Syuhrah's Blog

That reads, "We are all in the Gutter, But Some of Us are Looking At the STARS" a quote from the famous author Oscar Wilde.
Think about it.

//about me
The Pessimistic way:
This cant last Forever
The Opimistic Way:
Let makes this Last Forever

Taurus Clan .WOOOOOOOO.
Loves Friends and Family
Loves Smiling like this =D
Loves, Loves, Loves.
too much to LOVE
p.s: I DO LOVE MCR too!

Add me on MSN: syuhrah_49@hotmail.com

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July 2008

Mun Ling <3
James Goh aka Iceman =p
Atikah Syarah
Victoria A. Fernandez
Nurul Syaza*
Sheryl Goh
Yi Ying
Nadiah aka Dhea
Xue Ting <3
Nicole Tay
Zhi Xiang

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Disco by Metro station Performed LIVE in Union Square subway

I think they a pretty good LIVE

brush image hostphotobucket designer !rock@blogskins

0732A Oceanus With missing people. Ohwells, too bad for them.
Sheryl, XT and Syuhh having their Um-brel-la Moment
School Makes you CRAZY!
Malay Classes are sooooo much FUNNN with Cikgu Hani!
Lydia and I got the "stars" shining for us!
Notice the Screen with our pictures too! =D
London pictures, EXCLUSIVE, YO!

Dinner At BeefEater. Fish And Chips. P.S: Amin's and Darren BDAY! Modern Version of Romeo and Juliet, extremely intriguing.
Khairul, Amin, Zhai and Syuhh. Guy Friends i Made. <3 Cool Telephone booths, check, cool mobile statue, check!
How did Cambridge get its name, Well, you had to go over the Cam River. Yes, and they are romantic "canoe" rides under it! The friend i grew closer to, Pei Bao and the good comical friend i made, Vanitha! Travelling is tiring stuff, we need YOGA to chill. At the Haworth YHA. The view from Haworth YHA of the valley of Haworth Streets of Haworth, plaace where the Brontes grew Skipton Kitchen with Joey, Afiqah and Syuhh Modern day inetrpretation of the Beatles The girls i made friends with! from the left, Pei bao, Vani, joey, Afiqah, Wen jia, Afiqah, syuhh, Rekha! The peaks we saw from the aeroplane. Lovely isnt it? The London eye, you could see Heathrow airport fromt he top, and it take one hour to go a revolution. How Romantic! that's suppose to our impersonation of Sherlock Holmes! HAHA Waiting For the bus in the freezong cold, btw, the place we were sitting on were wet, we were jsut too lazy to care! and too cold! LONDON YHA. one of our worst hostels... 12 ppl per room and we were stacked that way! A river in London, dont think its The Thames, but it could be! Shakespeare's Globe Theatre Spore should have red telephone booths, easily spotted, and very chic!
I think this was at stratford?
The Rotal Albert Hall, famously known! In London on Albert street. He was very popular King. The guard that never moved, except to march a little. but we were taking forever to take pics! HAHA. He jsut stood there. RAIN OR SHINE!
The famous 9 and 3/4! The platform in the movie Harry Potter!!! YES. I was happy to be here! The streets of Oxford are bustling with Life! Oxford would be my favourite city! That is the natural hot spring water in the Roman Bath behind us. Having latte at Costa Coffee~
Saturday, February 24, 2007
not very good

ok. the atmosphere at home is not good at all tonight. my parents are not in good terms i think. i hate that. ok. im gonna leave it at that. pray for me, will you?

anyway, i didnt keep to my promise of not eating junk food this weekend. my mum bought this delicious pandan cake, its not the chiffon kind, the nicer kind. wow. i had a slice for breakfast then one more like 12 nn. hahah. then, i ate the chocx in my bag. ALL OF THEM, atikah... heheheheh~ okok. im lying. i ate 2. one to fulfil my craving, and 1 more because it was melting and it broke and the peppermint seeped and i have it at the corners if all my worksheets that i did not file! great. oh, and all at the left corner of my Adidas bag. the first time i got it dirty because of a sweet. ok. im not complaining.... lol. bu think theres like4 more. so you and yi ying can have 2 each. =) good?

i watched OTH today. im starting to wonder. these ppl are what? 17.. maybe 18? and a pair of them are married and pregnant, awiating for a lil son. is that ossible in real life? i mean, even if you REALLY love that somebody. REALLY. not those kind of monket looove. real love. could it reali work? it worked for nathan and haley. of cos it helps that Dan is rich, i guess. hahh. okok. the eppy ended in a total shocker. TOTAL. that psychopath is back. and he knocked out Peyton on Prom night! wthhhhh. thats why i loove oth, they get you gripped to your seats! seriously. always a vliffhanger. and when this happened, i actually gasped loudly. in shock the kind James Goh always gives in class. hahahaha. hes sooo funny. Atikah jsut said that he is cute in her blog. omgggg. lol. dont go all egoistic dude. gurls loove rooted guys. keep that sense of humour tho'... =) loove you dude. and you know what i mean. you better. oh, thanks for tagging too! weeeeee~ i dont think you read my entries tho right? hahah.

okies. music time. alright. some surprises this time.

i know i have ever said that i don like Jesse McCartney. but guess what, i saw his vid twice today, and i heard his song once on the radio and that is enough to have me humming along! ah! contagious i tell you. yepp, the song is : just so you know. speaks about wanting to tell this girl how he feels but he cant cos she belongs to another. urghhh. dont you just hate those songs? hahh. okok. but it is contagious. lol.

another song, very weird this one. its the feeling with i love when you call. omgg. hahah. i love singging along to that one! it goes like this: i love when you call, i love it when you call, i love it when you call but you never call at all~ yepp. the feeling makes weird songs but they are very cutee. this song also reminds me of him. somehow. in a weird way. cos i remember us having alot of commucation rpoblem and let me tell you, it was hell. but it was always nicee when he called. well, before crapp happened that is. i still have not talked to him. i just dont see the point. but anyway. that was then. anyway, i wanted this song on my blog but i cudnt find it at iwebtunes. sobsob.

another song? sweet escape by Gwen Stefani and Akon. oooooooooo~ i dont like this kind of songs too much just because, it sounds silly. its about this gurl who breaks a guys hart and now shes asking him to come back to her. reminds me of The Bold And the Beautiful soap drama. yeahhh, i watched that today. ahhaha. there was nothing on between 11-12! i swear! ahahah. okies. but she looked great it the vid and you jsut cant help but go all.. wooohooo! yeahhh hooo! as the song starts. hahah.

okok. i think thats about it. im gettig tired. but im proud to say ive started on my homework. i didnt realise we actually have a lot to do for this weekend. if chem tutorial turns out hard on mon, im going to freak. i want to drop chem....

heard there gonna be test next week. okok. im not sure okayy.. but that what i heard from my friend of another class. im gonna do alittle revision larhhh, just in case. i mean, at least, then, i'll fail but borderline. small steps first, syuhh. all you guys better start on your work! and revision too. remember term's gonna start soon.

okok. i shall get going. loove you guys.

i hope things work out fine tonight.

Friday, February 23, 2007
guilty conscious

i feel sooooo badd for writing my prev post. arghh~ i hate being evil... but i just couldnt help it this time. i was reali upset/hurt/ angry. i dont even know which one was more than the other. argh.

i shall look through my hp picture folder and find some cheerful enough for me and you... sighh~

hahahah. this is Nadiah (background) and Dhamirah (foreground). anyway, if you guys cant see what Dhar is doing. she's actually doing the LP sign. LOL. if you know me and my class well enough, you'd know what that meant. =) and it has nothing to do with Liverpool. gonna miss the two of you soooooo much.

i wanted to show you this pic cos i just wanted to tell you that Dhar is a very strong gurl. and i have so much respect for her for being craziee, yet very much sane. for being so hard on the outside but as soft as lovely marshmallows in the inside. i hope God continues giving you the strength you need, as from what i can see, it has not gone to waste. i hope you stay strong in your heart forevermore~
i put this pic bcos, Dhea, well, shes the cute one. the cute and sweet one. and well, you can see that from the way she poses righttttt? hahahah. well, fyi, i took this pic from like 2 or 3 storeys while they were on the 1st floor. we were actually on the way to malay class- yes, i still take malay. urghhhh. anyway, these are just the funny pics from them. hoho. hell, im gonna miss these two so much. i hope somehow, we will meet again.. and crapp and laugh again. wow. i think im going to cry. sobsob.

anyway, did i say? im an OGL. yeah.. *sarcastic wooooo* hahh. anyway, the other day or ermm.. weds if im not mistaken, we had a games orientation trial thing. im in primo and i think that primo is pretty cool. oh, but theres gonna be another reshuffling. anyway, this are some pics i took.

Primo!!! Boo. ookok. this is the part Boris and Atikah says "SO LAME!" hahah. anyway, yeah, Nas (the one in redd) was checking out my phone and she attempted to take a pic herself so i tot i should help and then, the group atrted piling up so, yeah. i think only Charlie is missing. I THINK. lol. not too sure. this was the Marshmallows section. i SO saw you drool. hahah.

so yest was Nadiah's and Dhar's last day. *sob*

but nvm... cos Dhea got us Chox! Cadbury limited edition Chox that is. wooooo~ okay. you have no idea how long i actually took to GAWK at the variety of choc in that small box! hahah. sooo embarassing. i will get some of my pics from Dhea when she comes online. i hope soon.anyway, this are some of the picx. hahah. damn cutee arh.

What can i say? Great things come in small packages. awesome isnt it? looks sooooo good. i still have some in my bag actually. hahah. i have no idea what we are waiting for. lol. atikah... i makan sikit aje ye... sikit aje... hehehehhh. kalau habes. sorry sikit ponn. =)

Yupp. atikah spoilt for choice too. ahhaha.

okok. so today, i said i went to pizza hut with the class right. i ddint get a lot of pics tho'. sorry if all of us look erm.. awful. we were all digging into out food. lol. heyy, we had pe ehhh...

the one in blue is Boris. next to him, james goh. yupp.

and this is christopher in white and Sheryl. yeahhh, they are all busy eating. all too shy to look in the cam. hahah.

okok. i shall change my profile soon. theres just such a lack of life there! urghh! even im disgusted. lol. im gonna change the pic... altho i do looove the flower pic. i have found something nicer. heheh. and more delicious. lol

i think thats about all. sighh. okok. im feeling better after taking my of it. =) pictures does work! try that for therapy. not expensive.. and extremely memorable.

but i just have to say this.

i had highh expections for you. i shudnt have. i only ended up disappointing myself.

not feeling too good~

im not feeling too good. maybe its just my mood swings... maybe its something someone said. ahhhhh~ i wanted to have a good time. and i did. just not that some things.. well, it was better if it was just left out. im trying my best to be very vague herre cos the last thing i want is to hurt feelings. god.. you have no idea how much i want to spit this out. how much dislike i have for you now. its no longer funny. its no longer a joke. cos what you said.. hell, it hurt me badd but i didnt show it. cos im sooo used to taking crapp from you. theres a line and you just went over it. well, the next time i show you attitude, dont you dare say you didnt do anything wrong cos i'll honestly ask you to shut up. and you better. it was a badd idea trying to get closer to you. and now, i know. so i shant anymore. youre great and all... thats so undeniable.. but when your crapp stepps in, god, i just wished you'd disappear. guess this makes me evil. whatever.

maybe im over sensitive. i should reali stop that. oh, you know what, i refuse to talk about this. this are the things for my diary. so SCRATCH THAT.

so, there was PE today. that was funn. my team consisted of mr eric wong (hehheh), kannan (yey!), darshan (errrr....) and james (LOL). kannan was great. hahah. problie one of the best players in the class tho he had many fouls. hahh. darshan got an errrr because he didnt pay attention. hahh. okok. this was his 1st time playing so its okkayy~ lol. he was pretty good with batting too. then, james.... hahahahahah~ well, you know james goh. hahh. and me?! lol. they said i was MUP. what does that stand for. most useless player. hey. i didnt play that badd. they just loove bullying me. today, i got to pitch... i got to bat! the first time was good i got to run, but the second time... i got struck out i think. hahah. yepp. still have to improve my game. next tuesday is conditioning. ah! got to get ready for that. no junk food during the weekend. promise. if i can help it. =)

next, was hist. i sat between boris and phillip. erughhh... horrid tho it got better towards the end cos the 2 started dozing off. heheh. b4 that they were sharing with me their general knowledge about Rasputin and etcetc. omgg.. it was part funny and part irritating cos i like to have tots to myself. hahh. but they were nice company for a very borrring lecture. so thanks guys!! hoho.

next was chem. sat with james goh. it was an okay lecture. talking about Redox. then, got sms from atikah sayg thay got caught by a teacher for skipping H1. hoho. but they were very nicee about it and sms-ed mr mahmood about it. we shall see the end of it come monday.

then, went out to eat with the class which consisted of boris, phillip, sheryl, chris, james, atikah and I. it was okayy. they showed me card games towards the end.. which made me feel so dumb ahh.. but well, they always do that. i dunno, i was just never that interested in all those card stuff. so, i jsut went along getting awestruck my their work of genius.. hurh.

anyway, thats about it. my brother jst cursed me cos he wants to use the com and i said no. hurhhhhh~ whatever.

anyway, jst wanted to reply to taggs.

Dhea: yey! you visited my blog! hahaha. did you see a paragarph for you? lol. must see okayy.. scroll, scroll down cos it seems quiite long ago. heheh. oh, and you're lovedddd too! and still am! hahah =) take care babe. and all the best!!! will miss you in ijc!

Syaza: heheheheh. hello! you're sooo sweet to read my blog tho i think its a lil too narrative eyy? hoho. cant wait for next eppy. i hope its an old tape. please me. ahah. if not...... i will boycott one tree hill.. heheheh. no larhhhh~ anyway, hope youre doung well. and looooove you too! =) take care!

Monday, February 19, 2007
Goggled Syuhrah~

lol. im just borred. so guess what i did? im sure many of you have done before!

i googled my name. Syuhrah. and i came up with a lot of finds.. and i laughed a lot. hey, you'd be surprise. my name isnt that uncommon. which is sadd cos i loove my name and i still choose to think it UniQue. lol. self-gloating hurh? =)

anyway, of course, the first find was a friendster chick. yepp. ook. but guess what?? hahahahh~ there's this band called Rhetorical Theory and... their lead singer is Syuhrah! yepp. maybe i do have talents that i have not ventured into. lol. no way. singing? as if. www.myspace.com/rhetoricaltheory. thats their website. ive not heard their song even though they have samples on their webpage but they sound very metal.. so i dont dig the metal scene. they are a local band tho... so maybe you guys should check em out. oh, she calls herself syuh. well, my friends call me syuhh~. heheh. their influences include trivium and avenged sevenfold. i dont like trivium... bleahhhhh~

so.. anyway, last night i went to bed with a burning feeling in the pits of my tummy. owwww~ seriously. and i didnt feel like crapping. so i guess, i must have eaten too much chincalok. thats why today for lunch, i tried to control my consumption of chincalok.. oooo`. but its so nicee. lol. so damn spicy ah. slept past midnight. what did i do? watch football.

hahahahahhahahaha~ extreme evil laughter to all man u fans. you guys lost to Lille. you guys look so damn lost yesterday on the pitch at paris! ok. im evil. but, you already know that. okayy.. so its onnly the 1st leg, and Lille has yet to come to Old Trafford but i shall enjoy this sweet defeat while i can. cos i know you guys will thrash them in Old Trafford. but maybe, you wont. then, maybe, liverpool will beat Barcelona and We will go to the next round... while you have to be contented with making it this far! bleahhh~ ok. Liverpool beter draw/win tonight. hahah. 10.30 pm on ESPN. i think.

after getting reali bored of seeing the Lille VS Man U match, i decided to watch Sevilla VS Athletico Madrid. oooooooooo~ we all who A. Madrid's captain is rightttt? The hott, cute, stunning, talent, el Nino, Fernando Torres. omg. i swear i was squeling with joy come 12 mn! hahaha. he is very tall indeed. and he has such a nice hair cut. awwwwwwww~just loove him. ML and I made him our official eye-candy during World Cup. ML was a massive Spain supporter thanks to him. and i remember just how sadd we were when Spain was OUT thanks to France. UGHHHH~ i cried that morning cos i saw a scene in which Torres help his hands up as if he was helpless. that image is still in my memory okayyy. damn sadd larh. if you dont know who he is... you ought to be ashamed of yorself. how could you possibly miss El nino the freckled, tall, hott guy from spain??!

yupp. i pain-stakingly got his pic just to show how cutee he is... heheh. that was not last night pic... he looked better last night =p now you know why theres a 9 in my email add eh? and the 4? its Gerrerd's number. =D another reason to watch soccer. btw, these two guys are just so nicee you know. they are family men. Gerrard already has 2 baby gurls.. and F torres is engaged. okok. that last bit was sadd but, i eman, duhhh, look at him. Why the heckk would he be single? lol.

okies. see you. wanna finish up my homewk b4 the match of the.... year? hahah. y'all better be supporting Liverpool, i tell you!


look! i jst checked my blog... and the tagboard is missing! so, ive not lost my marbles! lol.

saw part of the FA cup match today. man united vs reading. hurhh. it was 1-1 on the 70th minute. man u is horrrid! everyone knows that~ *shrugs innocently*

anyway, its been a looong break so whenever i feel that i miss my class i just look at the vids i take! lol. okok. maybe im lame. so i giggle too easily but to me, its just damn funny! hahah. there's one where atikah was throwing the Cadbury chocx to Boris so he can catch it in his mouth. omg. that was funny cos there was one scene where he missed it. and it hit his forehead instead! lol. then, another, was darshan waving at me and i went all " Ooooo~ i have the national runner on my phone! and atikah clapped enthusiastically! ahhhh. i miss 0732A already. lol.

think the 1st period of Weds is Econs lecture? or is it Malay? i did 3 paragraphs of my History essay already. yey! okok. more to go actually... but i'll get it done. promise. heheh.

i also intended to do this speech for the "inetrview" for this prestigious NTU thingy. Should i go for it? sighh~ i have no idea why im all participative.lol if there ever was such a word. like, i jsut want to do everything! i even intend to try NYAA after JAE! wthh. i know. like now, im thinking, would that be too much to handle? ahh... i dont want to end up repeating a year all cos i cant cope btween co-corricular and the more imp thgs like my subs.

i want to drop chem and take lit instead... but im not sure if my Dad will be ok with it and im so afraid of talking about it to him. today we were talking about my ambition again. Goodness~ I have come up with the list and this is according to priority. the First one being the most imp or the one i want most. please dont laugh. oh wthh. go ahead. lol.

1) Journalist
absolutely most imp. i loooove to write. so this is imp for me! okok. if journalist is a little far-fetched then an author. and im not talking about Meg Cabot kind of book more like One Tree hill kind of book. Or those self help books. hahah. wow. brainstorming are you, syuhh?

2) Lawyer
anykind would be fine. but a lawyer. okay. maybe i should do those kind of erm marriage lawyer. i mean, those couples can definately give an insight to married life and hintsof a relationship turning to a horror tale right? hahah. or maybe, those crime lawyer.. oooo~ okok. keeping my options open. besides, i love debating, in english that is. hoho. though i do get stage fright but anyhoo, im determined to get over that!

3) Stock broker!
yes. i only got interested in this because im taking economics now. i remember Dominic Goh telling me his parents wanted him to be a stock broker and i went all "wthh. thats the silliest job EVER!" haha. well, economics has opened up options, altho i have yet to pass a major exam in economics. but, i saw an eppy of Oprah, where she was talking to this person who is experienced in this whole stock thgy... and it sounds inetersting. heyy, those ppl on the floor shouting numbers... they have an imp job! did you know? hahah. they are suppose to buy stocks at the cheapest price. cool eh? i know.

4) Teacher.
okok. this is worse come to worst scenario. not that being a teacher sucks, it just that the job is just demanding. and if i get tough kidss to handle... im not the most patient person you know. hah~ but, i think it would be a very rewarding job. i mean, you are imparting knowledge and values. you have the power to help and mould thi kid's life. you could be the one to change their life. just like how mr yapp made me realise that physics sucks big time... and i shudnt consider it
at all. lol. he really made me hate physics. and the olevel paper didnt change my mind either. it was ultimately god's blessings that i got a distinction. so,thank you god. only You can create miracles like that. =)

so those are my options. i refuse to think of anything else. i must achieve one of these.

what are your ambitions? maybe its time you thought about it. hey, itwill take some talking to... maybe to someone experienced and then, the rest is in your hands.

remember, its the choices YOU make that define you... not where you come from.
it doesnt matter if you were poor, if you want to work hard and you do, then thats the choice YOU made that determines who YOU become.

wheres my tagboard?!


okok. im laughing myself silly cos i just realised i have a tagboard! lol. okok. before you say ive just lost my marbles, i swear i didnt know. cos whenever i checked it, it would always be a blank. i guess it loads up very slowly. omgomg. hahah. i can be sooooo silly! well, now the prob is i cant see where the erm... you know, the place you write your msg in. ahh! im clueless. i guess i just have to reply to my tags herre! weeee~ so excited. lol

Atikah: This is MY tagboard!! why are you talking to ML through MY tagboard??! lol. okok. i'll let you off this time hah~

Nures: helloooooo babe!! send me a longer msg next time!! lol. but hey, we see each other often enough larhh right? hahah. slalu terserempak. =)

Syaza: hello! Thank you. see, i get all this inspiration to write alot from you! i always tot you wrote well. hoho. JC is very fun. my class makes it fun-ner. haha. you get what i mean. yepp. its yellowcard- rough landing holly. always loved this song. YC songs never get old.. you can play them overoverover and over again. heh. to me, at least. yup. eppy 14 is a shocker! i wonder if its an old vid or was it recent! i hope he didnt cheat on haley! ahhhh! that would suck. i would hate him soo much. lol. syaza! you have the longest reply! heheh. hope to hear fr you soon! love you!

Sunday, February 18, 2007
Nothiing to do


got back from my kenduri like at 5+. okok. it wasnt reali a kenduri, it was my cousin's engagement. she's not well to do, so she just had a small gathering. but it was nicee still. both parties came and she looked lovely. she was dressed in whiteee. very nicee. so i was in the romm with her. im not very close to her, we rarely talk and all but we talked today. a short convo. she saw my phone ad took a look at it. of cos, well, everyone likes my phone, what with the nice clam shell and the mirror cover... yepp. then, she asked me what secondary was i in. i told her im in college. and we started talking about college and my friends. shes reali nicee. i wanted a pic with her but the guy's family came into the room and i dont do well in crowds so i got out of there a.s.a.p. then, there was eating. i talked to my other cousin too. She's in Cedar and one year younger than me. and obviously smarter. talked about o levels. she wants to go to victoria. wow. yeahh, but, shes capable of it. shes a smart babe. then, my fam went back cos my dad is working the night shift tonight so he needed to rest before work.

so the ride home was nice. i sat in front. the air con was in my face and the view of the road on the expressway was great. the trees on both sides of the road was growing nicely and it was extremely calm on the way home. i didnt talk much just surveyed the surroundings and was stuck mostly in my head. upon reaching woodlands, my dad turned up the volume of the radio and well, my senses came back. he started going " whats this song? bon jovi ah?" then, my bro started coming up with goth band names like iron maiden and slayer. pleaseeeee~ lol. i dont know the band too but the song was: Sweet Child of Mine. anyone knows the band. totally rock and roll. hahh. the way my dad likes it. i watched Bon Jovi's performance during the world music awards(TWMA) too. they played their song: Have a Nice Day. i dont like the song alot but i thought that they did a great job playing that song live. well, duhh. they are afterall legends and have sold over 100 million album worldwide (im not making this up. this was part of TWMA). they ended their performance by playing "It's My Life"... oooooo~ loove that song. gets me all, ermm... like in control of life. hahah. okok.

so yest, managed to do economics tutorial! yey! i know...ive yet to compete Q4 but thats like most is done. also, i have history and malay essay to do. for history, im supose to write a letter to the congress regarding Truman's Doctrine. heheh. In Truman's poin of view btw. so that would be interesting. gonna do my best and get a good grade! then for malay, im suppose to do and essay about this argumentative title. i hate that. eurghhh. gonna do that soon just to get it over with. sighhh~ all my chinese friends are like having a good time and im stuck with homewk for the hols. grrrreat. well, wont hurt to wait for a couple more hours before i get started onnit. heheh. im not such a hardworker afterall eh? lol.

i just watched OTH. ahhhh.. eppy14. omgg. shocker i tell you. all OTH fans, watch it now! hinthint. Nathan.. and.... yepp! not Haley! Ahh... lol. Wont spoil for y'all.

ok. better get going. shall see you around.

Happy Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai! heheh. hopefully i got that right. Enjoy your hols guys.. cos Weds.. its back to school!! sobbsobb.

Saturday, February 17, 2007
Saturday- the start of a hopefully good break

hello.yes. its a saturday! okay. there's no football today because the 5th round of FA cup is showing instead. and i will NOT be watching any of those matches because my team is not even one of them. hurhh. but, looking forward to Champions League!! yeas, the game that has got everyone on the edge of their seats is around the corner and i for one cannot wait. well, so are the guys in my class ie: Philip and Boris. they'll be watching it together while i'll be watching it with my Dad. =) yeahh. sucha daddys gurll.. hahh. i just hope we draw. hey, its not an easy to come to nou camp and win okayy.. but benitez has done that with Valencia... so im sure he wont fail his new band of fans. so if you are still clueless about what im talking about.... duhhhhh~ im talking about Barcelona Vs Liverpool. yeahh.. that one. geez. talk about slow. hahah. kidding. so y'all better watch it because its gonna be a huge match. i cant express in words how huge this match is. may the best team win... well, we all know who that team is. *big smile* Damn right Liverpool's gonna win!! hahha.

okayy. lets get down to music. im listenign to jojo right now. okay. i didnt like the song that much in the beginning because well, it just didnt sound right.lol. okayy. maybe its just me since im such a sucker well it comes to L-O-V-E. but when, the song hits the chorus.. the last line... wow. i was like "sooo true." hahah. so guys who need a help or two. turn to this song for guidance. also, actually, im listening to this at this very moment its on my friends blog - syaza: rain-onme.blogspot.com. yepp. very erm.. cool and kinda happiee. the kind you listen in the car and sing along with. hahah. its very cutee. oh, yeah, its a love song too. hahh. its called i actually forgot. because it has a long title. i think its i must have done something good. but i know the band... its Relient K. yepp. yound band. very talented. and came up with other sings like be my escape and the person i am hates who ive been. yeahh.. they make a lot of those teenage loove songs. bit they make em cool and head bobbing and very sing-a-long-ishh. lol. any other songs? dont think so. cos ive not been watching mtv so im kinda outdated. hehh. sorry people. will be more tuned in next time around.

mun ling has left for her trip. received her sms when i woke up at 8. she sms-ed me at 5++. awwwwwwww. i miss her already. i cant wait till she returns. wished i'd hugged her before we parted at the bus station. but nvm. i'll pray taht she gets back safely. miss you babe.

it CNY tmr. all my Chinese friends are looking forward to it. well most of them i think. i mean there are going to be loaded afters. hoho.

i wanna watch movies!! eurghh. babel and ghost rider are waiting impatiently and i hear them calling my name! hah. okies. well, when am i going?? babel has this cute spanish actor innit i think. ooooooo~ super cute i twell you. i saw his interview in the jan issue of a mag my mum got me. wow. oh, but hes short i think. 165cm. haha. but, hell, mr curise is doing just fine being a short actor. lol. okok. i'll stop there. gotta find a time to go.

i feel guilty for not studying. but im sooooo lazy! just yest, it was the first time i actually for got to do my economics tutorial. okok. i'll do it tonight. i'll start at 6pm. get it done. then, at 8....go online! hoho. yeah. so much for studying. rad a couple of my friends blogs. james', christopher's and nadiah's. james blog was funny. chris' was mellow. there was poems and all. i was pleasantly surprised. then, nadiah's had a mention of me. lol. duuhhh~ im their chong. gotta have a mention. lol. okayy super lame. well, her entry was sadd.. ah. she's leaving. saddsadd.

*forcing a smile*
okok. stay positive. *humming : if anyone could make me a better person, you could.*

my left arms hurt. i dont know why. like the muscles have stiffened or something. damn.

i have to go for this kenduri tmr. ahhh.. i dont like kenduri's. cos i dont know anyone and its been looonng sonce i went to my last kenduri cos MumDad always went without the older 2. so i was surprised when they wanted to bring us along. dangg... i better look for something nicee for tmr. uerghhhhh~

well, i better get going. or btw, if you haveHBO. watch this movie called : Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. im sure you've heard about it. that movie made me cry and its not the first time ive seen ok. its so nice. bittersweet for us gurls i guess. and im sooo sure you can relate to at least one for them (there are 4 gurls). for me, i think im a cross of Tibby and Lena. yeahh.. emo and afraid of letting people in. so, there are some reali good advices in there of just going for it and you're so much stronger than you think. so, watch it. a must-see. =)

till next time. see you. take care. oh, and...

Have a Happy Chinese New Year. I hope you have a properous year ahead. All the best for the future! <33

Friday, February 16, 2007
Short Day


it was a short day in school today. had like lessons till 10.10am only. which was good then, a looooong break. weeee~ gonna study, watch teevee, look for more music to d/l and maybe, if mun ling comes back early from her trip.. go out and spend my $$!!! hoho. yeah, i still have not spent a single cent.. hoho, please exclude the money i used to eat lunch outside of school. =p banquet has been my little erm... place to indulge. lol.

anyway, pe was awesome. tiring, a lil rough, frustrating and absolutely unfair. lol. fortunately, i had mt eric wong on the team so.. hoho. he is afterall the person in charge. ahahh. So it was, philip, victoria, sheryl, mr eric wong and I vs boris, atikah, yi ying, kannan and james goh. think my team was the underdog.. but we somehow "won" hahah. cos the last goal was 5 point and winner takes all. i was the defender and i swear, boris was sooo damn tempted to throw the ball in my face hahah. think i was a pretty good defender larh.. seeing that i just let in 3, right? if i got that right. i got a lil competitive i think. hahh. i hate that side of me. it just makes me unlikeable. hahh. think i elbowed boris a couple of times cos he was all over the place!! and it was frustrating me sooooo badd. sorry boris. but if you didnt notice... nvm then all the better. =) oh, did i say i got picked last. ahh. yeah. the class hates me that that much. lol. noooo. im just the most unfit in class and all the heavy lunch ive been having so aint helping. we payed captains ball. wished i'd gotten picx. lol. i was sweating a lot by the end of it. nex week, we are playing softball agian! yey! heyy, i never get excited for softball okayy but my class just makes it easy to kind make a fool out of yourself, then, dust yourself, and try again. that doesnt mean they dont laugh at you and worst still, if you hear a gay laughter. you gotta know where it comes from! hahh. btw, i wasnt angry at the end of the game horrr... why does boris always assume that of me? im not always angry yeah.. please stop asking me to not be angry. hahh.

then, it was break and hamper making. okay. my class is what you call the last minute class. so we had all the time in world to prepare but we only worked on the hamper like in last 20 minutes. before that we or well, they were busy playing card games. damn funny. they love to make vic lose ahh.. so badd. then, they played this game that tested your honesty. wow. damn ineteresting ahh. boris was very noisy again. like noone else was paranoid about their cards but him. he was like " dont look at my cards lehh.. i dont trust you." and you know us leos. we hate not being trusted. so... i just said " please larh. fiine ah. whatever. im not doing anything whatttt." that still didnt stop him from rabbling onnnnn.. damn gay that guy. lol. then, came more stuff to pile into the hamper and we got it done, i was like putting double sided tape everywhere. hahah. cos the red erm... i forgot what they are called. streamers? were falling all over the place. =) but i tot it was ok. job pretty well done.

then, came the mini celebrations in the air-conditioned multi purpose hall!!! yey! i sat inbetween victoria and boris. these two are very cool ah.. we were interacting all the way through the CNY celebrations. it was pretty cool. boris was tryin to translate to me the chinese vid but he didnt do a good job. hehh. thank godd for victoria. we got B3 for mother tongue... unlike that someone who got B4!! hahahahha. but the two were really sweet larh.. we also talked about subject combie. ahhhh.. headache. thik me and kannan are going to be the only one on 0732a ehh.. cos vic seems pretty keen on changing combi andboris is damn fickle ah. so we made a promise that we wont disintegrate our friendship once new ppl comes into picture.. then i said "no way ah. boris will sure break this promise when a cutee girl comes into the class" then vic laughed. she said " yeahh, but i think there should be more cute guys in IJ." i laughed and said i agreed while eyeing boris daring him to answer back. he smiled and said " yeahh, i think there should be more pretty girls in the school" damn. hahah. while eyeing us! hah. me and vic laughed and all i can say to boris now is WHATEVER. hahah.

after that, they invited me to go play pool but i wanted to spend time with mydearest cos its been forever since we last spent quality time. and i miss soooo badd. i mean, its not fair if i spent all my time with my classmates cos mydearest might be leaving IJ too. and i really just want her to go knowing that i was her bestie till the end instead of saying "we were besties" you know what i mean? huge difference.

so i ciowzed. to cwp with mydearest. met rebecca!!! weeeeeee~ wow. this girl misses the class like we miss her man. hoho. super great. i talked to her the showed her vids of the class for today and last time. she seemed reali gleeful. good for her.

i ended my weekday on a good note. i hope you did too. till next time.

ps: to nadiah, ahhhhh. babe. gonna miss you soooo much. omgg. it will be absolutely upsetting to sit in the canteen and eating without you. wishing you were herre always. and all the beest for your future endeavours. but, hey, keep smiling. no more crying kayyz... we respect your decision... and you know that. god bless. hope to see you agian. doesnt matter if god makes it years to get us together, cos at least, we are together again. great knowing you and will forever cherish the moments we shared. <33>

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Where is The Loove??

hello. yup. using pinkk today.. hahah. in the mood of looove larh... not. urghh.. seriously. v day in innova is no bigg deal. i expected more and am absolutely disppointed. where was the dedication booth? where were the romantic lovey dovey love notes? where are the balloons? Where? geez. seriously.

anyway, i came to school today all happiee. i mean, it is v day. lol but guess what? the 1st i found out was yi ying was not coming to school today! Sighh. then, asnira is having her last day in school!! wthh. damn sadd ah..

later, went to meet mun ling.my god. i greeted her and dionis "Happy V. Day!!" they were like "URGHH..." and i was like "Oh, get over it!" hahh.

Next, went to the parade square. Finally, i thought, can see atikah's smileyy face. but... guess what? the last thing atikah did this morning was SMILE. crapp! my eyes started watering. on the verge of cryiing but i just told myself. dont because, it will just create a cycle. so i just told atikah to STOP. it took her a while.
Next, malay. it was alright. Mr zul talked to us about colleges again. sighh. its never gonna end, i tell you.

then, math. i hate math. and i still have not changed my mind! erghh. so gladd when math was over and Break time. lol. some of them had to stay back to complete some math qs that they owed ms ng.

so we ate. erm, the usual gang and Kannan and Christopher. then, it was math lecture. well, at least something funny happened there. Ms ng publicised Boris' name. hahah. let me tell you what happened. and mind you, it happened on the microphone! in the lecture theatre. lol.
"Is Boris Thio here?" * no answer* Atikah and I were turning around trying to look for him.. but no sign. just saw Chris and shreyl. *Atikha and I sniggered* hehehh... we now know who's in deep ****. lol.

"Ahhh... somebody skip lecture ahh?" she continued. yepp. and mun ling turned.

"Hes from your class right?" i nodded.

oh, then came a sad incident. sighh. on the way back to class, nadiah said that today is her last day here!! Ahhhh... What is happening? and i started questioning her and that made her cry. she said " you all are making me feel guilty for my decision! " sorry nadiah. we are reali just upset. athen, atikah started crying again! omgg. its sooo bad. i feel like this whole sad feeling is blanketing everyone. she went into her class crying. and we went to economics.

sighh.. at the end of the day, thanks to the ver proper time of the cancellation of the history lecture *loud weeeeeeeeeeee~* i ran off with atikah to meet the rest to go to a more fun place Seoul Garden.

walking to cwp was quite sad. lol. nadiah had this whole negative energy around her. she seemed to cheer up only for 10 secs aftr i tell her to so, aftr that her head would be hanging. finally reached Seoul Garden. omgg.. damn embarassing ah. we are like in college but we acted like retards in front of the the check-in desk! ah! i got called RETARDED. How embarassing right? i know. this are the pics. its quite dark actually. so, sorry. but, well, we had a good time. hoho. until the last few minutes of course. as always.
okayy. so this was when we forst got the table. in deep discussion for i dunno what. hahah. when all we had to do is get food. did i mention i was very hungry? lol.
this was our first serving? lol. think my tabke was the top pic. yumyum right? i know. im drooling at the sight! hahah.Dhamirah handling the food with care. lol. think she's the one who knew most about cooking the food. hahah. oh, did i say she was singging while eating! ah. hate that. ohh, but i sang one line of the FOB song with her. the one that goes "This aint a scene... this is a damn arms race." haha. thats as the only line i knew.

now. for candid picx!!Haziqah and Atikah. i met Ahziqah thru Atikah. ahhhh.. she's very sweet. and atikah... well, you know atikah!
New friends i met too. and they are not even my classmates! met thru atikah.. again?? hahah. this is Nadiah and Dhamirah.

Me and Dhamirah. heheh... those are oranges btw! lol.

This is atikah in shock because aftr eating soooooooo much.. ur dear dear dhamirah went to get like MORE meat!! hahah. like 4 diff kinds in the plate!! we were all like... WTHH? hahah. we ended up eating it anyway, cos there was a sign that said we will be charged for every 100g tthat is not eaten.. and atikah didnt want to have to pay that!

This is nadiah forcing herself to eat last bit of meat.. thanks to dhamirah. hoho. then we had ice cream!
thats me trying to scoop ice cream while lauhing and i had runny nose too! atikah and i cudnt stop laughing cos we were saying "10 years also not enough to scoop the ice-cream!!" hahah.

and finally, we had to ciowz to get atikah's havaiana slippers. which she decided not to buy at last.

oh, did i say b4 leaving Seoul Garden, i went to the toilet. then, when i caem back... Atikah and ?NAdiah was crying!! wth. i know. i had the chock expression and atikah laughed. lol. sighh. The posting of schools would suck A LOT.

but b4 that, i wan to cherish every moment with o732A and Dhamirah and Nadiah... and whoever who wants to cherish with me too larhh.. hoho.

on the final note, happy V day. loove you guys. Have a good night... and a good day tmr.

Sunday, February 11, 2007
monday and... BORED

feeling a little better today. hoho. just wasted the whole day. watched Grammys today. it wasnt soooo exciting. not many rock acts and you know how much i love rock acts. there was just Red Hot Chilli Peppers. and i was so sick of waiting for their performance- if they even performed- i didnt watch the last hour of the Grammys. of which during that time, i bathed. hahah. i took a late bath. mt littlest brother also slept by me while i watched teevee. this is a pic of the little cuteey.

yupp. he's biting on his pillow a habit he grew into thanks to his brother. hes so cute. as i said "he's the cutest thing in my life". hahah.

anyway, been thinking about my options. ahhhh... damn tough larhh. i feel so dissatisfied with the thought that i would be putting innova as my first choice. feel extremely sadd that i cant get into my dream college. disappointed even. but, anyhow, dad will be coming back in the vening then, we can talk about it. i'll rpobably register during school tmr. cos i dont have ink in prnter right now.

erm... i watched the fray - how to save a life. that video never fails to make me sad and thankful. sadd cos just the thought of losing my friend of a family member, unimaginable. its what i hope i never have to feel. and i mean, losing through suicide. losing because god wants him/her back is okayy. just not through suicide. i mean, the heap of pain on the shoulders of people you leave behind, are you willing for them to suffer because YOU left. its just painful. but thankful because i have this great circle of people i can talk to. i mean, technology has helped us all find a way to communicate. you feel sadd and depressed, call through your phone. sms. now, they 3logy. video cam. i know it sounds rediculous... but this are sources of help. people have taken all this forgranted and forgot the more imp uses of technology. thats just sadd. even my new friends... wow. i can really talk to atikah when im having a fight with ML. or yi ying when i just wants someone to listen. even the guys are thoughtful. playful... but thughtful as well. so i love them. and i have no complaints. well, as of now. heheh.

im having my cravings. i need mcflurry oreo now. really badly. i sms-ed my bro to get it for me but he ran out of money, thanks to his own cravings. think i'll drop by Macs when i voluntarily go to tuition to fetch my brother. hahah. i want mcflurry oreos!! i just finished my cadbury choclairs. yumyum. lol. the caramel innit.. oooo.. i have thiis reali badd sore throat but no one would dare to stop me from eating unhealthy food!! hahh. i know. im craziee. no, im actually just bored. bored out of my mind. should have gone to bugis!! geez. now, its hot and im too lazy. besides, noone wants to come with me. im that unsociable, people. hahah

okies. better get going. oh, i think liverpool lost too. bleahhhhh......

emo anyone?

i am damn emo right now. and it sucks. its like sunday night and there's no school tmr and im emo. damn ah. what the heck is wrong with me. i think im thinking too much about the whole group of ringers that will be invading innova soon. Ahh! i hate that idea. it just sucks. ive told myself i just want to move on after sec school but what about all this past tagging me? okies. ive got to stop this. i have to. i have to let it go. breathe in, breathe out.

the good part? my class 0732A, most of us or well, a few of us, might be staying! =) i think we are all pretty attached to the class, not sure abt the school part. but definately to the class. wow. after spending the week b4 wondering how it feels like to have my classmates leaving, and now, knowing that they might not, it just makes me feel like we did a good job together to kind of create bonds. the hell we went through. "missing" math tutorial, which we didnt miss at all. getting ready for i@fun. all the fun civics lesson. all the jokes about each other. all the squabbling and all the cooperating too. i made fun of mun ling's class for being sooo spirited but in the end, its my class thats soooo spirited. the irony. oh, but the hell i will have to got hrough during pe. shoot. forgot abt that momentarily. hahah. nvm. it will keep me fit. besides, i am starting to like our econs teacher too. he speaks as if hes interrogating but, he makes us think and helps us develop our points. so thats great. wow. this coming week will be interesting. we have to register by weds at 4pm. remember.

one final note, 0732A forever. we rock. we've come this far anyway, who's to stop us? even if you're leaving, you will be remembered.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


its 11.30am. just came back from religious class. woke up at 8.30 today. yeahh. i know. who wakes up early on sunday? lol.

anyway, i forgot to paste pics of how i celebrated after o levels!! hmmm... im so glad i have a supportive family and that they accept me for who i am. so even though im not a single digit student, they were still pleased with my results. i can go to college and im am 2 points away from my ideal college. that bit sucks, but im sure, if i work hard in this 2 years, i shudnt have any problem getting in a NUS like all other nanyang students.

so. anyway, after the results, my family ate a late lunch together. ooooo... we had non-alchoholic champagne. weeeeeee~ sparkling red juice.
yup. then, my mum and dad passed me my official graduation present!!! hahah. im soooo happy. i have loadsa money. heheh. well, enough larh anyway. im going shopping soon. what should i get? ermm 1)a wallet- my pierre cardin wallet has been my faithful friend thriughout secondary school. heheh. its time for something new. but i will keep that wallet simply because that has been the one wallet ive kept with me for the longest time. too precious to let go. as silly as that sounds. 2)a tote bag- something bigger and black. i loove big bags, thats why i love my adidas backpack. you can practically stuff everything in there. but maybe i should get a clutch too. since i have no small bags for when i just want to bring my phone, wallet and mp3. 3)a pair of shoes - think im going to get another flat shoe. i love heels more but going out with friends in heels while shopping is just.. a very painful experience. but i loove the height it gives, knowing that im sooo short. 158! and im no longer growing! hurh. what else whould i get?

i feel guilty for spending my money now. eurghh~ funny right? okayy. maybe i should keep half away for those rainy days. besides, still remind this kid song. it goes something like: when you find a penny. keep it in your pocket. save it for a rainy day... =) hahah. do you know that song? think its a barney song. lol. i use to watch barney cos my little sis, when she was a toddler, my parents bought loads of barney CDs. so i had to watch it too cos she mostly conquered the teevee. so i know all the ant song and the i love you song and all that camp song. anyway, what was i saying? yeah. i know i may seem so materialistic, but, im not sooo materialistic. my parents dot spoil all that much. i get expensive stuff now and then only. so now that i have my own money, i'd love to spend it on me.

oh, then aftr my sis finished her tuition we set off to my aunts and grams place at jelapang. o loove going there. i get to see my beloved grandma and eat reali delicious food. she makes the best sambal prawn. im sooo going to learn how to cook aftr college. i think being able to cook for the oe you love is truly special. so, im willing togi thru hell, if it makes me a better cook. cos im reali bad right now. like my bro can cook better thatn me and i mean the simpest thing like frying eggs. the other time, we made pancakes, i was horrid. i burnt it and my bro askd to take over cos he was hungry and i was super slow. hahah. this are pics at jelapang. =) my little cousins. btw, one of them is actually in P6 but he is realli small. no exaggerations. i askd him to study hard and get himself into bukit panjang govt high. i want to see him there, i told him. i said, i didnt want him to be in any other neighbourhood schools, not that its lousy or anythg because, look at me. lol. but i think its just the studying atmosphere. you are pushed more positively if you go to a good school, you dont slackk as easily. well, thats just my opinion.

we had cheese crusted peperonni and beef pizza. okayy i forgit the name of the other pizza. think its beef larh.. hoho.
my little cousins. okayy. not so little actually. aznil hafiz (in red) and firdaus. Aznil is the kid i told you that is in p6 but doesnt look like one. yepp. but, he is very talented. he can play tokyo drift's soundtrack. the song with teriyaki boys innit. yepp, and also fort minor's where'd you go. damn talented ah. and smart too, just lazy larhh, typical boy attitude. behind him is his brother firdaus, cute cute guy. like he has brown hair!! and a nice sweet smile. he's the good guy between th 2 of them. like he loves to help not as bisterous and all that.

this are the girls. my sis syuhadah and aznil's sis nazreenah. we call her aireen or nazreen. she has reali nice long soft hair. =) her laughter is super cutee ahh..

the new addition to the family. macho acil. hahah. i know. silly name ah. acil is my uncle's nickname when he was small. hahah. i never knew. apparently, this cat followed my uncle all the way from fajar. and my uncle got so smitten by it because it was so nice. like it loves humans. it doesnt like try to get away when being carried and is toilet trained. so, my aunt and uncle decided to keep him. okayy. but, well, im not a fan of cats. okay. that is an understatement! i am terrified of cats. im not kindding. everytime it comes near, i jsut get all squirming. and my mum wated to throw the cat at me. omgg. i totally freaked. ahhhhh... thats why i dont have pets. i cant care for them, and i just dont like them. tell me to pata panda or an elephant, i'll do that. i looove elephants. my fave animal. how strange. hoho. i also loove the panda and koalas and giraffes. i told you i love big things!

okay. enough. well, i wanna go off and search for episode 13 of OTH. i cant seem to find it from last week, and i need my weekly dosage of OTH. btw, all you OC fans, OTH is sooo much better and you know it. *smirks*


it has been a good day!! to summarise it in 5 words, friends, coupons, spray, laughs and sweat. hoho.

anyway, everybidy came in good spirits.. except maybe atikah, who didnt quite have enough sleep as she was busy sharpening her artistic skills aka drawaing a protrait of mr mahmood for the stall. hahah. thats why i loove atikah soooo much. she reali sets her mind to it, she gives her all. the very secret to success, people. so follow atikah's lead. =) oh, but everyone was late except, me yi ying and dave. as expected. hehe. the attendance today, cudnt get any shorter ahh.. there was me, yi ying, dave, boris, atikah, sheryl, victora, xue ting and james. yeahh, but i guess, being in a small group is okayy too since you kinda know how to give and take and cooperation.

the whole carnival was "officially" started by the release of a bunch of balloons. it was pretty cool but vic said "isnt that bad for the envirinment, like it will destroy the ozone layer? " haha. seriously? lol.then, we had to get back to our stall and prepare. i know for sure that our stall is the plainest stall in the whole track. our decor included our banner our price list and 2 tables that has been covered with nice table cloth. thats all. no streamers.. balloons and other "feel good decor" hahah. but guess what? i think we 0732A did great!! cos customers were coming in throughout the day! yey! okayy, i dont know HOW much me made, but im sure there is bound to be profits =) let me show you some of our customers' designs and just how talented my class is. we did streaks and stencils and i voluntarily got my hand all coloured.

so, can you see just how talented we are. okay okayy. so we had mistakes... like smudging and stuff. hahah. i did for a fellow customer this butterfly then, i realised it smudged and i said " oh shit " not intended at all. then, the customer said " eh, why you say oh shit? make me scared only.. what did you do?" haha. then when i lifted off the stencils, yi ying saw it and she said " oh shit ". damn funny ahh... the customer was like "what oh shit? " hahah. we re-did it of course. i never said I was the expert. oh, but i did pretty well, towards the end when noone else was tending the stall but me and yi ying, i did streaks for this girl and i did a heart for xue ting. weeeeee.. so what else happened? when it was my turn to walk around, no good food could be fund. Sobb sobb. finish already larhh all the cheese hot dogs, and cold drinks. geez. me and yi ying so damn despereate so we ended up just going for the loooooong queue in the ice kachang stall! and we managed to get our own ice kachang. ive never been this patient okayy...

who did i help? atikah, dave, and boris. working with boris damn scary ahh. hahah. cos he's always shaking.. and he is not nervous okay. if you dont know why, go read my prev entries. anyway, yeah, so he was shaking a lot while sopraying ppl's hair. and everytime he sprayed on my hand i gave him the look. the " stop it, my-hand-is-already-so-colourful" look. hahah. but well, he's a nicee guy. i wudnt have boris any other way - i wouldnt have any of my classmates any other way. they rock just the way they are. =) we took a class pic together at the end of the carnival. still have yet to get it from vic. cant wait. im sure i look awful cos i was sweating all day ahh.. the sun was quite merciless, but the rain would have been disastrous. so the former is better, much better.

this is the rest of the carnival in pictures.

this is the evr sooo cutee nadiah. hahah. dont ask me why shes squatting in the field. i just saw her and took a pic. hoho.
this is the crowd for the official opening ceremony for the very first ijc funfair.

that is the gladiator booth. 10 bucks pergame. fr those who dont know, thats mr azahar. hahah. this booth was quite popular larhh.. i mean, who doesnt like to be given an opportunity to fight?
this is the ever famous founder of the very special " Mahmood's hair salon ". okay. thats mr mahmood. damn glamourous in his Gucci sunnies. =) yepp, he's having choco pudding.

thats atikah. smiling. as always.
the crowd form the view "upstairs" hahh. boris said " erm.. looks like 10 000 people larh " and i was like "are you sure? maybe including the innovians ahh " and boris continues " in my dreams " sighh. hahah. but there was a large crowd!!! well, large enough anyway.

me and my good friend atikah... yeah, i told you i was perspiring. sighh. look at my shiny forehead. bleurghh... at least i could still smile. hehh.
me and dhamirah. also a good friend. this gurl is soooo funny, and you know, i looooove funny people.

thats atikah trying to beat james. i forgot the reason. but it was very funny cos james was all "ok. lekz larh atikah" as she took the roll of plastic covers! hahah. never mess with atikah.

okay. i guess thats all. sorry i didnt get any oics of the supernova competition cos i was like at the other side and wasnt too free o come and see. but the music was pretty good. heard chop suey and muse!!! wow. the muse starlight totally blew me away. if local bands can play liek that every single time, i would support that local band! seriously. it was precise. totally impressed. too bad i dont know the band's name, so i cant give credits. sorry.
well, aftr that, me and yi ying walked to cwp. she was still high from her results. haha. i had a nicee convo with yi ying and have grown to looove her more. wow. what will i do if she leaves. sadd. gonna miss you a lot. but, you have this bright future ahead of you. make full use of it. and im talking about the rest of the classmates too.
No matter what you do, be proud of it. Dont regret and giving your all should be everything that you can possibly do. big ups.. and all the best.
btw, i got 16 for my o levels. no big. cos everyone else fr o732A did soooo much better. sheesh. well, aftr bonus, i have 14. still cant get to nanyang. but nvm, innova is good. innova will bring me far. besides, there's mr mahmood, mr james wong, mr james ng, and... mrs koh? haha. okok. im evil. better stop here. such a looooooong entry.
i had fun today. i hope the rest of 0732A had fun too. and i hope you guys continue coming to school next week, and all the other weeks until posting. pretty please....

Friday, February 9, 2007
My Results

hello. third entry for the day. hahah.
anyway, the morning was spent creating out stall. well, at the end of it wasnt all that created larhh.. cos of the lack of materials. yupp, we totally didnt plan. these are more pics. btw, only erm.. me, atikah, yi ying, chris, boris and dave came. hahah. dave was kidding saying something about half life!! lol. that was funny. of course we were all very nervous about the results, well, almost all. (esp me tho i tried not to think about it =p)
this is us first coming to the stall as you can see, we are under the hott sun. yepp, boris was talking a lot about it. then, it was time to hang our banner. the boys did that since they are tall and love risking their lives for us girls climbing on tables and all. hahh. nice isnt it?? i know. Thank you, atikah. loove you.i went back from pasting posters all over the school when the boys decided to make me their little lab rat. omgg. hahah. seriously, i was afraid. plus, boris was handling the can. kidding.... so after much of debating and squabbling, and begging and moving and hesitance, i decided to do it. of course, i was still dead afraid that they'd make me look weird. so two guys' hands we on my head. i dont know who, while someone sprayed.. and while i waited with horror. lol. okay. not so badd larhh... atikah seemed to like it. so she got hers done too.
sorry your face doesnt show babe. didnt get the end product!! ahhh! how can that be. but, let me tell you it was nice too. =) then, nadiah our guest la rat, came along.
yupp. hers is very nice!!! hahah. she was pleased with it. goodie. thus, it is certified, the guys can spray for tmr's i@fun! ooooo.. so you guys need not worry. professionals, they are! oh, dave tried to gte yi ying but she was persistent. she didnt want to. see how they played cat and mouse!
hahah. okayy. gtg. will update more tonight. got to go to grams house.. weeeeeeeeeee. i miss her sooooo much. ok. you guys will just have to wait for my results. hahah. see you.