like the tot of capsizing in the middle of the ocean gave me shivers. but Raji and I were determined not to let that happened. Besides, Raji couldnt swim. HAH. well, not that i was a great swimmer.Lol. So we had to kayak twice as hard during the return leg. A very good challenge indeed. Fun still. i think it was drizzling too. Reali bad weather for the day. And believe me when i say, thats jst the beginning. Anyway, we made it to shore and worked together with all the other kayak-ers to line the kayaks nicely. then, it started to rain real bad. Lunch then off to Act 3 - Orienteering. Sucks man this one. we totally wasted an opportunity. if we didnt screw this one up and got only 52.5/100, we could have topped 23A. SUCKS. the rain was the beginning of our horrors. Seriously. I, being one of a kind of a genius, didnt bring a poncho tried to share but, well, eneded up just baring with the rain. i was soaked and Boris comments like " your hair curly, you think nice ah? " and " Eh Fahmie, you think her hair nice or not? i know, you say nice now but actually in you heart its not nice right? " i was damn irritated ah but just kept quiet and rolled my eyes about a million times per minute. Its likme he picks on the littlest things. the way i run, my hair, Fahmie... etcetc. DAMN IRRITATING. if i didint know him as a joker, i would have push him into the trees on the side of the road. Seriously. We managed to get 2nd for our 1st task the one with 6 statns tho we only did for 4 thanks to the rain. then, the 2nd task screwed everythg up. Not listening to instructions and thinking wisely and logically caused us our points. Sadd but it wasnt a wasted journy cos we talked a lot and crapped and that was nicee. Nature and You. awesome Combination. =) Did i say that during the ride to Ubin in the bumboat i fell asleep on Siew Ens shoulder. How embarassing! hahah. She was so sweeet about it tho' Love her.

Got back to camp. Rushed for final preparation of our Campfire performance. Damn Dominic goh larh. hahahah. while we were getting the music and in our dance positions, he was looking at my class and when i look at him he was like shaking his head. Get A Life. Lol. like your skit so nicee liddat. okok. Evil. Hah. Well,l there were still changes being made as the campfire started. goodness. we so have not bathed before the campfire! hahah. but, the light sticks that Fahmie got for us cheered us up a little more. =) thank you fahmie~ the dance and the whole performance went great tho i was seriously nervous about the dance. me and Nicole Tan missed a couple of steps but i had fun by the repeated steps. Cool~ the our individual class cheers was ruined tahnks to the aeroplane flying over. we have a reali good cheer man. it goes: Pump Pump it up/ Pump the 32a spirit up/ Keep Keep Keep it up/ Keep the 32A spirit up/ 32A oooo ahhh/ 32 A oooo ahh/ 32 A ooooo yeah. something like that. HAH. the class came up with this w/o me and Lydia. See what they are capable of? Love 0732A. Our performance got a standing ovation but we got the lowest points out the othe performances. Taurus' performances were very hardcore. the Out-To-Win it kind of performance. Mr Tommie Chen was touched. hahah. he said that our camp was the best camp hes been to for 3 years!! wooo hoooo! then, we got to see the PE teachers when they were at the state of having a little too muvh. who knew My /chen could do a killer Ballerina move?! hahahh. the ODAC leaders also did a great job at making us cheer tho i dont think that the atmosphere was damn high. Me and Siew En tried to make up for it by shouting more. Safarina lost her voice b4 campfire so cudnt shout from fear of worsening it. then, because we did such a great job. Mr chen extended Light out - 12mn.

we all bathed then the girls were all finishing up our Lays BBQ when we heard Kenneth downstairs asking us to go down. HAHAH. so we did. Sat together under bunks and passed around Doritos BBQ while TXT ate her Cup Maggi! lol. Boris was like " Lets do our Reflection one by one. " hahah. As if. After talking and joking, time to lights out. said our goodnights then parted.

In bed, or in Sleeping bag on wooden floors, me and TXT chatted with James Goh aka Iceman. Damn funny larh. He injured his knee tho i dont quite believe it. Oh, and its his birthday!!
Happy birthday, James Goh Han Wee!!! Love you and all the best for the future Oh, and get well soon! Miss you loads in school.
Talked and joked then, TXT batt wanted to go flatt so we hang up and went to bed. i cudnt sleep softly that night. Woke up about 5 times. 2 bcos of the aeroplanes and 3 more because it was Freakiiing Cold!! i shared my sleeping bag with Nicole so i didnt have the top and only had a sweater.. damn cold. like how much warmth could a sweater give me? So the night was not comfortabe at ll. my shoulders hurt too cos i used my bad as i pillow and i think that was the wrong idea, man. woke up with Aches all over the shoulder. Hell. bcos i still had to carry my backpack home. SheesH.

3rd day in camp-

i hope its not getting draggy. you could jst skip this and go to the next paragraph if you want. =p tho i would like it if you read. HAH. PT was a morning run to east coast and back. i didnt stop running ehhhh!! so proud of myself!! hahah. i just RAN for like 15 minutes. this proves it, man. i can do it for 2.4 Napha test. HAh. i was sweating or perspiring like sooo much. DRIPPING. No kidding. like doing my pole volts... it was dripping. and my arms and legs were all sweating so it wet the ground but i wasnt the only one larhh... hehh.

Breakfast we had Hard-boiled eggs. weeeeeeee~ and i lost Melissa'a cup! =( sorry, Mel. feel so bad. i left it at the dorm we wer cleaning then i guess, one of us tot that it was some campers' one, took it and put it in the trash. crapp. after doing our duties, we gathered back for reflections. sighh. no prize for 0732a larhh.. but nvm cos mr Mahmood had tidbits for us in his bulky bag!! hahahaha.

Got on the bus with o723A and passed Dom 2 sweets then settled down to look out the window. very nice views of the trees and canals or reservoirs. i cant remember. lol. TXT shared her ipod with me and so, i have a nice soundtrack on the way. didnt sleep larhh. i listened to Way Back Into Love. Everyone loves that song!! From Musci&Lyrics. Ring a bell? The one with hugh Grant and Haley benett. nice. Definately soundtrack for the way back to school. =)

Reached school, called ML via Venrons phone.=) so nice to hear her voice. i miss her soooo much!! we hugged like hell in the hall! i accidentally knocked her phone off. haha. sorry babe. so, we both Cabot. which means, she skipped the seminar and went off to CWP with me. i wanted to spend time with her soooo bad. so we didnt know what to do as usual. we wnet down to the basement to get bubbleteas which ML finally decided not to. and while lining up Dominic Goh appeared. i think i gave him a funny look cos he said "what? " HAH. i think his appearing act reminding me of ' Pop goes the weasel ' and maybe thats why it made me have a funny face on. LOL. im so damn cheesy. even i cant stand it. then, was thinking of what 2 get... then suddenly, both of us said green apple. Geez. apparently, he got that so i changed my order to Honey Milk tea. =)) hahah. im not a follower. Lol. Then, we were talking about movies. And he told us not to watch Ninja Turtles. Lol. i was SO not intending to watch that. ML was tho'. My god. hah. then he said he wanted to watch 23 at town with a friend. hah. so after i bought my stuff, or ML bought for me, we went around with Dom. Asked him a Question which he was somewhat a problem for him to asnwer. wthhh... hahah. come on. Past Macs, where i met the Wadsup gang with Ian Kenneth. not sure if Venron was there. James did not come. poor thing injred his knee. get well soon!! Love you. talked a little to them, when boris or ian asked " Who's that Malay boy? " hahahah~ refering to Dom. i was like " No! hes not Malay. its Dominic. " hahha. well, dominic is very dark. so, we wlaked on talked about Murder Mayhem. OOooooo~ hahah. out of us 3, only my team got it correct. ML tot it was JT. and DOm said that Jasckie Chan had a scandal with Madonna. HAH. damn funny. walked past Charles&keith andni said that i wanted to get new shoes and he went all " Charles&Keith is not good my mum dont buy form here so i dont hin its good " hahahah~ please. your standard and my standard damn different ahh.. and Charles&Keith has nicee shoes okayyy... hahahah~ Then, he went off, while we headed up to the 7th floor for the movies.

Decided to watch Freedom Writers. This movie is a must watch. Its darggy in the beggining but as a whole, a great story to just think and reflect on. i mean, we have such peace in Spore when ppl on the other side of the world still have to fight to survive Everyday. All the different Gangs, it isnt easy to live and everyday, its a mere countdown to their death. And theres a big misconception between Death and Respect. I tot that Hilary Swank did i great job as Mrs G. this movie is a must watch. Especially, if you think you know about living it rough, You have no idea.

alrightey. no idea how long i took to write this entry. Hah. nvm. my parent are out watching a movie. and my baby bro is cying cos he woke up rom slee. sighh. i better watch my health for the next few days or i might fall sick bcos i feel like im coming down with a fever. SOB. well, i better ciowz. see you!!


i look out
im think about you
i wonder if you think of me too
its crazy
but im ok
im happy just as i seem to be
somethings are better left
maybe some other time
it'll come at a better time, a better place.
till then,
im happy just as i seem to be
i guess i just wanted to tell you
i never left and you never went away in my eyes
all the yesterdays,
i still think about how it used to be
how we used to be`

Monday, March 26, 2007
short entry

hahaa. gonna keep this entry short. or try to anyway.

im suppose to be doing to my Economics review. but well, thats going too well. cant seem to find an appropriate article. Sighh. well, the week has been good. going for camp this weds. preety xcited actually. it seems only a lilited amount of people in 0732a and i are exted about it. sheesH. well, schools been good. the guys are making fun of me and fahmie, which i dont quite mind cos i know they are joking. but still.. hahah. tody got to bond with the girls. which was nicee. there are all quite chat-able. lol. if there ever is a word. what else? oh, ML is on camp one so im missing her a lot. sighh. she stopped sms-ing me this afternoon. i hope she got my Mr Row sms. haaaa. im evil. lol. the class was good today. had fun. well, i hope deep inside they did too. after thatw ent to CWP to get somecamp supplies. heheh. then ate and went home. Told you its a short entry.

well, i better get going. why the heckk isnt Boris online??! i need him to print Wendy's review. Geez. Ciowz people. Lovelove.

Monday, March 19, 2007
So it begins~

So it begins.

The school year begins, at least to the Wadsupp gang and I. its has looooong started but well, we kinda didnt go with the flow too much. hahh.

My new classmates are good. hurh. Guess what? im the CG rep!! *screams* dont they already know i dont do well in pressured situations? they will regret their decision. muahahahah. i wish Atikah was in class. that would have been fun. we miss you. they totally sabo-ed me, i tell you. i was suppose to be Temporary CG which i didnt mind but ... they had to change that! by one month, they'll problie opt to change the rep. Hahh. well, assistant rep is Veron. Very quiet dude. thats why i nominated him. heheh. I know my classmates names but i dont think they know mine. hahahah. something i just realised. Evil.

Oh, History project is due on Friday. we are screwed. im very worried. i was running up and down trying to find a group for Lyda and friend. but things kept coming up. Troublesome, it tell you. then this Palvin not helping me AT all. talk only... !! hurh. At first it was me, phillip, boris, xue ting, and sheryl. Then, i tot ok, i'll go out and join Lydia's group together with somebody else from another class. But boris and phillip said that if i leave the group then, the remaining of them wont do anything. hahah. i was like ok. stop and think now. Finally, Boris decided to go out and be in Lydia's team. So its Finalised. Yey!! Tmr staying back to do Cuban Missile War. i hope we get it done. To a certain extent at least. =)) i shall do my research now. hehehh.

oh, but before that, after school, went to banquet again to eat. had Dumplings u-mian. nicee.. but i didnt finish it cos its A LOT. no kiddiing. then, talked and laughed. Boris, Vict and I were talking about the shows in Mtv. The Assistant, Laguna Beach and 8th&Ocean. Laughing at what Andy asked his assistants to do. hahahah. damn funny. then, we talked about the class. Sighh. not up to the guys expectation larh.. SAD hor?? hahaha. well, im a happy gurl. the people are just fiine. Wouldnt change a Thing. not a thing. a good mix. 0732A the 2nd would be a good class to come to school to. oh, cant wait for Adventure camp too!! =) weeeeee~ the guys are trying to scare us by calling it Tommy chen's Camp. please larhhh...~ hahahh. okok.

Ciowz people. Cuban Missile War is waiting impatiently for me. hahah. Love you.
And Mun Ling, im truly sorry for not Linking you. it was an accident!! =) oh, i hope you had a great day. i didnt get to ask cos you went offline afters. hmmm... i hope youre fiine.

Saturday, March 17, 2007
boo!! Sunday


It's Sunday!!! ahhhhhhh... there's school tmr. that sucks. i hate school. i hate math even more. the only reason i can think of for going to school tmr is that i'll meet our new classmates. Damn. Gotta check out the Nicoles. Hopefully they are what Phillip and Boris expect. hohohoo.

I dont know if there's any homework. ive been slacking like S***. I dont like slacking but i couldnt help it this time. Tmr onwards, its full steam ahead. okok. i shall never use that phrase again. so damn cheesy. hahahha~ sorry you guys had to hear it. lol. well, i will need to check my bag and all. oh, and my books. and my money. there will be LOADS of notes to buy. EEKKZ.

oh, people, you have to check out Red Hot Chilli Pepper's new sigle : Desecration Smile. its like their Snow (hey Oh). i looooove the songs... so niceee~ *gleeful smile* i almost bought their album. no idea why i decided not to. Stadium arcadium. it's a very good album btw. the Vid for Desecration Smile is a little weird. cos its only the four band members on the camera with their faces. these guys are old but they can still rock, man. no kidding. hahaha.

what else have i got to say? erm.. oh, im addicted to sims pets. OMG. i know i never play these things, but after builing a lovely huge house and creating 4 characters and 2 dogs... im ADDICTED. so screwed right? iknowiknow. hahah~ im playing it on my PS2. i cant even remember my characters' name because they each have a first, middle and last name. hahahaha~ i named one after my brother. he wanted it. so one is Md. Maarof Bin Samad. then the other, Vivianne ... Levitz. Sapphire ... Villa. Francesc Daniel Sergio. hahahaha. i have the worst names i tell you. 3 of the above names are from soccer players!! hahahah. Francesc, Villa and Sergio. CHEESYYYYY!!! hahahah. oh, my dogs names are nicer, Harwell and Nero. hehehheh. i love my dogs name! oh, they are super cutee too. they have sweaters. HAHAH. my dogs have last names too but i can remember them. lol.

well, my dad's off to M'sia. he borrowed 50 bucks from me. then, before going he asked " Do you want something? " to me. in which i was surprised and said " No. " then he asked " do you want the donuts?? " my eyes lit up. I LOVE DUNKIN DONUTS.... i confess. then i asked " Do you have the money? " Silly question right?? he was like " yeahhh" then i said a bigg OK. heheeheheh~ I love my dad. He can SO read my mind. okok. maybe its just cos hes my DAD. cant wait fo my sugar coated donuts.. people. i do not think i'll be sharing. MUAHAHAHAH. go get you own donut.

till next time, Love you. Dont get too hungry. =p
oh, and wish me the best for school tmr. for some reason, i have a bad feeling about it. hurrrrh. maybe its just my hair?? hahhaah.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

hello. 2nd entry of the day. heheh. dont ask me why. anyway, im telling you. my tagboard is CRAZY. Eurghhhh~ i hate it. anyway, should i go swimming today?? i dont go swimming regularly.. i loove it once im in the water. It is after all a hot day but wait, its Raining!! hahah. maybe later in the evening. weeeeeeee~ i wanna go swimming larhhh. okok.

i wanna reply to all you tags. btw, im doing all this by memory ok. i can seem to see my cbox now. May i saw Eurghh again??!

Asnira: hello!! hahah. not slow larhhh! kidding only okayyy.. hahah. good to hear from you. miss you a lot. there a quite a few TKGS ppl in the school but none as awesome as You and Yi ying. man, i miss you guys larhh...

Dominic: Is that really you?? hahahah. i dont know if i should believe you. Ok, if its you, How the hell did you find my blog? hahah. you sneaky little.. =X hahah. i saw you for bridging. Does this mean youre staying? dude, trust me, innova is gooood! why do you think many are staying. ok, maybe they cant go anywhere else but.. thats not my point. my point is: Innova is good. Besides, they need people like you and i to pull their standards in 2 years time? =) If you stick around, you'll see. btw, i cant help but miss you. and its not ONLY YOU. Dont get it to your head =p but i do. take care, dominic goh wee kiat. Hope to see you around?

James: You better be right. hahh. but i cant help write long entries. cos i like details. i like elaborations so thats why its always long. i hope its not dry or anything. anyway, if i need help in Lit, i'll come get you!! hahah. sice you sem like you know your stuff... dont lead me wrongly, dude. See you on Mon. All the best with 0733A and Crystal. Dont scare her!

Dhea: Babe!!!! missyou.missyou.missyou.missyou.misyou.missyou.missyou.missyou.missyou.missyou.missyou. i really really do!! Sob. you know if i only had you guys as my friends, i would be sitting at the round table in canteen sadd and alone!! only i stayed!! the 4 of y'all Left! How sad is that, right? See you on Msn. i added you already ok?? love you babe. take care.

Barney: you Creepy purple dinosaur!! EEEEKZ. hello? im damn friendly ahh.. just leave your name next time can? no need to be so mysterious. we are all friends here. heheh. anyway, shoudnt you be singing that iloveyou song b4 you left? not doing your duties, now are you? Especially for you... In Purple! hahahah.

Atikah the Bombshizzle: Cheer up already larhhh.. hahahh. Babe, jut for you, TPJC rocks!! =) okok. we both know it doesnt. hahah. you'll be fiine. Love you babe. Continue visiting here tau. Dont just because your new friends got blogs then you dont visit ours ok? we are still Your Priority. =)

Anyway, i changed my song again. and i editted my sections. i got Links!! hahah. i have Friends. but, James is not considered as one because he says he has no friends. this song is soooo damn nice. its the kind in the concert when they are playing the song, you hold up your lighter or phone. then, theres like a million lights on the floor. What a beautiful sight. Oh, i might be changing my tagboard soon. This thing is Screwed!! hahah. so, sorry if i didnt get your msgs or something.

Another day of bluesss

soooooo screwed.

i just remembered we have a history project due!!! *VERY loud scream* i hate last minute work!! somebody?? okok. after this entry, i will do a research on the cuban missile War. Promise. Hurh. i hope we get it done. i mean, its such an interesting topic i have no idea why nobody wants to get it started. Its due 22nd march 0732A or my teammates to be exact. you know what? i dont even know who my classmates are! goodness. did i already say we are SCREWED??! im getting nervous. this is not a good sign. shoot.

well, today i woke up and had very bad sinus. Eurghhh~ hate it. had this reali bad sneezing. well, it stopped thankfully.

my mum's not working. it's good for her. i mean, she's been working for straight days now and i can see its taking a toll on her because she's very moody and she's picks on the smallest things. so, hopefully after today, she'll be better. Please be. She's out. the house is quite quiet besides the loud music playing to the song of Hawthorne heights. =)) i love this song. oh, but you already know that!

I didnt go to school yesterday. i hope they didnt have too much fun w/o me. hahahah~ well, i just couldnt be bothered with my hair so i just tot Whatever. sms-ed Vict and went to watch Prime- again. i loooove that movie. the guy, David, also a OTH actor, is cutee. heheh. and Uma looks good too. the ending was bittersweet too. but i guess life is better ended that way. Bittersweet. make its nicer and somehow more satisfying. Dont you think so?

Yesterday, watched the first episode of Prison Break 2. iknowiknow. Everybody is going all, So slow. ive watched all the episodes from Youtube already. hahh. well, it was a good episode. Tho i think Abruzzi should no longer be there because I think he puts the whole group in grave danger. And T-bag, my god. He should just diee. hahah. but i guess this is all necessary to make the show MORE interesting right? hahaha. Well, Veronica shudnt have ben killed. i think Terrence is Evil. Eurghh. Corruption!!

What else? Oh, Mun Ling has left for her trip to Desaru. i forgot to give my well wishes yesterday, so i smsed this morning. well, im sad she's gone for the weekend because i inetended to go school supply shopping with her on Saturday. but well, now that plan seems a blur because right now, im broke. hahah. no exaggerations. im practically digging into my graduation money. Hurh. which i totally am soo upset about because that money was suppose to be used to buy my Adidas sweater or well, any nice warm sweater. believe me that would be a good 2-year investment by looking at how much me and my friends hang out! hahha. so anyway, yesterday, mun ling called me like at 5.20pm asking if i wanted to go to the NUS conservatory theatre or something like that for the Erotica thgy. Something that was recommended by the Lit Teachers. I told her maybe if her dad could send us there. but she sms-ed me later saying she will not be going cos she has not decided what to where. well, its true cos she takes forever to decide. hehehh. so we started sms-ing about a certain topic for like the millionth time or something. i hope it goes down soon. the convo about the toppic seems very ermm... lets just say it never comes to a certain conclusion. No more such convos please. =p

-just got off the phone. i am NOT happy with what you said. that was Not necessary!!! i am sooooo angry with you!! That's it. im off you have spoiled my moOd. you are horrid when you dont think. go -----------------*

A Qoute:

You Love, You Learn, You Move On, & thats OK.

i think that it is very powerful. There's something about it. because i think people take too much time just continuously thinking about What Went Wrong. Learn then move on. dont be stuck on the moment because, it might paralyse you. Remember, Youre never coming back to that moment.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007
i feel sooooo sadd

ahhhhhhhhh~ i feel so sadd. sob sobb. im really very sadd. and its not because school sucked, or my hairuct isnt nicee or because, there's school tmr.

its because Atikah wrote in her blog that she still misses us!!!

Nest paragraph is dedicated to Atikah Syarah Binte Ismail =))
even Mun Ling misses you, atikah. see, how you are soooo loved in innova?! imagine if you were here, yi ying, you, me, boris and Mun ling would be at seminar room every H1 lit together. our group itself would conquer the whole table. then, we can write poems to each other. cheesy ones, gay ones, the ones about frogs, the ones about laughing so hard and the ones simply about being good friends and embracing each other's warmth. ooooooooo~ wouldnt that just be sooooooo nice? i hope im not making you cry, because as an aspiring journalist, i have decided to always report the TRUTH. and my dear, dear babe, This is one helluva truth. miss you. i swear writing a whole paragraoh of those 2 words also not enough. i still remember our last hug in the canteen. we skipped H1, with your encouragement, i did it- finally. hahah. then we hugged twice before me and the Wadsupp gang left for Cwp. i need one more hug. okok. maybe more than that. oh, wth. just bring me back to that moment. sigh. miss you. ( see, i wrote it again! yikes! ) atikah. dont be sadd okayy.. because you makiing me sadd. and you know i dont like to be sadd. it makes my heart ache like HELL. i like to laugh. so make a funny entry. or say something funny. PLEASE. anything but another sappy-sad, tear briming entry. please please with ME on top. hahahahahah~ okok. not funny. lol.

well, today went for lit. ermm.. it was laright. dont think i'll have any notes. gotta egt the booklet from the bookshop when school reopens. sighhh~ MORE notes. wthh. and we paying for it!! isnt this suppose to be under Miscellanous in our School fees? geez.

anyway, after school, hang out with my oneandonly. MUN LING. i love my babe sooooo much. i cant imagine us getting further apart, all thanks to school. please babe. let us NOT drift? please. Dear God. help us please too. Hanging out with her is always funn. i will never trade you for the Wadsupp gang ok? its just hard to explain time management in my circadian rhythm. okok. im talking Bullshit. sorry. well, Music&Lyrics. MUST WATCH. i cannot emphasise enough. its sooo sweet and if you have a loved one, watch it with him/her. its funny too though at one point of the movie you are bound to ask "How more times will i be listening to this Pop, there goes my heart song." hahahaha~ Mun ling isnt the laugh out loud kind and i am, so it was v difficult supressing my laughter. i failed at times and Mun Ling would say " Syuhrah... Shuhhhh" and she did not mean my Nick name! so, we ate Cavanna's Specialty - cheesedogs and went to the Library to look for The Dutchess of Malfi. Mun Ling just had this urge to start reading it. so i accompanied her. we didnt find the book alast, but we got some other poem books. i had no idea there were soooooo many leterature books. they had a whole rack of Shakespeare. oooooooo~ i borrowed William Blake's Compilation of poems. i likeee William Blake. ever since i read about his poem in Sec 1. i can still remeber the title. The Tyger. but of course i cant remember the poem. Hurh. then, we went home.

i was running almost late for my appointment at Judy's. Im cutting my hair, you see. its not very short. i mean, i still want to tie it up. i think its okay. tho many will say: why didnt you cut it shorter or there isnt much difference. People, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. OPEN YOUR EYES!! WIDE WIDE CANNN?? well, this is the last picture of my long hair. heheheh. tho you cant reali see it because, its mostly the smiling pic of me. hahah. thats my sodelicious brother. hes soooo bigg already. love you Qimi. =)

okay. thats all i think. i didnt hang out with the Wadsup gang today because they didnt come to school. NONE of them. Boris abandoned me for his sleep. bumbumbumlazybum!! hurh. James, said the day was too boring and didnt come. the rest? no idea. well, im still thinking if i should come tmr. im very lazy. after all its History and Economics. heheheh. confident seyy.. hahah. no larhh.. i have soo many books to occupy the time at home. but i might go for Economics since its in the afternoon so i can still catch some music Vids. hmmmm~ i wanna eat. not eaten dinner. im one hungry girl!! see you people.

Love Love, to all who needs some Lovin'. =)

p.s: i met a tuition friend. i cant remember his name it starts with Z. i shall look into my diary later. he was like " Eh, junior college?". then i smiled and said " then, where are you? " and he answered " ite ". well, he always didnt do well for math and always failed it like 40++ so thats sadd. i met Saifuddin too. He too went to ITE. all because he failed math. sighhhh~ Reminds me Suaidi. i have no idea where that guy ended up this time around~ also, first day of wearing innova uniform oh, the hell i went through with Mun Ling!! hahaha.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

i just looked at my entry summary. ive written 35 entries. hahah. 35 long entries.

listening to This Is Who We Are by Hawthorne Heights. i like this song. there's something about the chorus :

i know it seems that we're never coming back
i know it feels that we're never coming back
You tried your best and you knew it wouldnt last
They were the words that she placed on her casket

It could mean sooo many things. im just trying to think how it can imply in my life. a situation where i just knew it wouldnt last but, i still hoped, deep inside, that it would. False hope. Hawthorne Heights have very nicee songs. i like their song Dissolve and Decay too. one verse went:

Dissolve and decay
There's nothing left to say
Sit back, watch her die slowly
Dont cry
She didnt love you anyway

i think thats very powerful. For some sadistic reason. hahh.

anyway, today, went back to school for math bridging. Crap. so much for math bridging. hahh. aftr checking our classes in which James Goh was a little upset that he was separated from the Wadsup gang. He kept saying that they cant hang out together anymore. i was like " we will larh james. dont say that anymore. " and phillip said " We sure can hang out one. After school. " They also went to check out all the other pupils who were in o732A and 0733A ( James' amd Vict's class). Well, good news for them, more GIRLS than GUYS. hahahaha~ Boris and Phillip damn happy ahh.

We went to eat at Macs. omg. the guys are damn craziee. they were talking about the girls in our class like 80%-95% of the time!! i wouldnt have been able to stand it if they didnt make it so damn funny. hahahah~ So there are two Nicole's in our future 0732A.

phillip was like " Ok, Boris, which Nicole do you want? "

"Tay ah. Tay sounds nicer. " *guys laugh* This was when we queueing for food.

then when we sat down boris went " Syuhrah. You come early right? then you find out for us who the Nicole's are. If they are not pretty, i appeal out already" hahahah.

then James came up with a scenario that Nicole could be FAT. omg. Boris faked a puking scene. then said " SHIT ah. I appeal to you class ahh james. Got Crystal. "

So james and and Phillip doesnt know who crystal is. So me and Boris were trying to explain. Ang moh, brown hair and as boris says "her height above average " oh, we mentioned that she was sweet too, which is true. we talked during OGL. Finally Phillip got it. James was like " Reali ah? Pretty ah? " Boris was giggling and all. then he asked me. and my answer was " In my opinion she's ok larh. i mean, the good thing about her is that she different. But shes not the Outstandingly pretty kind. but shes sweet so... " yeah.

then of course they started talking about the malay guy thats gonna be in ur class too. Boris named him Taufiq. okayyy. hahh. of all names right? He tot of that because earlier he asked me if Taufiq Batisah cuter or Hady Mirza. (Obviously Taufiq Batisah!! Duhhh!) then the guys were saying "You will have a competitor you know. the other malay girl " then i was like "im not interested larh..." they still didnt get it. Boris was trying to look for a malay guy in Mac. then everytime he saw one he'd go "Eh look at that guys. cute eh... " i would refuse to turn. then, there was one particular guy that was walking back and forth. i'll tell you about him when i get there. then, Boris was trying to tell me what kind of guy i like, Which is stupid because i dont reali judge a guy from the looks. For me, the no. 1 criteria is FUNNY. heheheh~ so, then Boris asked if i prefered malay guys or Chinese guys. i was stumped. If i said Chinese, that wouldnt be fair to my race. If i said malay, that wouldnt be true. Because most of my crush are Chinese. and and one major crush would be on a Spanish. HAHAHA. yeahyeah, the oneandonly DavidVilla. i said " Chinese" and of course he had a lot to say about that even when we were ta the MRT station waiting for Phillip and James who were in the gents. Geez. what is their problem!!

What else happened? ohhh. Boris did the most disgusting thing in the world - spitting into the cup that he finished using. major EURGH. then he would pour it into the curry sauce container. Damn disgustiing, i was Horrified. I was the only girl for once, and so i had noone to squeal in disgust with. Vict was away in Hockey camp. Miss you Victoria Anne Fernandez. =)))

Oh, then, we left. on the way to the escalator, we saw the guy who was walking back and forth. and he had his arms on a girl's shoulder or something. im not sure. For pete's sake,i dont care for details when it comes to these things. so the guys saw it and went all " Awwww.. Syuhrah. He has a girl " like i actually cared. the boris said " Dont be sad larh. Ok i go there now and talk to him " WTHH. hahhahahah~ SO LAME.

so we went to the MRT station. Boris and Phillip wanted to go to Cityhall. Phillip to get his immigration thing done and Boris to get his brother's birthday present. They asked me to join them but it was 3.15 and by the time i reach home it was going to be like 6++pm. and i hate going home late as it makes me VERY exhausted. so i decided to skip that and go home. weeeeeeee~ i escaped temptation and peer pressure. lol =p

so here i am home. writing my blog. my siblings are all done with their tuition so the house is all noisy again!! ahhhhh! i want peace and tranquility people. PEACE AND TRANQUILITY. okok. im chilled. lol.

anyway, Mun Ling is still awaiting her for her Appeal result. Did i mention that Boris and Phillip always laughs or giggles when we call each other BABE. damn gay! hahaha. Anyway, she was pretty bummed out about the whole appeal thing. and i had no idea how to comfort her cos somehow, the bigger chance is that it will be rejected. hurh. She was like giving me her Goodbye wishes larhh.. so scary. asking for a Christian burial, and sending me a love note and all that kind of thing. i was seriously spooked. then, when i asked, where are you? she said on top of building! OMG. hahahah.

i love you babe. Dont do anything silly! you'll always have me. Always and Forever
p.s: i have noone to accompany me throughout 5hrs of Literature tmr. Sob sob. wthhh~ Boris is the most awful friend EVER. hahahah~ just had to say it dude. i excuse James and Mun Ling for they have Chemistry. Geez. Who am i gonna sit with?!

Sunday, March 11, 2007
a better entry


feeling better today. just read my last entry. both my parents are at work. anyway, for the whole day, i have done NUTS. nothing. later, i want to read. then maybe, just maybe, do a little revision. i read james' blog. HAHAH. Are you really going for Bridging? im putting pressure on you and the Wadsupp gang, dude. COME. =)

im listening to Last Night by P.Diddy feat Keyshia Cole. i loooove this song. And you know i have high expectations for Hip Hop songs but really, this song is good. listen to it through mtv2.com i love Keyshia's voice, its somewhat hoarse so it comes out as she's really feeling the song which is great. cos you are suppose to feel the song, people.

Ive watch Nelly's video Say it Right for like, what, 3-5 times just for today? i still dont get the song. i have no idea why people like the song. ok, it has a nicee beat. but the meaning? Boy, you mean nothing to me, but you got what it takes to set me free, boy, you could mean everything to me? HUH? hahah. Sorry. i still love All Good Things Come to An End. plus, Chris Martin wrote that song with Nelly. and i have sooo much respect for Chris Martin for coming from an awesome band (coldplay) and for writing one of my favourite songs - Yellow. And for being a humble family man. Cheers, Chris.

i also LOVE Hellogoodbye's single - Here (In Your Arms). its soooo cute. Have you heard it? you can hear it on mtv2.com too. its awesome. The song is great tho the members arent really lookers. hahh. i actually saw the "making" of the band. i mean, they had a show and these group of kids had to give them publicity and all and i just thought, that they would never make it but well, they did. i can only hope that their next single is jsut as great.

Ive also seem The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus new video for False Pretense. the song is very rocking okayyy.. its about a frind Backstabbing him. OUCH. i hate it when that happens. oh, getting to the video. Very cool concept. Apparently, the lead singer, Ronnie Winters, is being Murdered. oooooooo~ ok, this guy, Ronnie, has smotther hair than i do!! omg. He has very nice erm, slightly over the shoulder long brown hair. and when he truns his head or whatever, hes hair is like... ooooooooo~ hahahha. seriously. what does he use?? Burt from the Used should take a tip or two. hahah. nevertheless, the guys all look great in the vid. And the song is just Awesome. so a definate Must-Listen.

Anyway, watched TRL today. saw the highlights of the My Chemical Romance US tour. ok. no exaggerations but its sooooo awesome!! its like totally different from any other concert!! Did i say ive declared myself an MCR fan after getting their latest album? so the whole concert starts with Gerard way... * slurps saliva* starts singing from a those metal tables they operate on o something. then, afetr they sing the whole album, in order, they do another 30minutes of their old stuff. so cool. MCR is the ultimate.
Yesterday, as i hope i watched the Osasuna VS Valencia game. OOOOOO~ David Villa is hothot. okay. so missed several shots and Valencia was still losing by the 81st minute. he was really trying to score. At one point, he kinda fell over the Goalkeeper and the Osasuna defender shoved him and he didnt retaliate. he just waved his index finger. Thats my man. never retaliating to a fight. HOHOHOHOH. anyway, i think Valencia lost. But i got to watch David Villa and that sure is worth it. hahaha. Man, what is sooo special about him? even i cant see. he just oozes with such great personality. am i even making sense? hahah.
i better stop here before it goes on&on&on&on&ON. hahah.
love you guys. take care.

Saturday, March 10, 2007
That little girl Lives on`

I dont want to cry anymore
for the things that you did
i might be seventeen
but that little girl lives on in me
You cant hear my tears
in the silence of the night
too busy with your situation
you sleep, oh so soundly tonight
YOU, for being impatient
YOU, for being so petty
YOU, for not fulfilling your duties
YOU, for pushing everyone that loves you away.
YOU, for making me insecure
YOU, for threatening to leave
YOU, for giving up so easily
YOU, for simply not understanding how i feel.
This will never end
You've shown me Love hurts
And i must admit i am Afraid
But i will still give You a Chance
Oh, i will surely give You a Chance`

im tired today. and i woke up to swollen eyelids. do you know how awful swollen eyelids are? i hate them. Yesterday, i slept to the playback of History by Funeral For A Friend. Oh, thanks Boris for sending me the song that was the soundtrack to my night. Right timimg. Hurh.

i cant stand the things you say. i cant. everytime you say them, it makes me want to jst get my sweaters and walk out. walk far far away. FAR AWAY. but i cant. because i know you need me. and i want to be there for you but your words they hurt sooo badd. You never seem to understand me anymore. Am i that hard to decipher? AM I? oh, wont you lay it to rest.

Dear God, you know whats best. And i assume youve kept me here because you want me to learn something. And i have. Please. Give me another reaosn why im still here. Home is not even Home last night. Maybe its best you took me away. I want to get myself out of this deafening silence the night brings. Get me out of it. Please... Ive seen enough and im sure ive seen the worst. I trust You know whats best for me. Please guide me.

Friday, March 9, 2007
Cheer up!


my bro just asked me why i like to put on sad songs. hahahah. i said, no, i put on hopeful songs. then came the line " Love of mine, Someday you will die... " lol.

anyway, i wanted to put on this song because, mun ling was feeling low. i want to say stuff to her but its tough cos she doesnt want to tell me the whole thing. but i respect her space. so i shall leave her be.

i hope you are alright babe. call me if you need me :)) looove you.
only you know why i put it on green!! =))

im sure you guys want me to change my layout. but i cant seem to find a nice layout in blogskins. could anyone please recommend me a different website for templates? actually, i dont quite mind this layout. its simple, neat and the colours are nice and subtle. maybe i should keep it, shall put this under consideration.

i forgot to say that i watched this show on national geographic channel 12. its called : all the things you should know. i looove that show! every episode is a defferent topic. ive watched about hurricanes, and yeaterday, it was about Sharks. awesome. i saw so many different species of sharks. did you know that this species of shark which existed years ago called Megalodon could actually exist till now. WOW. i know. its the biggest shark species. bigger that the great white shark. i think it can eat a whole Humpback whale no problem. oh, did you also know that 28% or was it 24% of shark attacks are fatal. and the most dangerous shark would be the great white sharks. 2nd) the bull shark 3) tiger shark. AWESOME huh? National Geographic is sooooo not boring! hahahah. totally nerd! oh, these are some other shows you should watch. im not sure of there are on National Geographic or Animal planet but still... Watch them.

- Mythbusters: Funny and craziee. the host and their Interns will do experiments that will prove if this concept is right or wrong.

- You shouldnt be alive: There was this very inspirational episode that even Oprah had them on her show!

- Miami Ink: i love this show because these people coming in to have their tattoos done have very unique reasons behing it. like maybe their son died or they survived cancer so they want to get the tattoo. but i wont be getting a tattoo. its simply such a lifetime commitment.

i cant think of other shows. if i do. i'll write.

im reading this book called Famine. i like it soooo much. the stories are all woven together. its quite confusing actually but i like the way the author writes. like it starts with one word for impact. then, the characters are all going through a hard time. ive not finished the story. when i do, i'll give it a proper review.

well, im hungry. i want to eat. and i want to drink coke. =)) i love coke. my favourite drink. heheheh. iknowiknow. its bad for the health but i cant help it. i love coke! so i better ciowz. see you.

p.s: i read James' blog. dont believe his movie reviews!! hahaha. a man full of twist, he is! check out his blog if you have not. its very stress-relieving. =)

into the break we go

Sometimes, you just want to hold back your tears for showing them might seem to others as a sign of weakness. Especially in the eyes of someone who depends on you. Tears are a sign that you have had enough or you're on the edge of your problem. What do you do when you start tearing? Wipe it off and fight. Fight for what you really want. Even when its all not going your way. Fight your way to pursue happyness.

that was what Will Smith's character Chris taught me. that even when the odds are against you, a little perseverence could go a long way. The Pursuit Of Happyness didnt quite match my expectation. I guess i expected a happy story. About hope. But, the movie didnt quite focus on that. throughout the storyline, you just see Hopelessness. And almost every scene makes you want to cry. and for me it was the scene that had Father and Son on the toilet floor. And Chris was crying softly. That was his breaking point. and it left me with such overwhelming emotions. Imagine someone just pushing on you, nudging you for the littlest thing and you have noone to depend on and the only form of strength is your son. Pretty frustrating i'd say. And yet, he pulls through it all and carves his very own form of happiness. The best part? Knowing he earned it all himself, despite everything he went through. The tears he cried finally, were the tears of gratitude and probably leads to the ultimate Happyness in life ~

Finally. Friday. *sighh of relieve* im really glad the week is over. and soon, we'll get our classes and everything will settle down. then, back to business. hahh. my friends hate it when i go all nerd on them. they always have the same reaction. hurh. hopefully, after the college gets on they'll be more serious. not ALL serious. but serious enough. hope you get what i mean :)

anyway, first lit lecture today. ok, it wasnt really a lecture seeing that it actually was held in the Seminar Room. I shall name the pros and cons of Lit.

Pros :) Lit is soooo gonna make me write better. As in write my views better. They have this Poetry Criticisation thingy.. which would be good if i ever do reviews for anything. please correct me if im wrong. just tag ok. bcos im a total newbie in Lit so bare with me. lol. Next, i have Mun Ling with me. IF she doesnt end up going somewhere else that is.

Cons :( the teacher already knows my name. That is never a good thing. this was what happened. i realised i didnt manage to send my sms to Sheryl. so i was using my phone. She saw me, and i looked up to see her. i apologised and kept my phone. Mun ling : how does she know your name? That was when it striked me. She was one of the judges of the NUS seminar thing. AH! not good. if i remember correctly, i was a little intimidating. i kept looking at her during the speech. HAHH. screwed. no wonder i didnt get in. Also, its like im intimidated by the sub. i have no idea if i have the language power, and the writing skills. so that is freaking me out real bad. i reali want to do well. REALI.

but im glad to hvae Chemistry off my back. now i can focus on my other H2s. im an Arts student!! no idea why i like that sooo much. hah.

also, we got our uniforms. this is very funny. To me, anyway. so we were all in the library bcos, it was free period and we were about to go to the canteen to eat. when 2 guys in innova uniform came and stood in front of us - refering to me, vic and ester. it took me approximately 10 secs to realise it was Phillip and Boris! hahahah. i was shocked. i was like "OMG! It's you guys! " hahahah. they looked totally different. a good different anyway. Boris without exposing his boxers, Phillip like a JC 2 and later, James without what the others call Gay pants. lol. Victoria wore hers after school before we headed for Cwp. these are the pics! Enjoy! oh, ive not worn mine in school. seriously, the thought of the skirt is enough to make me think twice and wear my culottes for another 2 years! i really dont mind. at least wrs has nice plaits!! hurh.

look carefully... Victoria has the 2nd edition skirt!!! thanks to Sheryl. sobsob.

so, after school, hanged for a bit to watch the guys play basketball. we didnt watch much actually because me, Victoria and Ester (hopefully i got that correctly spelt or else somebody... Correct me!) talked about many other things. Seriously, there are more that one million things that are worth more than watching the guys play basketball. sorry guys! =p

Presenting Ester and Victoria. Eating Pocky. yes, i love pocky too. =) yumm!

As you can see, they are eating 2 pocky-s at the same time. Strawberry and Chocolate (my fave! ). hahah. thats Ester's bitten Pocky-s. i know you guys think these pics are lame but i like taking pictures of random things. hahh. you should try it! =p

oh, before i forget.

Happy Birthday Syaza!!

*balloons and whistles blowing*

hahahahah. Hope you are having a great 17 and hope there's more great years to come! Insyaallah. Youve proven many that you are so much stronger than they think and i hope youre ever so proud of yourself for coming this far, babe. I know that we have not been as close as we were in Sec 2 and part of sec 3 but just wanted to let you, i've always treasured you as you always came at the right time. for example, that time you and shilah came when i was bawling my eyes out in the side gate. omgg. Thank you for being there when it reali mattered. Also my OTH confidante. hahah. May the series never end, well, at least until we grow out of the whole crazy-for-teenager-soap-dramas phase. hahah. love you and always take care!! Happy Birthday!

hahah. also, i watched the drawing of next round of Champions League. These are the results :)))

Chelsea Vs Valencia - i want Valencia to win this one. GO David Villa. *major drool*

AS Roma Vs Manchester United - i want AS Roma to win. GO Francesco Totti.

PSV Eindhoven VS Liverpool - Obviously, you know who i want to through in this game. GO REDS. This is yours to win!

Bayern Munich VS --- i cant remember. oops. sorry. haha.

well, all i can say is: I cant wait!! we've beaten the current Champions, we should now go all out and beat the rest. ok, theres a possibility that if Valencia wins, and Liverpool wins, My two teams could meet!! AH! that would be soooooo cool! hahaha. well, i'd still want Liverpool to win. David Villa still hasnt changed my love for LFC. but, major drool for that match. oooooo~ David Villa. hahahaha.

alright. want to eat before Survivor. heheheh. cheers!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007
replying to my tgas~

ok. after trying for like a gazillion times, i have seen my tag and just want to thank you guys for tagging. soooo sweet. loooove you all. Tag somemore. hahha.

Asnira: holla, babe!! you just found my blog? Cis. i know your blog for a loong time already! hahah. visit here more often. lol. miss you and i hope youre doing great wherever you are! thats nanyang right? hurhh.. MY dream college. lol. take care babe.

James: Dude. you and Boris are genetically the same? omggg.. oh, the uncanny resemblance. both like frog. one hyper frog and the other giggly frog. omgg. i hope noone else shares the genes!! lol. i didnt hear you say the pigeon joke!! hahah. too bad. credits go to Boris since i never hear from you! heheheh. okok. you too larh. love you dude. oh, on cue 1,2.... ROLL! hahahahha~

Atikah: Babe. Babe. Babe!!!! ahhhhh~ you the bomb! have i said that? *james looks on enviously* hehhee. sorry james. your place has been substituted. =)))

Mun Ling: hey babe. i hope you all the best for your decision making. looove you no matter what and the choices you make. jsut hopefully we'll be bestiez even when we are farrr away. and i mean, SP and IJC farrr away. cant imagine waiting for someone else at the grandstand. hurrrhhh.. who could that person be? lol.

Syaza: we have to be patient. very very patient! *freaks out* ok. mission failed. haha. yepp. allowed to use hp just not during lessons. but we have like Self-study sessions which equals to SLACK time. hahaha. there, camwhore ahhh.. apelagi? hahah. *whispers* April is not long. not long... november is even longer. heheheh. all the best to the two of us. OTH fanatics!

Amy: heyyya!! wow. you went to my blog? b****. kidding. kidding. OGL ah you? cooliez. i was kicked out cos i didnt attend meetings. errrr... *points to my class* hahaha. ive missed you too. hope youre doing great in YJC altho IJC rocks more.. and even more than SA. hahaha. Be realistic, Syuhrah. ahahhaa. all the best babe. youre my competitor come next year. i'll pray that all of us gets promoted to JC2 safely. whatever happened to our plans to go to Anderson? l0l. vanished or crushed? ook. dont rub salt onto our wounds larhh. i mean, we already 20- 25% top in cohort. so, its ok, its alright. see you around babe. rock steady!

yey! tag people... tag!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007
1st dae of JAE

today is the 1st day of JAE. as i predicted. loadsa ringers. but well, there were a large variety of other school too so i wasnt reali bothered.

the day started out good... seeing that liverpool actually made it to the last 8 of Champions League. weeeeeee~ hahah. then, in the morn, sms-ed yi ying and atikah to wish them all the best for a brand new start. then, went off for school. when i reached school, looked out for my classmates. didnt see anyone. finally! Kannan! yey! hahah. so checked out our names and the bad-dest part of the day... realising that we were separated! eekz! seriously. each and everyone of us in 0732A was separated. Sobsob. then on th way to the hall, met Mr mahmood. talk to him for a bit then after that joined by many other ringers. well, im in class 19. in here theres slyvia and zi gui. then beside us, there was su, lela, chee chun and andy. and guess who else??! *scary soundtrack* DOMINIC GOH WEE KIAT *evil laughter* i love that guy. i dont even know why because it has been forever since we last spoke. but when we started talking, it was like Sec 1 all over again. and boy, did i love sec 1. the time when all of us were tiny, not so horny and most important extremely funny not egoistic like now. so it was great to talk to him again. it just felt right maybe cos it reminded me of my "younger days" hahha. cheesy syuhrah!! ooooooo~ but im sadd! cos hes not staying. appealing out since he was "thrown" here aftr being rejected by SA and Nanyang. ya sure. SA rocks larh dom! good aircon and everyone is smart so not need for all these unnecessary time wasting talks... righttttt?? omg. like an 11 pointer got rejected. Nanyang's bar gotta be very high this JAE. outstanding. and with 9 points also cannot enter SA. wthh. tell you this year, competition seems tight. so he rushed to enter Jurong since there were only 2 vacancies. honestly, im sadd. hahh. i dunno. i just enjoyed his company. okok. dont read too hard. dont try to read in between the lines. jst read straight. well, too bad.

aftr break, the rest of the class "crashed" supra. while kannan and i stayed at Titans. talked to dominic and the ringers about movies. Babel and erm.. i forgot the other movie. shoot. i was laughing so much with them. ahhh... i miss dom and 2e1. godd. i sound like a baby. hahah. but thats ok. its ok to miss something you love dearly.

the day was suppose to end at 4 but i decided to go off earlier since ive been to the more important talks already and ive heard of the other talks anyway like CCA and people development thgy. so went off to buy uniforms.

oh the dread. the uniform is much more uglier. im sorry. i still think the first set of uniform is the nicest. ok. changes are suppose to improve a situation- make it better. so why the hell are the uniforms getting more awful. okok. its not that bad but come on, the skirt!! i want plaits!! i want the old uniform!! sobsobb. seriously. but nvm. i got it, i have to make do with it. i can only pray to god that i get this done by 2 years. lol.

oh. did i say there was this freaky guy that started sm-ing me. omgg. damn creepy. ah! he said he got my num fr my ex. i dont have loads of ex okay.. so i was trying to think who it could be. eekZ. i think i already know who he is. errr.. sorry. i dont digg the whole mysterious scene. be bold dude. okok. chill. he was ok at first.. then he got all "im romantic" and i was just like... what??! then, he started criticising himself. do you know what puts of a girl? he is my prime example. Guys who lack confidence and dont think they look good enough. i dont think im a bombshell but i dont go around "ewwww. look at me. im not thin (i refuse to say im fat simply bcos im NOT) and not tall and not smart." please. i know my good qualities and im sure everyone has some goood qualities. be proud of them. bcos if you arent, noone else in the world is gonna be proud of them. so chin up and be confident. its ok to be fat as long as you dont dig into everythg you eat. thats just sick. hahh. so to that dude, jsut say hi to me in school. im not gonna go all bitchy and call you names. ive grown out of that stage. believe me, ive been through that stage! so, jsut say hi. and i'll say hi back. oh, and dont forget to say that your H----. =)) so i know thats you. oh why am i saying this? hahah. like you'll read my blog. okok. im nuts.

then i decide to just get back home cos i was tired from last night anyway. besides, the rest of the class went off... without me. sighh~ you guys.....!! cant wait for my class to be reunited agian. my safety barrier maybe?

p.s: hmmm.. i saw a cute guy actually in the titan clan. omg. super cute. nice hair. quiet. i think he is in chung cheng. so, must be Chinese. oooooooo~ what is it with me and Chinese guys? hahah. but he was so quiet. he didnt even talk to his other chung cheng friends. i didnt get a view of his face, but from the back, it looks pretty darn good! hehhh. sorry. you dont get alot of cutee guys in ijc. he looks very different. ahh... im done for. lol.

waiting on tomorrow

it starts exactly where it began.

you'll know what i mean as i go along. anyway, got our JAE results today. as expected, i got into innova junior collge. heyy, im not being ungrateful here, i just wished i was good enough for somehwhere else. okok. no regrets. i did my best and there's nothing to regret. besides, ive made a great group of friends and that, i will forever be thankful for as they have made my 2 months an extremely enjoyable experience. hoho. you know who you are. heheh. and also, of course, my best friend who i have been thorugh the best and the worse with. thank youo babe. will forever cherish what we have shared as it has been so special to me. noone could replace you. not the cutest guy, or the funniest guy or the most charming guy cos youre all that and more all rolled into one. god bless. looove you! <33

Saturday, March 3, 2007
it starts with goodbye

I guess it's gonna have to hurt,
I guess I'm gonna have to cry,

And let go of some things I've loved,
To get to the other side,
I guess it's gonna break me down,
Like falling when you try to fly,
It's sad, but sometimes moving on with the rest of your life,
Starts with goodbye.
i think this is the song that has been on my blog for the longest time. it starts with goodbye from Carrie Underwood. i feel so sadd everytime i just sit at my table and listen to it. i feel like bawling my eyes out. seriously. no kidding. my eyes are all watery as i write this paragraph. somehow, i feel this song is the perfect song for the disintergration of my class.

it has been so much fun with them. now, its so terrifying they we will all be going in different directions- in a way- and somehow, maybe, we may not see each other anymore. yesterday, was hard. it was funn, but it was hard too. hahah. but the place we parted couldnt have been more ironical. lol. infront of an arcade. yeahh. Christopher started it. he went all "Ok. this is the last time you'll be seeing me. so see you. " and i was like "omg. dont say that. we'll each other agian... somehow." Boris started shaking hands with me??! hello... im staying dude! hahh. shook hands with Christopher. then, i think phillip too. or was he like blur2? then atikah said "nvm. on 15 march. we meet again watch horror movie." eeKz. Sca-ry! lol.

so let me give you a breakdown on the evnts of yesterday.

in school, the class was without XT and Chris. so, Econs we did our presentation. it was ok. lol. i was first speaker. then, did some reflections on how Economics class has been. and my personal reflection: i love it. the teacher. the subject. and of course, james, boris and phillip's jokes and "smart" replies. hahh. and of course: to summarise how our class is in mr Ng's very own words: If i can survive this class, i can survive anything! lol. atika and I found that evry amusing. and of course the pigeon joke was also started in Econs. so definately, Econs is the Bombshizzle~

then, PE. Softball. awesome. my team consisted of: Boris, Atikah, James and Darshan VS Yi ying Sheryl, Victoria, Phillip and Kannan. i have no idea who won. i got to everything. i was struck out once i think. and i think i did a homerun which wasnt supose to be a homerun. hahah. anyhow~

then, Hist lecture. James was caught bathing in the Staff toilet. omg. that guy damn daring ahh.. and apparently, he called Boris during lesson and it rang during Hist lec. hahah. and worse still, even when it rang, boris didnt attempt to shut it off. just ignoring it to show that it want hes phone until Mr Mahmood went " Boris, is it your phone? " hahahahhaha~ weird ahh...

then H1. Sat with James goh. Redox is complicationg but funn. gonna do it tmr. hehehe. not tonight. i'll tell you why later! =)))
after that from 12.40 to 1.30 we sat in the canteen waiting for Sheryl to cme back from taking her results. i tot she did well, but she intends to re-take it. okok. i guess, mother tongue potential is in question here. so we set off for out class outing.

i m telling you. our class is indecisive. so at first it was bukit batok. then, slowly it became orchard. poor Christopher had to do alot of travelling. and went he finally met us at far eat Esteler77, he was soaking wet. it was a very rainy day.

at Estellar77 was i think the most bonding period. it a indonesian eat out. so philip was a great help. i hate indonesian Fired rice with Happy soda. happy soda is very nicee!! its bandung in soda with the erm... think sweet cream. i forgot what you call that. sorry. the one you mix it with to make all your warm drinks. yepp. nicee~

after Rebecca and Chris joined us, we left.

that was a pic of us at the escalator. you cudnt possibly guess what happened next. James totally embarassed us! LOL. he jumped from the escalator landed on the gorund and Rolled. omg.. he rolled! he missed the auntie by inches and she had such a shock expression! ahhahaha. Boris and phillip were laughing til their face went red. and i was in utter embarassment. i saw all the uncles coming out of their shops looking and shaking their heads. some were smiling tho' probably wishing they could do that too. hahaha. james, you lamer. get a life! hahahaha~

next was marina square. Rebecca had to go off soon and The guys started faking a crying scene. urghh~ they are soooo dramatic. ive yet to collect pictures from victoria.... Victoria... sent me the pictures!! okok. take your time.

they went to the arcade. i didnt play any games there. lol. we manage to escape the front desk at first. thanks to james cos he kinda blocked the person's view. but then, we were finnaly caught. and we didnt bring extra clothings so we had to ciowz. the rest went to play pool. it was sadd leaving them. i mean, it was after all a class outing thingy.

while waiting for James to return to come back with change. they talked over at the Daytona station.

This is Yi ying and Atikah. they are undercover trained specialist. oooopS! looks like i just blew their cover. lol. this is part of their training regime, you see.. Mission failed btw. I think Atikah killed 3 civilians. her excuse? all civilians are actually evil people. *points to me* hahahah.

after leaving, me and atikah and yi ying went to fid ice-cream. for some reason, we were all craving for it. so we wanted to try this Anderson's ICe-cream but couldnt see the Halal sign so we ate at Swensens instead.

this is the Sticky Chewy icecream. $7.30

and Fried Mushroom. its surprisingly nice but i didnt much cos i dont like Mushrooms. hehehh. $4.90. we shared the cost shared. then. dropped by New Urban Male before going off.

on the way to the MRT met many Innovians. i guess they are the hockey guys and girls team. part of the team anyway. then it was time to get home. it was about 8+ by then. then, couldnt get into the 1st train because it was FILLED. no kidding. like sardines. poor people who have to smell funky smells.. and i did not mean the good funky. i got the secong train which was approx 8.20? by then, atikah on the way home. and i was only starting on my journey home. and by the time i was at yio chu kang. she was declared home sweet home. sighhh~ sms-ed her and Khatijah on the train so wasnt all that bored.

so thats about it. im gonna miss all of you all larhhh~ sooooo much. 8.22pm now. counting down the minutes to Liverpool VS Manchester United. the ultimate rivals. btw, innova was in the papers. pretty cool. we did ok larh for the new kid on the block as the paper puts it. hahh. i know what a farnie way to put it. okok. my dad's calling me already. gotta ciows. see you and take care. and pray that lfc wins okayyyy.... hahaha. man u, you goin DOWN. hahahahah~

Thursday, March 1, 2007
been forever~

that was the view of the canteen from the grandstand this morning. i reached school at 7.18am and it was raining quite heavily. so i stayed at the grandstand to do my homework. i told you i love the innova grandstand. its so nicee to just sit there, and stare into the field. let your mind wonder. and of ocurse nice place to meet your bestfriend everyday. or almost everyday. =) ehhhh.. mun ling. though you miss the bus and come in late quite often. hahahah. love you. the morning was nice. and i hope it was nice from your view too.


miss writing here sooooo much. and i hope you guys miss reading here sooooo much too? hahah.

anyway, the week has been good. im gonna miss my class a lot but as phillip says : thats life. sounds harsh... but nevertheless, so true.
so, what happened recently? a lot of funny things actually. we have found an official 0732A joke. hehehheheh. maybe the pigeon took it, says boris. *part where me and Atikah laughs until our eyes tear* okok. i cant publicise the joke as Atikah says because, its a 0732A thang. you know what i mean? hoho.

also, Chris has officially withdrawn. ermm.. ok. not officially yet. but he never wants to return. im praying that he does for tmr though. just for tmr. pleaseeeeee~

i hope tmr works out fine. i mean, i hope our class reali gets to hang out as one, not into different cliques. i hope we have a blast before we go into our individual journeys and adventure.

anyway, today ate at long john with my friends. the guys in the class loves picking on us gurls larhh.. like

im the nerd and the loserpool. "loserpool, loserpool." *shows sign while flashing it into my face*

Victoria is the She-man. "Omg Victoria. One, two three. Victoria is a ----"

Sheryl is the Twit. " One two three. Twit."

Yi ying is Princey. "What would you like to eat your royal Highness?"


seriously. i think only atikah doesnt get bulied. they are all afraid of her cos she jst has to go like this " ahh... I slap you! " in which James will go " ok.. relax larhhh" he loves sayg that whenever us gurls raise our hand in an attempt to hit him and hit him hard. haha.

the other group now known as Team EE (Exceeding Expectation), has finally done their project. ok. maybe not task 3. =)) tmr is my group's presentation. note to self: have to go online today to make boris print my "homejoy" and get speech ready for tmr's presentation. SIGH~

oh, btw, today after finishg our meal, we were talking while sitting at the table. guess what? some minahhhs were around and i did not notice. until, one came up and looked me straight in the eye. OMG. wthhh was she trying to do? blind me? get a life. you could have said something, you demanding lil ---. urghh. i hate this kind of people you know. i mean, sure, we were inconsiderate and all but youre freaking stupid stare was absolutely unnecessary. URGHH.

what else happened? mr mahmood wasnt here. so, we kinda took advantage of it. but assmebly was nicee today. it showed clips of the past 2 months like the i @ fun. cross country. orientation. and then about moving on. ok. i know this is a total copy fr St Andrew's but once an Innovian, Always an Innovian~ i know its cheesy. but that clip made my eyes watery. sobsob.

i should reali watch i eat. before JAE starts, i need to make sure i didnt put on weight. i know im not fat, boris. stop saying that i am!! hah. yey! tmr playing Softball. i think. weeeeee~ i hope i get to bat properly. my batting still cannot go far seyy.. like i dunno whether to swing. hahaha. but i shall try to improve. =)) yey!

today, during lunch, me, yi ying and Atikah went to the lib. i went to check out some of the careers i was interested in. okay. broadcasting is gonna be much much harder to achieve. i'll need to get barces. i mean, even if i dont become one, i'll get braces. somehow. hahh. im pretty interested in accounting and radio presenter. tho i have to learn to speak more properly and not shout. hahh. but i think my personality is good... rightt? hahahah. better say its good orh! lol. anyway, i watched as Atikah typed out her entry in her livejournal. hey. livejournal not bad sey. maybe maybe. =) anyway, you should read her blog to know more that happened and some of the careers that are waaaaaayyyy out of my reach. lol. or, and find out what my fave animal is! go to : deflatedpants.livejournal.com

today at Gp was fun too. had a quiz. oh, i failed to get into this seminar thing. after thinking about it, i think i dissed spore too much. lol. okok. my bad. that was just what my freinds said ok? anyway, no regrets. i tried. and no way am i going to take the consolation prize!! a participant to watch them say their speech. KMA, as boris says. lol.

ok. think i want to put pics of the week. bare with this looooong entry ok? hehehehe.

thats boris and Philip laughing in the socrates room with mr james ng (not in pic). the room is damn nicee ah and it was 18 degrees C, thanks to Boris and his thickskin.

thats mr james ng and james goh. and Sheryl goh. lol. somehow.

it was reali cold today, and phillip just cudnt stand it in the cnanteen. tell you. very cold. windy and chilly. good sleeping atmosphere. too bad we were in school. hahah. so, he borrowed my sweter and since it was too small for him and he didnt want to wear it porperly, he wore it like that. dont as me why. lol. he looks good in blue tho doesnt he? hahh.

poor atikah. shes showing us the blueblack she got from PE. i tell you, innova's PE is violennnnt. lol.

this is boris and james playing soccer at the futsal court. yeah, they are rebels. youre soooo not suppose to play in the futsalcourt in uniform, guys!

thats phillip as goalie. see that intense look... =)

i love this week. and i hope it all ends nicely.
take care. and loadsa looooove~